WEEK 8 RESULTS (Feb 20 - Feb 26)

Group I'm back from Disney World! Sorry for the late posting but I didn't have my computer with...

Here are the results so far for Week 8:

If you see anything wrong...please let me or Jlc1974 know via a message (sometimes it's difficult to understand what to put in which week). Group members who posted their weight loss/gain after I posted this need not worry...I will continue to update the spreadsheet.

If you have missed the last 3 weeks of reporting...your name has been removed but if you start reporting again...your "data" will show up again (I just hid it for now)

-Total of 58.8 lbs lost
-Weight loss average is 0.9 lbs
-66% of the reports lost weight in Week 8
-Biggest Losers this week = henryvg2 with 5 lbs lost, and Kaddyshack21 and karen_golfs with a 4lb loss each!
-% of Group Active - We maintained activitiy level of 70% this week breaking the weekly trend

