Flat tummy !

Hi im Molly! im 16 years old. im 5'5" and currently 135 lbs. my goal is to get back down to 125 lbs, which was usually my normal weight. over the winter and spring i gained alot of belly fat, especially in my lower stomach. my goal is to drop my weight and get my belly flat!! any suggestions or tips on food/dieting?! i am a seasonal volleyball player!


  • ReyneDrop
    ReyneDrop Posts: 68 Member
    Volleyball will definitely help you lose the weight! Remember to train even during the off season- it's a good time to do other conditioning because during the season you'll want to be focused mostly on the game.

    For flat tummies, remembering bloating is an issue. I find that when I increase my potassium intake and lower my sodium, my waist drops about half an inch to an inch of bloating. So- drink your water, and eat lots of veggies and fruits and avoid processed foods!
  • cardio for sure will help. Cut back on the carbs. mfp says you should eat 55% of your calories from carbs but you don't need to. Its healthy and efficient to get the majority of your calories from protein. Processed white carbs gets stored as belly fat so avoid white rice, white, bread and pasta.