Let's get to know eachother -- Self-introduction



  • mrsdrees84
    Hi All,

    I am Danii from Swansea, UK. We have a huge holiday coming up in September and I want to lose as much as possible before I go!

    Would be great to get some motivation on here and some fab support! Good luck all!

    Danii xx
  • mooda428
    mooda428 Posts: 4
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Michelle. I am currently looking to lose 47lbs in 3months. I know this will be a long battle, but I am ready to take on this challenge. I am 32yrs old and I have been very sluggish lately and not happy with the way I have been looking. Today will be the 1sat day of my fight. My work schedule can be very demanding, but I promise not to let that get in my way. I plan to work out for an hour in the gym at least every other day. I also plan to track my progress on Myfitnesspal everyday. I hope I will meet some nice people that share similar goals such as mines on here. Wish me good luck and I will do the same in return. :flowerforyou:
  • WindmillTilter
    WindmillTilter Posts: 51 Member
    Good morning! I'm Dave. I live near St. Louis, MO, in the Air Force and had my ups and downs with weight. I stopped smoking in January and decided to improve my diet and exercise to combat the potential weight gain. I did an underwear only fun run in Feb. I wasn't in the shape I wanted to be in. Also, summer is right around the corner so I'd like to look better in swimwear.

    I got my bodyfat tested via bodpod in August 2012 @ 208 lbs and 20.3% BF. I wasn't happy with that number, but I didn't do anything about it. I got my bodyfat retested at the start of January 2013 and was @ 228 lbs and 25.3% BF. +20 lbs/+5% bodyfat in that short amount of time was an eye opener. Eating healthy can be a challenge because cooking for one isn't much fun. I post pictures every month when I get my BF tested as progress markers.

    I just finished my first month of kettlebell strength training and kettlebell HIIT 3x a week. I've started doing yoga also on tues/thurs to fill in and increase my flexibility. At the end of the day I don't care about my weight. I just want to look good, be healthly, and reduce my BF to 10-15% My long term term goal is to have a body as nice as my personality.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • mooda428
    mooda428 Posts: 4

    My name is Michelle and I am wishing you the best of luck.:bigsmile:
  • that_Va_chick
    Hey guys. I needed to join this group for motivation. My name is Ebony. I currently weigh 253( after i thought i weighed 248 but the new scale told me otherwise) I want to get down to 245 by March 30 (my birthday) add me if you like

    Where are you from?Philly, Pa by way of Richmond, Va
    What is your favorite color? Purple
    television series=RHOA
    books=50 shades of grey
    Where would you visit if you could visit any place in the world!!?? Bahamas because it has beautiful views
    What are your favorite workout routines? Elliptial and strength
  • sarahbw22
    sarahbw22 Posts: 130 Member
    How much would you like to lose by the end of the Spring into Summer 2013 challenge??

    Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from? What is your favorite color, season, food, television series, books, and hobby? Where would you visit if you could visit any place in the world!!?? -- and why? What are your favorite workout routines? RAMBLE ON MY FRIENDS!! lol :) Feel free to add your own questions to the mix! Feel free to add me as a friend!

    Hi there!!! I'm so glad I joined this group and look forward to the friendly competition. (I think I need that to stay motivated!!)

    I am aiming to lose 5 pounds per month or 5 inches. I just started lifting weights and I don't know how that will effect my weigh-ins. I am 5'9 and currently weigh 155.5 pounds. (That was 2 weeks ago, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was slightly higher.) I would like to get down to 150 by the end of March, 145 by the end of April, and 140 by the end of June. I don't know how many inches I am aiming to lose quite yet.

    I try to workout 4-5 days a week. And Sundays are always cleaning day for me, so I burn some extra calories then as well. I usually do cardio 2-3 times a week and lift 2-4 times a week with some circuit training thrown in there. I will be attempting to start the C25K program when it gets a little warmer outside, which should hopefully be this weekend. Every now and then when I get bored with my routine, I do the 30 Day Shred. I saw results fairly quickly with the DVD, so I might try and do that more often.

    I moved from NY to NC about 2.5 years ago. It was quite the culture shock, but I am very happy with the move. My favorite season used to be fall, but now that I am in the south, Spring has become my more favorable time of year. Blue is my favorite color and I'll eat practically anything. I love trying new foods (hence the belly) and I'm really big into sweets!! I learned how to bake and that was probably the worst thing I could do for myself. But my absolute favorite food is seafood. As for tv shows, Top Chef (shocker, I know, lol.) Family Guy, Friends, Everyone Loves Raymond, Deadliest Catch and pretty much anything else on the Discovery channel. I could happily sit on my couch and read 50 Shades of Grey for the rest of my life, haha! Not too many hobbies. Cooking, gardening, kayaking, and the occasional bike ride. Working out is NOT my hobby. It's something I need to do to be healthy and active. ;) If I could go anywhere, it would be Alaska. I've visited quite a few tropical places and they were beautiful, but Alaska has so much to offer.

