New to the group, check in here



  • kpaulako
    kpaulako Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Kim and I am 45, married with a 16 year old girl. I just came onto MFP after a looong time of being away. I find it hard to stay motivated and I thought this site was perfect. I have a different mindset now that I have gained some wisdom with age. Now its about slow and steady and being realistic. I don't have to be perfect, just what's perfect for me :smile: .

    Looking forward to helping motivate and getting support from you fabulous ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • bejizzled
    bejizzled Posts: 7 Member
    Hallo - I'm new to the group and looking to give/receive support. I have 2 stone to lose and although I've tried and failed before I'm hoping this time will be different.
  • donnarae67
    donnarae67 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Donna 45 married with 3 children and 2 grandchildren. I am on day 18 of my new healthy lifestyle and have lost 5 lbs with 34 more to drop to reach my goal of 130. I didn't drop any weight in my 2nd week, but I think from everything I have read, that it is because I was eating under 1200 calories a day.So now I am making an effort to hit that number every day. I own a consignment shop and was tired of dreaming that I would someday be able to wear all the cute "skinny" clothes that came in & out everyday, and decided it was time for me to stop dreaming and take action to make a change. I took a long hard look at the unhealthy lifestyle i was living and started making changes. I think the hardest thing for me was kicking my Pepsi addiction, but it has been over a month since I had one, and I have more energy now than I have had in years.Once that addiction was gone I started my new lifestyle in full swing. I now eat healthy and have cut out all junk food and fast food restaurants, except subway on days I work. I joined a gym and go 5-6 nights a week, bought a fitbit and started doing 30 day shred yesterday. It is funny how I am starting to look forward to my workouts, I really never thought I would enjoy sweat and sore muscles.
    I am hoping to meet some new friends and find lots of motivation here =D
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    hello ladies, welcome to you all :flowerforyou:

    feel free to peruse my profile and send me a friend request =)
  • lemonhead66
    lemonhead66 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi, I'm Jennifer and the mother of 4, (21, 16,6 &3), I have always been a big girl and I have had many times over the years when I have been fit and healthy within my HWR. I started my last major gain with the pregnancy of my 6yo. All of my kids are busy and active so I need to step it up and get myself under control. I work out 3-5 x's a week with a group of YOUNGER women and I really need to have more age appropriate motivation and support...sometimes they just do get it. lol My oldest is engaged and I dont want any pictures that I will regret from that day1.
  • I'm inspired. Congrats, on 54 lost.
  • tianormie
    tianormie Posts: 27 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone! I'm glad to be a part of this group where I can read such inspiring stories. It definetly helps me stay motivated.

    I'm 41, have no children, and a Christian who is enjoying life even more so after having had WLS on 1/24/13. I look forward to leading a healthy life from here on out. Best of luck to you all. Stay encouraged!
  • Dmwinter5
    Dmwinter5 Posts: 11 Member
    I am new to the group. I joined my fitness plan nov 1st and I have lost 42 pounds. My next goal is to loss 25 more pounds and then will see. I turn 49 on Saturday and I already know I am happier then I was turning 48. I am married 23 years to a great guy that loves me fat or thin. I have 3 kids that probably only remember me fat since I haven't been thin in 17 years. Holy ****! I should have never done the math, that is soooo long ago. My sister got married then and I lost weight to stand up for the wedding. I looked great and started againing it back the day after the wedding. Lol But I'm on track again and love my fitness plan.
  • taylorckt1
    taylorckt1 Posts: 263 Member
    Hey Groupies....I am new to the group and would love to be added by you all as a MFP Friend!

    I am a 40 yr old empty nester...I started MFP weighing 260 and am now at 226...I haven't seen that number in years and am learning a lot about myself on this journey. My goal is approx 135 lbs and I know that the race is not given to the swift nor to the strong BUT to the ones who endureth to the end so I eb and flow, I will not give up...I have come to far.

    I am a DREAM Chaser and this is one dream I see within reach...WE can do it together!:happy:
  • josh0208
    josh0208 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone. I am 42 and am a mom of 2 boys ages 13 and 11. Ever since I had the boys I have been struggling with being overweight. After my hysterectomy about 5 years ago I lost 30 pounds. I ended up putting it back on and some. So I am working very hard at getting the pounds off and planning on making this a permanent life change. Last time I did it with WW but I think my problem was constantly having to figure out the points on food. I seem to really enjoy just watching my calorie intake. It is a much easier process. So I look forward to getting to know my fellow 40 something's. if you want to send me a friend request, I would love it.

