I'm not new :D

(If posted the same exact intro in "Ana, Mia & Ednos Space" so if you have already read it, please ignore this post).

I'm not new, but I haven't been in MFP for more than a year!

I'm 25 years old and have had an ED since I was 11 years old.

I've been in treatment several times (residential, day treatment, IOP, OP...) during the last years, so I'm well educated about what having an ED means.

I'm would love to make new friends. I'm not pro-anorexic and I would love to follow people +18 or even +21. I'm not currently in recovery, so MFP can be triggering.

Nice to meet you!


  • AnnyKeely
    Welcome back to MFP :P I'm Annabelle, how are you? x
  • roxygirl13348
    I'm Roxanne and have struggled with disordered eating for much of my life (I am now 23). Recently though ana has taken over my thoughts and mia is never far behind her. I do not meet the BMI criteria for Anorexia and My binge purge cycles don't technically "qualify" me as bulimic so I have "earned" the diagnosis of EDNOS