Pro Fitness Digital Pedometer with Body Fat Monitor.

Microfiber Posts: 956 Member

Is this any good? I just need something to count my calories when I'm exercising as I rely on the database here and want something near accurate.

Pls let me know as planning to get it today/tomorrow.



  • Richard269
    Hi,think you would be better off getting a heart rate monitor which will show you how hard your working and how many cals you use .Make sure you get one with a strap which you put across your chest.
    I have a polar ft 7.
  • susannahsutton1
    ^^THIS^^ the most accurate way (not promising it is actually accurate, you will find lots of commentary around the forums disputing their accuracy) is using a chest strap heart rate monitor.

    However, it gives you total calories burned and you need to subtract the number of calories you would have burned from sitting on the sofa to know how many extra you burned
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Thanks :smile: