Insanity Upper Body Weight training


So how do people incorporate the Upper body weight training video into your Insanity workout schedules? Do you skip a day to to do this video or do you do two workouts the day you add the weight training? How many times a week should I do it?

I've lost 5 lbs using Insanity on (Week 4 ) and now I also want to add definition too!



  • andycet
    andycet Posts: 55 Member
    I did insanity for 5 weeks and lost a lot then the hi impact stuff hurt my back so took a break and now back on it doing low impact alternatives to things like powerjumps. Noticed I hit a plateau doing just insanity 5-6 days a week.

    I noticed I'm not building up any muscle and did some research of various sites and forums. What I'm planning on doing now is doing insanity 3 days and part 2 days with 20% cardio to warm up and 40% strength with weights/resistance bands. This is just my preference though. I'm doing stuff from resistance bands online and workouts from

    I had a couple of PT's talk about insanity and said that the full warm up stretch is too long (too pad out the DVD) so what I do is my own shorter stretch and use that time for some strength work too if I'm on a time limit. I've done turbofire with my wife which is the same amount of cardio and their stretch routine is minimal.

    I mix in TRX & spin class somedays for variety and give my joints a break.

    I'm waiting on P90x coming so that I can do a hybrid.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Go lift some weights. You can do other stuff in addition to Insanity :bigsmile:
  • dancindoc508
    dancindoc508 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I am going to try to mix in some weight training in with the insanity videos. I like your hybrid idea.