Hello! Newbie here :-)

megjt7 Posts: 5 Member
Hi, I'm Meghan and I'm not new to MFP, but am new to the message board and groups. A few yrs ago, I did WW and it was amazing. I lost 35 lbs and kept it off until about a yr ago. I was diagnosed with PCOS at that time and we started messing with different types of birth control to try and regulate my periods, which have never been regular. I became moody and gained weight like nobody's business. Since then, I have found a BC that works well and I've stopped gaining weight. I am now at the highest weight that I have ever been and find it extrememly frustrating and depressing. After dieting on/off (a few days at a time), I decided this week enough is ENOUGH! I'm over it and ready to be happy, healthy, and feel good about myself. When I did WW, I went to the meetings and I don't think I realized at the time how much those meetings motivated me. This is why I am joining a group that can understand my frustrations. I think by having outside support, I can do it this time. I am also setting mini goals for myself, 10 lbs at a time. Yes, I want to lose 70-80 in the end, but I think the right way to go is small, short term goals.

Thanks for listening and I hope everyone has a great day! :smile:


  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    Welcome! I'm a former WW member myself and I lost a lot on it and then gained it all back so I stopped going. I actually did the oposite as you I started really gaining weight when I wasn't on birthcontrol I lost weight better being on birth control. Are you doing any other kind of medication to help with the PCOS?

    Good luck with everything you can add me as a friend if you want.
  • megjt7
    megjt7 Posts: 5 Member
    When I was first diagnosed, I tried Metformin, but by the time I was up to 3 x a day, my stomach couldn't handle it (I also have IBS. At the time I was taking Metformin, I didn't realize I had it and didn't know what to avoid. Now it's controlled and I rarely have flare ups. :happy: ).
    I stopped taking Met and just stuck with the birth control. I even had surgery last August to be sure it wasn't Endometriosis as well (thank God, no.). So far, rather than messing with other things, I'm just going to stick with what works (my periods are now pretty regular) and try my hardest to lose the weight.

    Thank you! Good luck to you as well! :smile: