Did anyone do a before and after picture?

Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
I took a before picture in a pair of shorts that I wore last summer that fit me perfectly. Oh my goodness, now, Not so much. I'll post b/a when I'm done with my 30 days :)


  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    I think it's a great idea to do before/after pictures and measurements!
    30 day shred is circuit training and often people will loss one pants size or will notice getting firmer and toned but not see a scale drop and it can be discouraging. Taking pictures is proof that change is occurring, even if we don't see it day to day!
    Comparison pictures are also awesome if your only workout is 30 day shred because you can really notice changes without having to do hours at the gym.
    I never felt like 30 day shred was enough of a workout until I did my first week of it. I could see a difference I my stomach, upper arms and calves after just one week! The calorie burn for 30 day shred isn't extreme especially if your used to exercise, but the definition and shrinking are pretty drastic. I just have to keep myself eating less since I'm not burning as much as wit my usual cardio routine that I justify eating my exercise calories back with.
  • ThatCatholicGirl
    ThatCatholicGirl Posts: 209 Member
    I'll be doing before and after pictures, I can't do measurements as I'm involved in the 40 Days of Exercise Challenge which we had to weigh and measure on Ash Wednesday and the next time we weigh and measure is on Easter Day, but I'm hoping that the pics will help! Plus I've ordered the very highly rated Mama Mio's Bootcamp for Tummies to keep my skin tight :) so that should help the after pics! ;)
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I actually have 'abs' that are under my belly fat. I will post a picture tomorrow as I am leaving for work in a few minutes. Have you ever heard of this? You can literally see both abs and belly fat!
  • CassHallett
    CassHallett Posts: 14 Member
    I took measurements last night and logged them in. I wish I would have taken measurements when I first started MFP almost two months ago but I was pessimistic and didn't think I would have any changes. I can tell by the way my clothes fit that there has been a change. I wish I would have just taken the measurements. I don't want to regret not doing it again so I made sure to log them in.

    Now that it has been brought up though, I may do pictures as well. I may not post them but it would be nice to have for my own personal satisfaction.
  • JennKoz529
    JennKoz529 Posts: 144 Member
    I took before shots and before measurements. I just started last night so I have no after shots yet.! Is anyone doing during shots. I was thinking 10/20 days in and then end shots/measurements. Good luck everyone!!!!! :)
  • tinagarber
    I did before shots. Its one thing to look in the mirror, but then when you see yourself in a picture its a completely different perspective. I just had a baby in January so I am definitely looking forward to having a more toned mid section.
  • JSDCrimson
    JSDCrimson Posts: 35 Member
    I actually did before picture and measurements last night. I plan to do an after for both to have proof of the progress - I'm a need to see it to believe it type person.
  • icandowhateveriputmymindto
    I should probably get around to doing that too, if not for the internet, at least myself :/