    Well, there was my ramble. Please feel free to add me if you want an encouraging buddy! But please return the favor as I need encouragement too!!
  • melodypender
    melodypender Posts: 18 Member
    hi im melody im from florida but ve live in texas for the last 10 yrs and I love it here. I have 3 kids two boys one girl. my goal for this challenge is to lose 60lbs or more. my favorite tv show is scandal im addicted to that show. my favorite book is any book written the the auther zane. my favorite colore is blue and pink and if I could visit and place in the world it would be Germany because that's where my borther is stationed(he is in the army). my work out routine is weight for 30 and cardio for 30 every other day and on the day I dnt do that I do 60 minutes of cardio and I do this 5 time a week then on the weekends I do my zumbu fitness core on my xbox360
  • meljoemom
    meljoemom Posts: 118 Member
    How much would you like to lose by the end of the Spring into Summer 2013 challenge??

    Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from? What is your favorite color, season, food, television series, books, and hobby? Where would you visit if you could visit any place in the world!!?? -- and why? What are your favorite workout routines? RAMBLE ON MY FRIENDS!! lol :) Feel free to add your own questions to the mix! Feel free to add me as a friend!

    Well, I am a mom of 2 VERY busy teenagers and wife to an amazing hubby who does it all. I have 2 new German Shepherd babies that keep me busy on top of my full time job that keeps me out of the house from 7:30 AM - almost 6 PM. I don't make time to workout and consistently make excuses, but am so tired of being tired and lazy. It is effecting more than just me as I am not as active at home with the house, or the kids who are begging to start running and training, or the yards where I love to garden, or even being frisky with my do-it-all hubby of 18 years. I am losing respect for myself and taking it out on him to be sure!

    I love fall because even in California, the trees and colors change and the air gets cooler. I love ALL food and Coors Lite (which is why I am in the shape I am in...). I am not really a TV buff, but will flip around and watch nothing to avoid doing something. I love movies and the popcorn that goes with them. You can feed me anything Stephen King for a book and I will devour it. I don't think I really have a hobby except maybe volunteerism.... We do a lot in our community. I would DIE to visit Italy for an EXTENDED vacation because of its richness and culture. I used to be an avid runner and really want to get back into it, but will need to take it slow because my weight is starting to have an effect on my back and knees. I am the biggest rambler you will find so thanks for the invitation!

    If I do this right, I should be able to lose 25 lbs by summer. That would be roughly 2 lbs per week and since I am at almost 200 right now it shouldn't be too hard to do. I have always found that if I take it seriously, the weight falls off. It's those last 10 that kill me.

    I'm happy to have found a challenge!

  • bri_laree

    My name is Brianna, and I seem to be one of the youngsters in the group. Just wanted to say good luck everyone and can't wait to post my after picture.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    Hello! My name is Kim, 25, 2 kiddos (5&3). I've lost about 40lbs over the past year, currently trying to lose my last 8-10lbs. We are getting ready to buy a house, started looking this past weekend! Its exciting, but very stressful, and I tend to eat/binge/go nuts when I get super stressed. So I need to stay on track!! I've been in the past couple challenge groups. Would love some more friends that are also going to be committed to the challenge/group. By the end, I would like to have reached my goal of 130lbs, and lost bf%. I will be focusing on more weight training this time, for real. I also want to stop eating out so much on weekends.
  • Brittonleepowers
    Hey guys!
    I'm a mommy of two boys who are 1 year old and 4 months old. I want my pre-baby body back! I just want to feel good this summer again. I started at 145 and I am down to 133. I don't really care what the scale says, I just want to flatten my tummy a little more and work on toning up. Good luck to everyone! I'll try and post before pictures here soon.
  • joygong
    joygong Posts: 10
    hi! i'm joy, from los angeles.

    married 2 years, i'm a teacher. I started my journey 3 years and 70 lbs ago. I have maintained my 70 lbs since then, but have a goal of losing 110. I got down to the 130s last year but stress and laziness have bumped me up 20 lbs since then. I'm back with a vengeance!

    I practice intermittent fasting-- aka the 5:2 diet where you eat maintenance calories 5 days a week and have 2 non-consecutive days of "fasting" i.e. 500 calories. Thats why my food diary might seem a little weird at times. I've been doing this for a couple weeks and find that it works for me, i find it easier to stay on track knowing that there are days where I can eat like a normal person. I hope this doesn't offend anyone. I know there are different ways to lose, and this is what has been working for me.