  • Hi there, I'm new to mfp. Just checking out the groups and support available and stumbled across your group. I put 4 stone on after stopping smoking 8 years ago and have never lost it. I'm not so very far away from my goal now, another stone and a half to go and I believe that this time... I'll damn well get there! :) Hope you're all having a great weekend anyway. Cheers!
  • hello, My name is Tina I live in California Sunshine and the state where when your my size your not worth much. I am a 43 yr old mom and wife. I have 3 grown kids, a daughter in law and i have been married to the same man for 25 yrs this November. I have always put everyone first and now its my time to put me first. I have lost over 100 lbs on WW since March of 2011. I have been off WW since March of last yr and just resigned up and things are not going well. I suffer from chronic pain and its tough moving and staying motivated. That's why i just join MFP tonight. I am hoping for support and encouragement. I hope i have joined the right group. I wish you all much success.
  • furniem
    furniem Posts: 145 Member
    Hi Everyone! I joined this group back in December 2012 but never checked in. I am in Sydney NS Canada. Just looking for support from like minded people! Have lost over 70 lbs since January 2012 and still have about 50 lbs to go but sticking with it. Started serious daily workouts recently to tone and looking forward to the snow melting and getting back out and walking those hills. Winter has stalled me in my weight loss with Christmas and just lack of activity due to weather but it is getting better now and there is a light at the end of the tunnel where Spring is waiting! Feel free to add me to your friends list! --- Meg
  • magmama23
    magmama23 Posts: 21
    Hi! I'm Reneé, 46 years old married with 3 children (25, 16, 8). I am new to MFP after falling off the weight watchers wagon. I lost 20 lbs with ww before "falling off the wagon" then put 10 pounds back on (but those 10 pounds feel like 50 since I wasn't at my desired weight when I fell off the wagon). I'm looking to receive/give motivation/ideas with other women like myself who juggle hubbie, kids busy schedules, aging/ill parents, full time job etc.
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member

    I just started using the app this past weekend. I'm a 44 year old divorced mom. I work in Human Resources. Between that and being a single mom, I feel like I'm always taking care of everyone else. My boyfriend has been dieting and I decided to join him in healthful eating. I want to lose about 8 lbs which I've gained I the past two or so years. I'm only 5'1" so every lb. seems to seem like more. I really want to develop better eating habits. For many years, I could eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight.

    Looking forward to being a part of your group.

    I just ordered a fitbit, so I hope that will help. Anyone have tips for using it? Silly question, but if anyone uses it, do you ever clip it to your bra? Thinking of those days when I wear a dress without pockets.

  • Hello, my name is Patty and I'm 43 and looking to have better health. I married with 2 grown daughters. my husband and I are trying this together. hopefully we will succeed with each others help. we will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary in September and we both want to look fabulous. looking forward to getting to know everyone and losing the weight, but more excited to gain a healthier lifestyle.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning

    Hello there! Glad to have found this group, it seems like so many are not too active. I am 44, and mom to 2 teenagers, married for almost 24 years. Don't have a whole lot to lose, 10-15 lbs, but I have already taken off 60 lbs in the past. I am a runner, exercise is not my problem....FOOD IS!

    I like to snack at night, that is my downfall. I don't have too much trouble in the day, its after supper. I work casual, so there are times when I work a lot and times when I don't. I find it hard to get the exercise in when I am working, but now that it will be lighter in the evenings it will be somewhat better.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • Mary_33
    Mary_33 Posts: 2 Member
    HI Im Mary, married 2 boys and have lost myself in last 1 1/2. Sad but true. I need to lose a good 60lbs atleast. Im realistic I dont care to be the 20 year old I once was but maybe the early 30 year old? LOL. Looking for some help on motivation and focus. Wish us all luck!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hello ladies, welcome!! :flowerforyou:
    Good Morning

    Hello there! Glad to have found this group, it seems like so many are not too active. I am 44, and mom to 2 teenagers, married for almost 24 years. Don't have a whole lot to lose, 10-15 lbs, but I have already taken off 60 lbs in the past. I am a runner, exercise is not my problem....FOOD IS!

    I like to snack at night, that is my downfall. I don't have too much trouble in the day, its after supper. I work casual, so there are times when I work a lot and times when I don't. I find it hard to get the exercise in when I am working, but now that it will be lighter in the evenings it will be somewhat better.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
    *high Five* @ running!
    so if you are a night eater, start eating later in the day? sometimes fighting our clock makes no sense whatsoever, especially if it brings not so great choices and guilt.
  • kittg
    kittg Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm not sure I'm in the right place, but I loved your description of the group. I will turn 40 in Dec and my goal for this year is to be fabulously fit inside and out before 40!!!! I've been a SAHM now for 13 years with 4 children ages 13-5. My youngest went to Kindergarten this year and to say it's been an adjustment is and understatement. I think I'm on the right track emotionally, working through some issues of now having no one home and rediscovering parts of me that have been neglected as the demands of motherhood were more pressing, so now it's time to push through and get the outside me to match! I have 20lbs to go before I have my ideal weight, but honestly the number on the scale could be a little higher if the body looks more defined and less jiggles. :) I've started a 12 week program of working out 6 days a week and wanting to eat clean, so I'm hoping being more accountable with food and workouts will help me reach these goals!