
artsyalice Posts: 40 Member
I'm fairly new to crossfit (just in my 3rd week) and curious to hear how your early results were? I'm aiming to go 3x/week and run as I can on top but it is rough to fit it all in with 2 small kids and a full time job. I'm worried I won't see the gains (or losses) really have with running if I only do crossfit and some weeks it seems crossfit is all I get in!

So, when did you notice results? How quickly did things change for your body?


  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I really am new to CF, on my 3rd month. Seems like month to month you can tell. You don't find time, you make time. I'm a full time(not part time) single dad and in the beginning it was tough. But if you want it bad enough you will find away.
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    YOu'll notice performance differences in a month or so.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    What kind of differences are you talking about?

    Scale... little to none probably unless you've got like 20+ lbs to lose.

    Measurements... quite a bit, less squish.

    Overall performance... ups and downs but mostly ups.

    Strength... gradual increases, not like you would see if you were doing a straight strength program because CF isn't repetitive enough to see major strength progress in short amounts of time. Should see progress on most lifts over 6-12 weeks, which is typical frequency for CF Totals at boxes.

    I kept running when I first started CF, even trained for a half marathon. I actually saw much better training results from having CF as my major cross training than I have ever seen just doing a running intensive training program. You can keep up both for sure, but you may have to cut back on one or the other depending on which you want to see more progress in. This is why I cycle back and forth throughout the year between a strength focus and a cardio/running focus.

    Its also helpful to try to stay patient throughout all of this, slower losses will lead to better retention of lean body mass.
  • artsyalice
    artsyalice Posts: 40 Member
    shutupandlift you hit is dead on - I'm looking for the less squish results. Great answers - thank you!!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Hi, I have been going since July 12 (with a injury break in Nov & Dec). The physical gains will come gradually, but as previous poster said, becuase you don't repeat the same WOD maybe for another few months you won't see the improvement in performance until you do the WOD again. But ... you will find you get faster and stronger as you progress. Your burpees won't seem to daunting, you will be able to kill those push ups and you will pick the heavier ball for the wall balls (aaah they hurt)!
    I have not lost any size as such, but I am firmer and tighter and stronger which is what I wanted.
    I have 4 x kids and work full time so I know it is hard - find time, it won't find you. I do the 5.30am session otherwise I can't there.
    Try incorporating paleo or Primal if you want faster physical results.
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    I've been going two months and do feel changes in my body. One thing that would help would be to have a day where you can go in and find out your max's on various weights such as squats, press and such. I've been searching around a bit as I didn't know those numbers. I think, if you can determine those baselines early on, it will help you be more efficient time-wise with knowing what weights to use during your workouts, and thereby attain faster results.
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    I've been going two months and do feel changes in my body. One thing that would help would be to have a day where you can go in and find out your max's on various weights such as squats, press and such. I've been searching around a bit as I didn't know those numbers. I think, if you can determine those baselines early on, it will help you be more efficient time-wise with knowing what weights to use during your workouts, and thereby attain faster results.

    I agree - I should have taken measurements when I first started CrossFit in december, but i started a brand new food journal/wod Diary thingie this week where im tracking everything. Measurements were all taken last sunday and just as luck would have it we are having "strength week" at my box and I've already found my one max rep for Overhead press and deadlift and will be able to compare for next time.

    When I started two months ago, I could not do a pull up even with an assistance band and had to go to ring rows. I used the band the other day and was able to eek out 5, then had to go back to ring rows, but i see that as HUGE progress.

    I would just say track everything - your weights, etc. Last month my overhead press was 55#, but i went for the Rx on a WOD last week where it was 65# and was able to do it. These little victories will absolutely spur you on!

    Oh, and i forgot to add - i used to run consistently all the time. This is just CrossFit mostly. I haven't been able to run like I was - I play hockey maybe twice a week. So I'm not seeing weight loss results right now, but I know exactly why that is becasue I can't get my nutrition perfect (so tempted all the time LOL) but multiple people have been telling me they see a difference in shape/inches since i started - i'm always skeptical, so that's why i decided to start tracking it all.
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    Oh yes...good point about tracking. Take a log with you so that you can record your weights/workouts. There is also an app you can use. Tracking will also help you to more monitor your progress and make decisions more effectively.
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    I've been going for about 6 weeks, 2-4x/week , plus a weekly yoga class started at the same time. I have a LOT to lose and I've only lost maybe 5 lb. since I started CF & yoga, but I've dropped 2 pants sizes in those 6 weeks.
  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    I'll just pike on to what has been said. I've been going about a year. I've lost maybe 14lbs total and only maybe a pound in the last month but my body composition is changing a lot. I get asked daily if I've lost weight. The difference is I'm stronger, faster, have more endurance and have made increases in EVERY lift and hero WOD. There is always so much to improve upon
  • artsyalice
    artsyalice Posts: 40 Member
    This has been a great thread for me! I've been going for about a month 2-3 days/week and I can tell I'm stronger already. I still have a long way to go, but seeing the gains I'm making has been really motivating!
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    This has been a great thread for me! I've been going for about a month 2-3 days/week and I can tell I'm stronger already. I still have a long way to go, but seeing the gains I'm making has been really motivating!

    Biggest and best advice is to stick with it....I call it my crack cause Im addicted to it