Exercise Calories

Do you eat your exercise calories?

I am on 2010 Calories a day but only manager round about 1200 - 1500 a day and sometimes i earn 1000 back from exercise so should i be eating more to lose weight ?


  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    You're a guy only managing to eat 1200-1500 calories/day and burning off 1000 via exercise on top of that????

    YES, you need to EAT....it's very unhealthy to eat so little and exercise like that.
  • The_Gruffalo
    On a average day i eat round about 1300 and work off 4 or 500 cals but i pushed myself yesterday and worked off 1200 cals and only ate 1900 cals and set myself a target of at least burning 1000 cals a day

    But now i know thats the wrong thing to do i will change my workout and eating plans
  • jenniferwren
    it depends on how much you have to lose, if it's a lot you can get away with not eating them back :wink:
  • DarrelBirkett
    DarrelBirkett Posts: 221 Member
    Firstly, most blokes should eat a MINIMUM of 1800cals per day (before workouts, not nett). Less than that you are in the danger of your body protecting itself by conserving energy stores (fat).

    As for eating workout cals I keep it fairly simple. Cardio days (like today) I dont touch the cals burned. Weights days I eat the cals burned as I know I need to feed the repair and growth. So I look like this :

    Mon - Weights - 2200cals
    Tue - Cardio - 1800cals
    Wed - Weights - 2200 cals
    Thu - Cardio - 1800 cals
    Fri - Weights - 2200cals
    Sat - Free - 1800cals
    Sun - Free - 1800cals
  • The_Gruffalo
    Firstly, most blokes should eat a MINIMUM of 1800cals per day (before workouts, not nett). Less than that you are in the danger of your body protecting itself by conserving energy stores (fat).

    As for eating workout cals I keep it fairly simple. Cardio days (like today) I dont touch the cals burned. Weights days I eat the cals burned as I know I need to feed the repair and growth. So I look like this :

    Mon - Weights - 2200cals
    Tue - Cardio - 1800cals
    Wed - Weights - 2200 cals
    Thu - Cardio - 1800 cals
    Fri - Weights - 2200cals
    Sat - Free - 1800cals
    Sun - Free - 1800cals

    Nice one mate cheers that has cleared it up for me :-)

    Set myself a target of 1800- 2000 a day before adding my Exercise to the diary totally confused myself by adding workouts before i had done them to save time
  • rhonsal
    rhonsal Posts: 46 Member
    Is there a reason for not eating back calories from cardio exercise?

    Sorry if this seems a stupid question but quite new to MFP and trying to work out best approach for me - to date i've not been eating back exercise calories and have lost 19lbs (with still loads to go) on a 1540 day allowance.

    Any advice appreciated.

    Thanks :smile:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    You should be eating all your exercise calories to maintain the deficit you have selected.
    Your calorie goal is your net goal.
  • rhonsal
    rhonsal Posts: 46 Member
    Ok - thanks!

    When i set up my MFP account i didn't include any exercise goals, so i could ease myself in so i might go back and alter that to an average of what i've been doing (mix of walking, areobics, and kettlebells).

    I'm sure it will all make sense to me one day!
  • DarrelBirkett
    DarrelBirkett Posts: 221 Member
    All depends on the numbers and feedback really. Feedback, as in body response and how you feel being the main thing.

    For example, if you are usually 30% below TDEE then Id say thats as low as you want to go and you should certainly eat your calories burned. But if you are at -15% say and your primary goal was fat loss, then Id say leave them and done eat them. If you goal was to built lean muscle then I'd say eat them.

    Best thing is to know what you are doing and log it all. Check how your body responds and tweak accordingly.
  • rhonsal
    rhonsal Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for that - all helps my little brain get to grips with this! :happy: