Newbie looking for some support...

Hey folks,
I hope this fine Tuesday evening finds you all well.
I've not long joined and am loving the app to track my food (ace food database so thank you to those who have gone before me)
I'm due to be a bridesmaid in May and like to lose a stone in prep - camera fears - EEK!!!
Looking for some dieting buddies to keep me motivated.
Feel free to add me.
Cheers guys and dolls :)


  • pinksarahjane
    pinksarahjane Posts: 73 Member
    Hi im also going to a wedding in September and want to get myself a special dress x
  • EmeraldEvas
    Hey pink,

    Great to meet you.

    Congrats on the wedding, do you know what dress you want yet?

    Exciting times. I've been married for over a year now - it's flown by - loved it.

    How are you finding mfp? I think it's awesome :)
  • morcal36
    morcal36 Posts: 34 Member
    Hiya, I have sent you a friend request.

    This site is great, I am sure you can do it xx
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    Hi Shiver,

    I have my cousin's wedding in Malta in May. I've still got quite a way to go.
  • dumbpink
    dumbpink Posts: 10 Member
    Hey guys, also new to MFP (in preparation for my wedding next May) - feel free to add me :)
  • hon3yd0g
    hon3yd0g Posts: 52 Member
    hello everyone!im getting married in june.recently started the 30 day shred.feel free 2 add me!goodluck 2 u all:drinker: