Basic start up...

mzgafford Posts: 42 Member
Hellerooo yall I have a general question what products do you recommend starting to get maximum results? Right now I'm looking at quick start program with aloe and prolessa?? Just would like to see what everyone else started with and if they were happy with it! Thanks


  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    I started on the Advanced (faster) program and that's what I recommend to my clients. Since my protein requirements are a little high, I added the PDM and PPP. Everyone is different so you should talk to you Coach and get a wellness evaluation to see what your requirements are. I like the addition of the aloe to help soothe the digestive track (very helpful for those with acid reflux). The Prolessa Duo will help in two ways (duo). It will help you feel fuller longer and help burn some fat as well. Good luck and let me know if I can be of help.
  • maryrajes
    I agree with Bill - talk to your coach...everyone is different and has different requirements. I started off with the F1, PDM, Aloe, Tea and multi-vitamin for a couple months...then I added celluloss and cell activator...noticed a lot of difference with these two added but make sure to drink all of your water when taking celluloss bec otherwise you do retain because there's not enough liquid in your body for celluloss to work properly.