
How are you doing with your New Years Resolutions?

1. I want to make 1 new thing (more then likely from pinterest) every month
RESULT: I madea toddler skirt, and my uniform for the color run!

2. Make 2 new recipes (also more then likely from pinterest) every month
RESULT: made Bananas with honey and cinnamon, and a veggie dish!

3. Take at least 10 (Good, solid) Pictures every month
RESULTS: I Probably only took about 5 or so.

4. Journal! At least 10 days a month. Something more then 5 sentences if this year is going to be amazing, I want to read about it later!
RESULTS: I did probably about 5 in this as well. I lost my journal from January, so that kinda set me back. i don't like starting multiple journals..

5. Save $1,000.00
RESULTS: none. I haven't done this at all. i still have 10 months left, but bills went up this year, and I'm having to re-adjust things... I'm not sure I'll make it, but I'm sure going to try!

6. Goal weight by December 31st 2013: 200 lbs.
RESILTS: I started out as 255.4. I am at 250.4

7. DO 1 new thing every month
RESULTS: Nothing really. I went through my first actual break up. that really sucked. still does. 3 years. but that shouldn't really count. This month though I'll have a good one, I'm leaving tonight for a road trip to Arizona to watch the Giants spring training game! :)

How are you guys doing???


  • star0205
    star0205 Posts: 6 Member
    I have gone a month as of yesterday without drinking a soda. It hasn't been easy but I am doing it. I have done a little bit more exercise and I have lost 6lbs last month. This month I am aiming to exercise more then what I have been. I have done better then normal but still want to do more. I am still aiming my goal to 4lbs a month. I have been losing a little more then 4lbs but that just makes it that much better. I am not going back to sodas so going to try to go for month 2 without a soda.
  • ElizabethRaeBarnes
    ElizabethRaeBarnes Posts: 74 Member
    I am staying the same weight. At least I havent gained. I want to drop 20 pounds. I bought jillian Michaels new book, "slim for life" and have been studying it. Very useful information. I paid off the debts I promised myself I would. I still hold a 4.0 in college.