Let's get to know eachother -- Self-introduction



  • lizp114
    lizp114 Posts: 202 Member
    My name is Liz and I'm 32 years old and the mother of four children. I live in Philly and I work part time as a home health aide. I also have years of experience working in various schools and day cares, which is why I'm in school working on getting my degree in ece. My weight has always been an issue for me but now I'm at a place in my life where I'm learning to put myself into my list of top priorities. My starting weight Jan 1st was 215 and I am now 202. My goal weight is 135-145. Ok a little about me, I love making new friends, I'm always open for text buddies and adds on here. I love going to the gym, planning events and just spending time with my family and friends. My favorite shows are RHOA, army wives, the neighbors, king of queens, and vanderpump rules. Favorite color pink and favorite food...I love Chinese food..all kinds lol. So feel free to add me and we can keep each other motivated via text or mfp. Good luck everyone....we got this
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Hi Everyone, my name is Mary. I live in a small town in Ontario Canada with my boyfriend and our 2 Sheppard-Lab cross dogs. I work full time at a desk job. Since I started on MFP last year I have lost 39 lbs and have approx. 40-50 more to go depending on the results and how I feel as I get closer to my goal. I had back surgery just over 7 years ago and the years that it took to fully recover resulted in significant weight gain. Last summer I slowly took up running and have been able to get into a routine that kept me running at least 4 days a week outside through the snow and cold that is Canadian winter, this has made me realise that I can do this and stick to it :drinker:.

    SW: 221
    CW: 182
    Goal Weight for this challenge: 160
    UGW: 135-145

    I will not be focused so much on the scale the next 9 weeks though as I have to step up my Tough Mudder Training, but hopefully an added bonus of that training will be dropping lbs.

    My favorite cardio is running outside with the dogs first thing in the morning, very refreshing and they are so excited to be out there that they motivate me. For strength I focus on body resistant exercises that I can do in the evening while the man and I watch TV (we PVR WAY too many shows).

    Looking forward to doing this challenge with all of you!!!
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi, my name is Angie. I'm a stay at home mom to 4 kids. I turn 30 this summer and want to look better than I have for a very long time.

    SW from Nov. 2012: 217
    GW for challenge:161
  • Alana150
    Alana150 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Alana, I have been on MFP since Aug. 2012 and have not seen much weight loss since. I however lost inches because I feel it in my clothes. I did not let the numbers on the scale discourage me, I kept strong and continued to get my workouts in 3-4 times a week. I enjoy going to my Zumba, Spinning, and Kickboxing classes, which is a whole lot more than I was doing before Aug. 2012. I try to stay within my calorie range according to MFP, but was told by my nutritionist I need to eat more calories :noway:

    Any weight loss amount by the end of this challenge would be awesome!:bigsmile:

    Good luck to all!
  • santababy23
    santababy23 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Jamie, I live in Central Florida, I'm 32,married and a mom of 2 prettty amazing young "men". I started out on my weight loss and get healthy journey 3 years ago. I weighed in at 214.8 pounds. Today through a lot of strugggles I weigh 139.2 pounds. I am working on becoming more focused as I continue to lose and become healthier and stronger. I want to lose another 19 pounds this year. I know I can do it, I just have to stay focused. Best of luck to each of you and if you want you can always add me to your friends list.

    Wow!! what a feat... 76 lbs lost already. Great job!!!
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Hey all, I’m Gynelle, I'm 35yrs and I’m from the beautiful twin island nation of Trinidad and Tobago but currently live in Australia (so in my mind I've renamed this challenge 'Fall into Winter' :laugh: ). I’m married to a darling guy (6th anniversary coming up and we've known each other for 14 years) who is also on a weightloss and lifestyle change journey.

