Do you have facial hair?



  • Quiche867
    Quiche867 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for the advice on Vaniqa. I tried it for a few weeks and saw no results. I quit using it. I guess I needed to stick with it longer. I'm going to try it again! (I did extensive electrolysis in highschool, and 2 separate tries at laser with no great results. I still shave daily) It is the WORST!
  • lissabee4
    lissabee4 Posts: 10 Member
    When I look back at my High School pictures, my mustache is in some cases thicker than the guys. No one ever said anything (not parents, family, friends, schoolmates, teachers, nurse, etc.) to me about it until I was what I consider 'adult dating' around the age of 22. One guy pointed it out in a loud, obnoxious kind of way and I was floored. It's not like I didn't notice it, but I had the attitude that a man should like me for I didn't do anything until...I was embarrassed by the facial hair.

    If I let it go for too long, my husband sometimes gets embarrassed. Now, he'll never admit that, but I can tell. He's trying to be supportive. I get it and he knows that I can shut down quickly if he just let's anything pass his lips. Who knew a jerk at 22 could bring on such an insecurity! I am a teacher and out of 1000s of students that have passed my way only one teenage boy ever said anything. He was not rude; he just asked one day to the side, "Did you know you have a mustache?" I smiled and said, "Yes, I know." That was the end of it.

    Usually, I tweeze my chin once a week and use a facial cream on the upper lip area every 2-3 weeks. I like to feel like it's gotten better after my first round of weight loss, but to be honest, I haven't been keeping tabs.