new to mfp been doing ww but needed a change

jannemarie74 Posts: 28 Member
Hi ... I have joined the change4life (government) diet for about 3 weeks now. Previously I joined weight watchers (from 2003)... but had an email about the change4life scheme and found it was a calorie counting system and they recommended mfp. I was getting bored with ww so have ditched my membership and am enjoying the freedom of calorie counting.

Well that's it in a nutshell - hope to chat with other brits soon.

By the way i'm Norfolk - Nelson's county - born and bred...did try moving away for a couple of years when I was young but didn't like it, so came hightailing it back lol!!!


  • pinksarahjane
    pinksarahjane Posts: 73 Member
    hi im sarah im from lowestoft in suffolk i was born in norfolk i joined a few days ago i love this site its really great. I also joined change for life i find that very useful they have some great ideas for meals that are cheap which is great feel free to add me.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    hiyah ladies. i am from London. feel free to add. keep at it everday and u will lose. check out you tube be fit channel for loads of exercises if not going to the gym. 30 day shred good place to start if beginners
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Welcome to MFP, I sent for the change 4 life stuff as well, not tried any of the recipes yet but they do look tasty. I am near Portsmouth BTW, home of HMS Victory so we have a bit of Nelson in common
  • shelmac
    shelmac Posts: 82 Member
    I also ditched Rosemary Connelly, too expensive and Im doing better using MFP and the Hairy Dieters Cook Book lol
    I'm from Oxford. Feel free to add me
  • anaquay
    anaquay Posts: 150 Member
    I'm live near Wigan and I'm not following any particular diet as I consider what I'm doing to be a full life change. I really couldn't see myself following a specific diet, so I'm just eating more raw food, cutting out the crap and exercising more. I'm only just starting off, so need all the support I can get, so please feel free to add me :smile:
  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member

    Well that's it in a nutshell - hope to chat with other brits soon.

    By the way i'm Norfolk - Nelson's county - born and bred...did try moving away for a couple of years when I was young but didn't like it, so came hightailing it back lol!!!
    Hiya, I'm in Norfolk too....little village called Corpusty, near Aylesham. Nice to 'meet' you!
  • jannemarie74
    jannemarie74 Posts: 28 Member
    hi pinksarahjane, ty for invitation to add you...i have just logged on and have accepted. Yes I'm cooking the smart stew for the second time tonight!! I will keep a closer eye on it though as the first time, my parents rang while i was cooking it and i totally forgot about it, burnt it, and my husband had to "rescue" it for me!!
  • jannemarie74
    jannemarie74 Posts: 28 Member
    hi Therealobi1, ty for your kind advice and i would love to add you but have not got around to finding out how...perhaps you could invite me if you know how?... i will try now....
  • jannemarie74
    jannemarie74 Posts: 28 Member
    hi faraway, i must admit to only trying the 1 recipe so far, my husband seems a little reluctant to try some of the other recipes but i shall continue to work on him... oh and must spend more time checking them out myself lol!!! yea to the Nelson connection with you!!!
  • jannemarie74
    jannemarie74 Posts: 28 Member
    hi shelmac, my nanny was born in Oxford about 100 years ago...oh dear i've only just worked that out...I'm old enough to have known someone who was born 100 years ago!!! (by the way she and my grandad died about 10 years ago aged about 95) but still that makes me about... oooooooooooo getting old lol!!!

    i think that when you have been watching your weight for an amount of time you just need to change the system you use just in order to keep going without putting too much weight back on.

    Never tried RC diet, mainly cos in the 90's she was on the telly and i didnt like her hahahaha.

    maybe i should give her a go when i get fed up again.
  • jannemarie74
    jannemarie74 Posts: 28 Member
    hi Anaquay, that's what i learned from weight first i thought that i would not become obsessed with eating veggies and having less meat ...but weightwatchers taught me that if u want to have enough food AND lose weight u have to do just that. My eating habits have changed but it's the portion sizes that keep creeping up so i like knowing that sometimes i can/cannot have more, as i have trouble with my appetite. sometimes i'm not hungry all day and at other times i am hungry a lot so i find tracking what i eat and when and how much lets me know what to do each day about eating!!!

    i never had to watch my weight until about 10 years ago, i was always quite slim so when i put on 3 stones by 2003 i was flummoxed as to what i was doing wrong but have learned the lessons (one at a time) since then, but like the safety of counting points or calories !!!
  • jannemarie74
    jannemarie74 Posts: 28 Member
    hi seamoth, I lived in Aylsham for 6 years but left 27 years ago this year, now my youngest daughter has a youngest child of nearly 3, the same age she was when we left Aylsham!!!
  • jannemarie74
    jannemarie74 Posts: 28 Member
    P.S. seamoth, nice to meet u 2 x
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    hiyah jannemarie sent you an add friend request. check inbox
  • jannemarie74
    jannemarie74 Posts: 28 Member
    hiyah jannemarie sent you an add friend request. check inbox

    hi there, i sent u an add friend request cos i couldnt find a request to me or see an accept box. However i think we r friends now cos i had a message about mums lol, on my home ty for that looking forward to some nice chats with you x
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,336 Member
    Welcome this works because you need no special ww food just stick to cals :) add me if you cook from scratch