    For most of my childhood, teen years I was thin like anything but the moment I left school and began slumming during the day (going to afternoon classes) and eating anything I can find in the fridge or cupboards (think jello puddings, chips and homebaked scones every day - huh ) I started piling on the weight bit by bit. It wasn’t until I hit my 30s and moved to Australia that I started developing a pouch along with a double chin so I started thinking that I really need to lose the weight. In 2011 I went from being 79kgs to about 65kgs but over 2012 I’ve gone up to 70kg where I seem to be most consistent. I have a bad habit where I exercise like crazy but then end up eating so much junk that I end up counteracting the good . My goal for 2013 was to get to 65kgs and after joining the New Year New You challenge I actually met and surpassed that goal!!! So for this challenge I'm going to try to get to my ultimate goal weight of 60kgs!

    On to my favourite things:
    Colours: blue and purple
    Favourite place: Pigeon Point, Tobago
    Place I'd love to visit: Paris
    Food: lasagna or my daddy’s stewed oxtail
    Tv: Big bang theory, Downton Abbey, 30 Rock, Modern Family, Revenge, now getting into Scandal and loving it!!
    Book: Harry Potter, romance novels, chick lit (Meg Cabot, Sophie Kinsella, Jane Costello etc)
    Game: Hard core Sims fan!!
    Exercise: zumba, spin class and I've just joined the Uni run squad and absolute love it!
    Hobby: reading, writing my own novels (I just self published my first book and my husband and I are currently collaborating on a 2nd)

    Always happy to make new friends so please feel free to add me!! :wink:
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    Im 21 years old and have a daughter who will be 2 in sept but shes not with me right now long story i still have custody but were states apart which is ok it gives me time to focus on me and look for a job i have been heavy my whole lfe and am looking to change for my self esteem and for my daughter

    How much would you like to lose? 35lbs which means getting out of the 200s

    Where are you from? Buffalo
    What is your favorite color, Turquoise
    season, Fall
    food, probably home made mac and cheese
    television series, I really love charmed but the newer one i like is Lost Girl
    books, A series called sweep and i recently read the hunger games and their amazing too.
    and hobby? I like to draw and paint and all kinds of artistic stuff
    Where would you visit if you could visit any place in the world!!?? -- and why? Ive always wanted to go to Rome for the history and museums and stuff id love to see Trevy fountain.

    What are your favorite workout routines? i like reverse crunches and when i was in school i used to love different leg machines which im not sure what their called but i love working with weights on my legs i like the burn but ironically lunges and squats hurt lol and i like to do free weights sometimes.
  • Channeling_Boudica
    My name is Lisa and I live in Central Florida. My father was in the US army when I grew up, so I’ve lived in many different places. However, I’ve lived here since 1989, so I hope by now I’m an honorary native. I’ve lost and gained at least an elephant during my lifetime but, at 50, I just really want to be done with it. I have wasted way too much of my time, money, and self-esteem dieting and regaining the weight.

    As far as the questions go, here it is:

    Favorite color: usually green, sometimes blue, sometimes red

    Favorite season: Spring, when the azaleas and wisteria are blooming. Beautiful. I love it hot, though, so I do like summer.

    Favorite food: salad with everything (i.e. the fattening kind)

    Favorite television series: Holmes on Homes, NCIC, historical documentaries

    Favorite books: I loved “The Faith Club” and “Dance of the Dissident Daughter” and, of course, the Harry Potter series. ”Jane Austen in Boca” made me laugh out loud. “The Guernsey Potato Peel Pie and Literary Society” made me laugh and cry.

    Hobbies: Well, I have a husband, four dogs, three cats, and two guinea pigs, and I work full time so I don’t really have time for many hobbies. I do like working out and motorcycle riding.

    Where would I visit? Venice. Italy. Greece. Australia. Can I just do a world tour?

    Favorite workout routine: I do mostly exercise dvds so that I can do my workout first thing in the morning. Currently I’m using Chris Freytag’s HIIT workouts and a few from Jillian Michaels. I also walk on Saturday morning, do yoga, and (come summer) will be swimming again.