    I love to read the news and cook. I watch many shows including, revenge, greys, community, new girl, the mindy project, svu and criminal minds.
  • pinksarahjane
    pinksarahjane Posts: 73 Member
    I would like to lose about 1lb a week. Hi my name is sarah im 34 and im from a seaside town in england and i live with my wonderful fiance it is our 5 year anniversary on the 15th of march. my favouritre colour is pink and one day i want to own a pink car. I love all seasons but my favourite time of year is christmas i love seeing all the christmas lights it always makes me smile my favorite food is chocolate it tastes so good. my favorite tv show is New Girl love jess she reminds me of myself lol. At the moment im reading the hunger games but also like twlight and any vampire romances. My hobbies are spending time with my lovely 4 month old nephew he so cute i also like having cuddles with my guinea pigs and watching films especially kids films im just a big kid at heart. My favourite workout is using my wii fit and going for walks along the beach or just putting my favourite music on and having a dance. The place i would love to visit is Rome as i love history and think it would have lots of places to explore.
  • brihodges
    brihodges Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! I'm Bri and I'm from a little town on Lake Erie in Pennsylvania. I've used MFP off and on for the past year or so. I'm not quite sure why I keep stopping, because every time I'm on I lose. During the day I am a special education teacher for 4th-6th grade students with learning disabilities and behavior disorders. To say my job is stressful is an understatement, but I still love it. However, I think the stress is a large part of my problem. I finished my Master's degree this past August, and decided to go back to get my principal's certificate. So, I'm back in school part-time.

    I've been married for 5 years. I reached my highest weight ever shortly before I got engaged, and lost over 50 pounds before my wedding. (I must say, I looked awesome) Shortly after getting married we got pregnant. A somewhat difficult pregnancy that ended with bedrest led to a beautiful little girl (now 3 1/2) and 75 pounds of weight gain. I'm still working on getting the last 25 pounds off.

    In the past year I have gotten into running and have run several 5ks. My friends talked me into signing up for a half marathon, that will take place this August. I have been slowly working up my endurance to get ready for some hard core training this summer. I was never big into the gym until recently. I joined the new gym and love being able to go after my daughter goes to bed and get a little bit of "mommy time."

    In addition to school, family, and working out I also have a blog: http://brisadventuresinfitness.blogspot.com/ . It's where I've been writing about my journey. I also love to cook and bake. I love trying to make recipes even healthier, and I'm always experimenting with new ingredients. I also enjoy reading and music. There is rarely a moment I don't have some type of music on.

    Some random facts about me:
    -Favorite color - green
    -Favorite food - bruschetta
    -Favorite TV shows - Revenge, New Girl, Smash
    -I was born with 6 toes on my left foot
    -I'm the oldest of three children, and my husband is the youngest of three!
  • CrimeanGurl
    CrimeanGurl Posts: 103
    Hi everyone, my name is Mia, and I am a soon-to-be college graduate trying to get myself together before finally jumping into the real world. Even though I'm not overweight, I have not been looking my best since 2006, when I moved to the US and gained 37 pounds. I've already lost 15 lbs and hope to shed the rest by this summer.

    Some facts about me:

    Favorite Colour: Purple
    Favorite Season: Summer
    Favorite Food: Japanese
    Favorite Television: Dexter
    Favorite Movies: Fightclub, American History X, The Professional, 5th Element, Brave Heart, Painted Veil
    Favorite Book: All Quiet on the Western Front
    Favorite Hobby: Figure Skating, Photography, Drawing, Web Development, Blogging (you find out more about my weightloss adventures on votavitamea.com)
    Favorite Workout: Figure Skating

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    Hi everyone!! I am so excited to be part of a challenge! I really think it will help me stick to things and be more motivated.

    I am 33 years old and currently weight 182lbs and am 5'6. I would like to be around the 150lb mark so looking to lose about 30 lbs.

    I am from Ontario Canada and I run my own dog walking and pet sitting business. I spend atleast 6-8 hours a day outside with my dog and atleast 5 of this is fairly fast paced walking, My cardio is not horrible due to things and my legs are firm but due to overeating I have put on 37lbs in the last year and need it off! I am now a member of the gym and also starting insanity workouts.

    I don't watch much TV...just documentaries and movies on netflix but I do like comedies like family guy and seinfeld reruns if I watch the tube.

    I adore travelling and have lived in Australia as well as Scotland and travelled to various parts of Europe, New Zealand etc. I am now stuck back here in Ontario but I have an amazing family here, an amazing boyfriend and an amazing job so I think I will stay awhile!

