


  • iclaudia_g
    iclaudia_g Posts: 148 Member
    Hello, I am a mom to a 12 year old boy diagnosed with Aspergers. He is my only child and I am employed FT. I have been fighting the lazies lately. I know I can find the time just lack some motivation. Friend me and we can motivate each other.
  • rache12581
    Hi my name is Rachel. I am 32 & a FT working mom of 2 children 2 years old & 10 month's old. I have lost 27lbs so far after giving birth to my 2nd child. I have lost almost 40lbs after having my first child so I am determind to do it a second time around. I am almost to my goal weight, I only have 4 more pounds to go!!!!
  • mstjmack26
    mstjmack26 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello to everyone:) My name is Tab. I am a full time working mother like everyone else. Only difference is a get a week off to be a full time mom twice a month(lab tech). I love working out. My job is really into living healthy, so they pay for gym memberships and weight watchers. They always have fun activities you can participate in. Most of them reward you with money, which is a great incentive I have two kids. A girl 16 and a boy 10. They are both into sports too. Both of my kids workout as well. My daughter will workout with me on my 7 off. They have a kids gym where they have the equipment as the adults but in a smaller version. They also
    Have fitness classes for kids taught by trainers. I.e. boot camp for kids. My weight loss plans are to lose 50 more lbs. I have lost about 48lbs in a years time, but I need to lose more. I was never overweight until about 2 years ago. I went back school and in the beginning I manage my weight plus I was always in the gym too. The stress of school, raising a family and working led me to comfort eating. Didn't workout for about a year. Gain about 70 lbs in a year. Now that is all behind me and if I had it to do over again I would handle the stress a little different for the sake of staying in shape.

    Also I wanted to add that when it is my 7 on at work, I workout 6 of those 7 days. I get up with my kids at 6:30a.m . I am usually at the gym by 8:15. On my weight training days (mon & thurs) I stay 2 hrs because I do cardio afterwards. On Tuesday it's tabata or TRX. Wednesday kickboxing or cardio combat, Friday is spin and the weekends are Strictly cardio. I will take Saturday off when I work too. I work evening shift 11 til 11:30p.m. In bed at least by 1a.m. Not a lot of sleep on this week but I make up or it on my 7 off. I have a sleep regimen that I try to maintain daily. In bed by 9 or 10 in sleep by 11.
  • Livnluv83
    Livnluv83 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I am a mother of an amazing 9 y/o boy and a wife. I work for a therapeutic foster care agency licensing people to be foster parents. My job is very stressful! During the week I feel like I'm rushing and don't have enough time to do anything. I'm trying to wake up early n workout but its so hard for me to wake up early. I started 30 day shred today trying to do it as soon as I get home. I def need to make a healthy change and am determined to be able to keep up with my very active boy!
  • colindae
    colindae Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Ladies! My name is Colinda.
    I have a 2yr old boy and a 1yr old girl.
    I work full time at a daycare as an ECE. Lucky for me I get to bring my kids to work with me. I LOVE my job but never thought I would be working as an ECE. When I got my diplomal I planned on become a Speech and Language Pathologist but getting pregnant right away when we were married changed my schooling plans. Now I can't imagine doing anything else.
    I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason and God doesn't give you more than you can handle.
    I've been doing the c25k program and just finished my first 30 min run! yay me! I feel like its time I started toning more and think that I need to check out some videos!
    I want to feel more confident because even though Im currently only 6 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight and have half the confidence I once did and I was always a little heavier. I want to be more energetic and I have a few weddings this year that I would really like to be comfortable in the short dresses the brides have picked out for me. The first wedding is in June (aiming for a 10 lb loss and the second is in september (aiming for 20lb loss)
    Thats more than I little someting. I am so glad to meet all of you!!!
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    My name is Julie.

    I work full time in early intervention (with kids from birth to three with developmental delays or risk for delays). I've been doing this almost 9 years. (I was a school teacher in my "past life".)

    I have three children: 15 (b); 9 (g); and 7 (b). I've been married to my best friend for 26 years. (If you are doing the math, you may guess that we dealt with infertility for many years). My husband has been a SAH Daddy, and he is in school right now. (Online).