    How much would I like to lose? Eventually I’d like to lose about 60 pounds. For the challenge, I’d like to lose 24.
  • JDavis352
    JDavis352 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Jamie, I live in Central Florida, I'm 32,married and a mom of 2 prettty amazing young "men". I started out on my weight loss and get healthy journey 3 years ago. I weighed in at 214.8 pounds. Today through a lot of strugggles I weigh 139.2 pounds. I am working on becoming more focused as I continue to lose and become healthier and stronger. I want to lose another 19 pounds this year. I know I can do it, I just have to stay focused. Best of luck to each of you and if you want you can always add me to your friends list.

    Wow!! what a feat... 76 lbs lost already. Great job!!!
    Thank you. It has been challenging. But I've managed somehow to keep pushing forward.
  • cvillneauve
    My name is Christi, I am from central Minnesota. For this challenge, my goal is to lose 30lbs. I realize I am going to be pushing myself hard to accomplish this within the time frame but I know I can do it if i stick with it.

    I admittedly start and stop this fitness feat all the time and I hate that I do it. I used to love going to the gym and had a very nice figure as a result. I know if I adopt those healthy habits again I can have the fit physique I once had a few years ago.

    I currently do not have a workout routine of any kind but I do love taking my dog for walks/runs. I have a gym membership that I must use. There is plenty of cardio equipment there that I do like to use as well as lifting weights. As long as I have music while I work out, I am content.

    I have three awesome kids, a dog and a husband who keep me very busy. I like to paint and listen to all kinds of music. My favorite season is summer although at this point with our recent snow storm, I will take spring all day long in lieu of shoveling the driveway.

    I am really excited to start this challenge and begin to become a healthier me!
  • joy4824
    joy4824 Posts: 49 Member
    Hello my name is Jamie and I live in Helena, Montana. I would like to have lost a little over 50 pounds by the beginning of summer. That will put me into a size 14 and very close to a size 12. I do stumble a bit but I am determined to do this. I can't keep going at the rate I was going at because it was killing me. In the last four months I have lost 17 pounds and I intend to keep on going in that direction. This is my year for change.
  • jhb550
    jhb550 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Jamie, I am from the DC area, but currently live in London. It's a wonderful change, but I do miss family and friends. I am very happy to participate in this challenge, I've been really focusing on working out at least 5x week and trying to eat as clean as possible fore the last month. I lost about 50 pounds back in 2007 when I was on WW, I kept off all but 10 lbs, but never reached my goal weight. I really want to get there this year! I have about 30 lbs more to go.

    My husband and I are enjoying the travel opportunities while we are living in London. Our next holiday is to Santorini--beautiful crystal blue waters await us in July--hope to feel comfortable in my bathing suit by then!

    I've recently started a 10K training program and started trying to swim laps. I also enjoy weight training. I would appreciate some tips on how to incorporate more healthy protein into my diet--whenever I do my 'pie chart' it seems like I'm eating way too many carbs. I'd like to get to more of a 40/40/20 (Protein, Carbs, Fats) split if I could.

    I'm just figuring out MFP, seems like a wonderful community, feel free to add me as a friend :)

  • Needachange84
    Needachange84 Posts: 310 Member
    My name is Lindsey. I am 29 years old and from South Dakota. I have one son who will be turning 5 in April. I'm here because I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired (literally). I weigh the heaviest I have ever been in my life :/ 249 at 5'5"...not the easiest to be carrying around. I find myself having little or no energy at times and I catch myself feeling bad because my son always wants to play and I'm to tired. I'm a bad emotional eater :( something I need to get away from. I would love to get down to 165 which I once was and felt was a comfortable weight but I am also going to try for lower then that, but small goals first! :) I'm always in need of motivation for I have a lack thereof it and can't seem to push myself. I start and go good for awhile then I quit. This time it has to be done!! No more lying to myself or excuses! GOOD LUCK to everyone!!:)
  • sazzet
    sazzet Posts: 56 Member
    Looking forward to starting this challenge. I live in Cairo, Egypt. I am 48 years old and I have two daughters ages 24 and 18. I have already lost 11 pounds since January, 1. I am challenging myself to sticking to losing weight for one year. These mini challenges are added motivation. Thanks for adding me.
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    I am one of biggest jojo dietter i know - and i hate myself for it . But i hope this time is my last time :-))

    My name is Marcela, I am from Czech Republic . But for last 15 years have been living in london . For this challenge, my goal is to lose 19 lbs. I know I am going to be pushing myself hard to get there within this short time but I know I can do it if i stick with it.And motivate myself.

