Creating a Type 1 Diabetic Team

forestplay Posts: 63 Member
I posted this on Introductions message board then discovered this group, so I'm re-posting it here.


I want to meet other other Fitness Pal members who are Type 1 Diabetic, preferably pump users, for mutual support and accountability. We can support and encourage each other and have fun laughing at the things we have in common. :wink:

Type 1 diabetics have challenges in weight loss that are different than other diabetics and most other people. Our need for insulin injections or pumping, dealing with high and low blood glucose, exercising and maintaining or losing weight are obstacles that are easier with the help of others who are in the same boat.

I'm a generally fit mid-aged man who needs to lose 10-15 lbs while getting more exercise for better fitness.

If you're interested, please reply to this message or send me a friend request.



  • bbf2u
    bbf2u Posts: 12 Member
    I am type 1 but not a pump user.
  • dken0475
    dken0475 Posts: 6
    Hi Bob!

    I'm a type 1 diabetic and have been for a little over 20 years now. I do wear a medtronic paradim pump and have had my ups and downs of coarse! I have not taken very good care of my health until pretty recently. I have been following this diet religiously for a little over two months, lost 22lbs so far with about 76 to go! My A1C has already gone from a 12.2 to a 9.1 so I am noticing a world of a difference! My sugars have NEVER been controlled except for the 9 months that I was pregnant. I could use some support from fellow diabetics as well! Feel free to add me if you like!

    Good luck to you!
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    There are many pump users in this group, including me. I started MFP the 2nd week of Jan. and have lost 15 lbs. I struggle everyday with keeping my blood sugars normal. No matter how much I tinker with my pump settings, I just can't get it right. So it goes with Type 1. I've had diabetes for 42 yrs. and been on the pump for 6. My only type 1 friend I've ever had, died last year, so I was glad to find this group. I live in a town full of senior citizens who all have type 2, so growing up I was an oddball. It's nice to "talk" to people like me.

    Good luck on your weight loss and with your blood sugars. I'd be happy to be your friend.

  • k_winder
    k_winder Posts: 65 Member
    Hi! I've had Type 1 for 20 years now - will be 21 years in July. I use a t:slim insulin pump (in the past I've used a Medtronic Paradigm and an Animas Ping). I've been very motivated to get things under control the past few years because in 2007 I was diagnosed with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. I've undergone dozens of laser treatments and an invasive surgery. I've managed to drop my A1c from over the past 2 years I haven't had an A1c over 6, and I plan to keep it that way for life, if I can. Now I'm looking to lose a few pounds to be even healthier.
  • forestplay
    forestplay Posts: 63 Member
    That's a great turnaround in control of your diabetes. Way to go!

    I read your profile and, of course, your photo. I was married last year and find inspiration and motivation from my new wife!

    I sent you a friend request.

  • forestplay
    forestplay Posts: 63 Member
    I really admire the effort to make a big drop in your A1c. It has such a big effect on how we feel to be "close to normal" most of the time. Hopefully our T1DT (Type 1 Diabetic Team) can help you with your other goal as well.

  • vickicutshall
    vickicutshall Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Bob,
    Count me in! I'm a pumper--was on one of the first, back in the early 80's and still pumping. It's been 44 years since I was a little kid sitting in the Peds hospital bed learning about taking glass shots and peeing in a cup to watch the test tube turn blue or orange. Now I'm a techy, wearing a pump, using MFP on my phone, and seeing what's "really" happening in between tests by wearing a sensor.
    I've been losing very slowly but surely--mostly because I couldn't increase physical activity without getting low, since I was on so much basal. Just now starting to emerge on the roads and the gym again.
    Thanks for reaching out!
  • vickicutshall
    vickicutshall Posts: 25 Member
    Way to go on those A1c's! Hang in there on the retinopathy. Has to be so frustrating and frightening. I've been very fortunate, but you are a hero to me for working so hard to get blood sugars down to take care of those beautiful eyes!
  • Pattie74
    Pattie74 Posts: 85 Member
    Type 1, but not a pump user. Always looking for more buddies :)
  • michielee
    michielee Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I am a Type 1 Diabetic and have been using the medtronic minimed paradign pump for about 3 years. I went from an A1C of 8.5 to an A1C of 6.7. While my A1C is doing great my weight is not. I have about 110 pounds to lose. I would love to be a part of this group because I love teh idea of having people who understand what it is like to have a low or random high especially while trying to lose weight.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hey Bob,

    We're already buddies and glad to have you on my team. Anyone else interested in a successful weight loss, type 1, pump using friend then please send a request.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Type one for 28 years now. There are a few faces here that perhaps I need to add. My name is Samantha.
  • wannabthin65
    wannabthin65 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Bob,

    My name is Diane & I have been a T1 for 40 years but have only been a pumper for 9 mos. I still have a lot to learn about the workings of my pump which is a Medtronic Minimed Paradigm. I am loving it. Ive been through many different health problems b/c of diabetes over the years. Since on MFP & going to the gym as many times a week as I can get my husband to bring me there, my problems have improved greatly.

    I have a few T1 friends on MFP who are great but I would love more.. I would be very happy to not only be a friend to Bob but to any or all of those who have responded to this post. Please everyone, feel free to add me. Its true...NO ONE understands diabetes like another T1!!