    I started this journey to health in January, and I'm down about 20 pounds (with about 130 to go).
  • HarleyQuinn1774
    HarleyQuinn1774 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    My name is Quincyanna. I'm 26 years old. I am a CNA at a rehabilitation and long-term care facility. I have three children, two girls and a boy. My oldest daughter is 5, my son is 4, and my youngest daughter just turned 1. My husband is in the Army and, since he has PT five days a week, that means early mornings for me five out of seven days. The older two go to school and then it's me & the baby. Cleaning, cooking, laundry, trying to get in two balanced meals before work. I don't stop moving during the hours before I head in to my job and then, of course, at my job, I still don't stop moving. I squeeze in a gym session after work, head home, and get a few hours of sleep before I'm back at it.. Lucky hubby gets tons of sleep.

    With the gym sessions, healthier eating, and a physically demanding job, I've lost 25 pounds since mid-December. I'm very proud of myself, but I still have a good few pounds(around 15-20) to go. It's fantastic to meet all of you. Good luck on your individual journeys.
  • smallmuscleathelete
    smallmuscleathelete Posts: 186 Member
    Dear all,
    My hubby and I joined MFP 2 months ago (Jan 10, 2013), my pregnancy weight is gradually coming off (well, my baby boy will be 4 years in June! lol...I'm not really sure if I can still count that as "pregnancy weight"!)
    I teach Music and Foreign Language at a University, play piano @ church and have some private students, it's been hard for me to juggle between Family, Work and Exercise. For the last 2 months, I mainly just followed my calorie goal set by MFP (1200kcal) and lost 14 lbs. This month, I would like to exercise more and be healthier!
    Glad to see so many working moms here!
    Cheers, Hellie
  • MaryC830
    MaryC830 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all! I'm Mary. I'm 29 and I have two children- my son is 10 and my daughter is 8. I work full time as an admin. assistant at a psychiatric hospital, and I am going to school full time (online) to earn my degree in social work. Work, school, the kids, and general family stuff keep my pretty busy!

    Since October, my husband has been living away from home (on orders with the guard). He took a full time job with them recently, so our family is in the middle of a move. Trying to manage things here on my own the last few months really took a swing at my health and fitness, and I have put on a significant amount of weight.

    I'm trying to ease back in right now during the summer break... clean eating, couch to 5k running program, yoga when I can and workout DVD's at home. Looking forward to meeting some other working moms!
  • EricaWiese06
    EricaWiese06 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Erica and I am 27 years old and a mother to a 6 year old daughter and an almost 2 year old son.

    I work full time at John Deere and my husband works 3rd shift at a cheese factory.

    My weight gain began (like my mother) shortly after turning 18. While it was nothing substantial, I gained. After my daughter was born, I didn't lose much but I still wasn't unhappy with myself. Now with my son turning 2(!) next week, I can't use the excuse of recently having a baby.

    I recently quit smoking after many years and my main goal in life is to be able to run around the yard, soccer field, football field and baseball diamond with my kids and enjoy every moment of it!

    In the last month, I have joined the fitness center at John Deere and work out almost every day after work. It takes me 45 minutes to get home, which makes for a long day away, but I figure the long term results far better outweigh the extra hour a day I am away.

    My goal by the end of July is to be able to run a 5K (3.1miles) in less than 1/2 hour... which today I ran 2.59 miles in 32 minutes so I totally think I can meet this goal. I am also doing muscle training on the many different machines that are available and am thinking about joining the boot camp and Zumba classes my fitness center offers.

    *On a side note, if anyone has the Nike+ app, let's be friends! I find it more enjoyable to run if I am doing it competitively... but still having fun with it!
  • Jesskeepmoving
    Jesskeepmoving Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Jessica and I am a 27 year old Wife, and mother of two (4 yr old girl & 1 yr old boy). I work as a Property Administrator for a government conracting company. I am currently struggling with my weight and I have honestly been for at least 4 years. I was in the Army for 6 years and I was in great shape even though at the time I felt I wasn't. I would love to get back there but I feel like I have zero time to do anything for myself. Between the kids, my husband, my job, and going to school, not to mention normal household requriements like cooking, cleaning and paying bills I am just happy if I sleep 4 hours a night.

    I think it is awesome that there is a group that represents mothers like me. I feel like I am not so alone and I am looking forward to losing these 40 pounds and hoping to get tips and a little motivation from the women here.
  • LUreda
    LUreda Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I just joined this group. My baby girl is almost 7mo old, and I'm really trying to tackle the weight I gained during pregnancy (55lbs). I love taking classes at the gym because I can take Lucy with me & she loves the day care. I also enjoy running outdoors, and am looking forward to breaking in the jogger I bought recently once the weather cools down a bit. Feel free to add me! I would love to build a network of other mama's who are trying to lose weight.