    I look forward to getting to know some of you and helping each other stick with our goals. P.S if anyone on here is doing Insanity workouts or thinking of starting I would love to hear from you!

    Sarah !
  • QweenBeeBee
    QweenBeeBee Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone ,

    I'm bee... I'm a mother of three and am engaged! I have a wedding to look good for... So I started on my weight loss journey Today. Day one :)
  • santababy23
    santababy23 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there, my name is Ana, I graduate from college and turn 23 in June. I need to lose weight for the 2 special events but it doesn't stop there so I decided to look for groups that would keep me motivated even after my birthday. I have already lost 10 pounds in the last 2.5 weeks but I am guessing the massive 7 pound loss in the first week was just due to water weight lost. I had a very normal 3 lb loss this week and hope to keep this going.

    Beginning weight: 195lbs (2 weeks ago, 2/20/13)
    Current weight: 184 lbs
    Goal weight: 120-125 lb range
    Overall weight loss goal: 75 lbs, (45 for this challenge)
    Weight lost so far: 10 lbs
    Height: 5'3

    I was born and raised in the beautiful Fiji islands. I moved to America 5 years ago.My fave colors are Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Black... umm I think I like all colors just the same. Fave seasons are Fall and Winter, love Christmas! I love fish and chips but I also love anything with fish in the mix. Hey I grew up on an island, so I have an unnatural love for seafood.
    Fave television series: there are so many but I am currently in love with Downton Abbey and Raising Hope.
    Books: I love the Harry Potter series, don't really read much but I grew up with Harry Ron and Hermione. I also like the Dan Brown novels. Hobbies: watching random videos on YouTube, watching TV and movies. I also love spending time with my family, in person or via skype.
    If there was any place I could visit, I would go to France. I read about it in Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code when I was 14 and have wanted to go ever since.

    What are your favorite workout routines? Walking!!! I love walking because all I need to do for this is get my heinie out the door to the pavement. No special equipment, skill or fitness level required.

    What diet do I follow? None! I eat anything and everything just as long as it is within my calorie limit. Some days life happens and I can't exercise, it is on days like that that I absolutely eat within my calorie limit. But when I exercise, I make sure to eat enough so my body doesn't go into starvation mode. That's it!

    Feel free to add me.
  • muffle1969
    muffle1969 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi! I'm Marva, and I live in Atlanta, GA. I'm no southerner, however. I was born in NYC, and partially raised in the "NYC annex" of Daytona Beach, FL. I'm 43 years old, and happily three years into my second marriage with a cool 9-year-old stepkid.

    I am a musician. I majored in opera in college, and I've been singing lead and playing keys in rock and roll bands since I was 14. If I could visit only one place anywhere in the world, I'd visit Austria. My mom went there on business, and told me the place is rich with music history -- it is where Mozart is from. I'd also love to visit Hawaii and Italy.

    I love to read thrillers and sci-fi, and I watch similar stuff on TV. My favorite color is black, but I like any of the crayola eight really.

    I swim 3-4 days a week. I am also trying to do basic yoga, non-impact aerobics and even some line dancing on other days. My weight loss has stalled at around 40 pounds, which I did in six months. The last week or two has been my fault, with being sick, eating too many calories and not exercising enough. I would like to lose another 28 pounds during the challenge, which will put me under 200 for the first time in about 10 years.

    About 11 years ago, I lost 100 pounds the wrong way. I swam then too, but I also barely ate and lost the weight way too fast. I "dieted" instead of changing my habits. Between poor habits and various medical issues, I gained 80ish of it back over the last ten years. I feel if I can get past this current plateau, I can keep going, and maybe even get all the way to 150 at some point, which would be a pretty healthy place for me to be.

    So far, just losing 40 lbs has had the following benefits:
    - somewhat less fibromyalgia pain
    - a lot less back and knee pain
    - better sleep, and fewer asthma issues
    - better SEX! :)
    - more energy - I can actually walk from point A to point B without pain wiping me out.

    Anyway, the OP said ramble, so I did. Nice to meet all of you! :)

  • JDavis352
    JDavis352 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Jamie, I live in Central Florida, I'm 32,married and a mom of 2 prettty amazing young "men". I started out on my weight loss and get healthy journey 3 years ago. I weighed in at 214.8 pounds. Today through a lot of strugggles I weigh 139.2 pounds. I am working on becoming more focused as I continue to lose and become healthier and stronger. I want to lose another 19 pounds this year. I know I can do it, I just have to stay focused. Best of luck to each of you and if you want you can always add me to your friends list.