New member

Hi! I'm Lexie.

MFP has changed my life, sincerely. I lost my thyroid in two separate surgeries in '99 and '01, and my metabolism had been jacked up since. Starting last year, I mean, right at the beginning, my doc noticed I was down 5 lbs. As a big girl, 5lbs in either direction isn't too big a deal, so I didn't care. Then I got down another 5. So I said, ok, I'll pay attention when I get to 20. When I got to 20, I said I'd get emotionally invested at 40. The whole time I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and to have my body go into full blown rebellion like it had so many times before, but it didn't. At 40, I was invested and I set goals. One of which was to be down a full hundred by Dec 31st. I got that on Christmas. My next goal is to be down another hundred by New Year's Eve this year. I'm on track to make that happen.

MFP has made it so simple to keep track and keep going. So grateful for the program and to have other people to talk about this long, difficult journey with.



  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    Wow - great story. Glad to have you here with us!
  • kathyazach
    kathyazach Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome! very inspirational, keep up the good work!
  • Oh wow!!! That is so awesome! You will do it - you sound VERY determined! Very inspirational.
  • Thanks everybody! The best thing I can say is that no matter what your goal is, it's do-able. It's not gonna happen all at once, but if you want it bad enough and are willing to work for it, it will happen. I keep having to remind myself of that because I always want it faster and now. Still, a little bit of progress is still progress and contributes to the whole.
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    That's a great story! I could never lose more than 20lbs without gaining it back and then some. Someone told me about this site and my at first I said if I lost 20lbs I would be happy. I lost 20 and then went for it and set my goal that I wanted to lose 100lbs. I've currently lost 110lbs and have met my weight loss goals. I'm now working on the second part of my transformation and dropping the last bit of body fat. I would have never lost 100lbs without this site!