Daily Calories = WW Daily Points

BLady44 Posts: 50 Member
For those of you counting both does it seem to work out that your points and calorie allotment are about the same? I am just curious, I have set my MFP Tracker to lose 1 1/2 a week so am allotted 1350 calories, and I just joined WW a week ago and get 33 points a day.. I am trying to count both every day but not being that successful doing it..

I would be interested to hear responses to this and what you have found..


  • trickycoolj
    trickycoolj Posts: 37 Member
    At my current weight I get 28 daily points, in a few more lbs I'll be down to 26, the minimum. I know that 26 is NOT enough for me calorie wise. I joined MFP because I have a friend that has been very successful using it for the last year and I was also able to get others that I spend significant time to join as well. We all follow the "in place of a roadmap 2.0" guidance of TDEE-20% (or in my case -16%) and I get about 1550-1600 a day for my sedentary day plus any exercise I do manage to fit in. I've started to choose really nutritionally dense foods to get to the 1600 cals, hummus is one of my favorite examples. Hummus has a huge points plus value but isn't really bad on the calorie side so I know I've been eating more that my points. I haven't tracked points in a few weeks and I'm still losing .5-1.5 a week which is right on target for safe loss rate for WW and MFP. I kind of like not always relying on points plus values anymore because calorie information is readily available, even in my work cafeteria but the numbers needed to calculate points plus in the WW app aren't always available. Anyway, I'm eating more than WW assigned me, I'm still losing and learning better habits nutritionally that WW hasn't really helped with.

    Definitely check out the calculators on the "in place of a roadmap" forum post, lots of great info there!
  • CamyLoo
    CamyLoo Posts: 39 Member
    Trickycoolj, I know what you mean. I just joined WW and I put in all the food I ate today in WW and MFP. I'm allowed 26 points on WW which I used plus 7 points of the extra weekly ones, when I put it into MFP, including the 0 point foods on WW, I came up with under 1200. I know that is not healthy. I should be getting in a little over 1400 calories a day according to my TDEE-20%. I think I'm going to call them and see if I can cancel and get my money back and just use MFP.