    I do lots of walks mainly to get to or from work (about 1-1,5 hour walk). With better weather I hope to start using my bike I love wii- zumba . I have a gym membership that I must use little bit more often - There is plenty of cardio equipment there that I do like to use but i've never done lifting weights- i dont know where to start.

    I have two boys, a dog and a husband who keep me very busy. My favorite season is spring.

    I am really excited to start this challenge as i am just finishing my other challenge :-)

    my food diary is open and i am logging dailly so if you looking for friends ..... feel free to add me :-)
  • landyardsale
    The name's Landry. I am a financial journalist in NYC. I don't have a favorite season...I like them all equally considering each offers something different for me to enjoy! Same goes for favorite book--I've read and enjoyed too many to pick just one. My favorite color is pale green. I'm a big fan of red wine, craft beers and cheese (seeing a problem here?)! I'm a cat person and have a wonderful black boy cat. I also am in a going on three year relationship (and have totally entered the relationship "comfort zone" when it comes to food and weight).

    I am 5'6" and 165lbs (most I've ever weighed). I'm looking to drop somewhere around 30lbs so that I'm back down into the mid-130s. The last time I weighed 132lbs was in February of 2011 (two years ago) and I've slowly been gaining since then. Growing up I was always super involved in sports (six varsity letters in high school--four in swimming and two in lacrosse) and active upwards of three hours a day. In total I was a competitive swimmer for 10 years, including part of college. However, now at age 26 I am saddled at a desk eight+ hours a day writing about investment strategies. On the plus side, I do get a fair amount of walking done because of my commute (between walking from my apartment to the train and from the train to my office and back again I walk on average three miles a day during the work week). Aside from that I aim to work up to a four+ day a week/45+ minute workout routine (presently on hold because I am sick).

    As for my diet, I'm aiming for 1200 calories a day give or take, with an aim on eating more fruits and veggies.Additionally, I want to cut back on meat in favor of seafood. My biggest issues are my former disordered eating habits (for a number of years I would binge and purge/binge and starve/eat regular sized meals and purge/binge and overexercise) which can be easy to fall back into. I'm really trying to focus on eating well and eating until I am satisfied but not past it. Also, I need to learn to not feel guilt when it comes to food and eating!

    So, as I said before my long term goal is in the 30lb range, but for this 15 week challenge I'm aiming for between 15-20lbs. I think it's manageable! My motivation includes feeling better about myself as well as this super cute bikini I saw on the J.Crew website.

    Good luck, everyone!
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    How much would you like to lose by the end of the Spring into Summer 2013 challenge??

    Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from? What is your favorite color, season, food, television series, books, and hobby? Where would you visit if you could visit any place in the world!!?? -- and why? What are your favorite workout routines? RAMBLE ON MY FRIENDS!! lol :) Feel free to add your own questions to the mix! Feel free to add me as a friend!

    Hello! My name is Carrie and this is the 3rd challenge I have joined started by Dee! Thank you, Dee!

    From March 25th to July 8th (15 weeks) I'd like to loose 22 lbs. Thats about 1 1/2 lbs. a week.

    I'm from Clovis, New Mexico and I love spring (in places other then Clovis, LOL) and all its great colors. I don't watch a lot of television because I'm extremely busy with my two children when I'm not at work. They're teenagers and very active in Boy and Girl Scouts. We spend a lot of time camping, hiking, and such. When I have time to myself, I spend it rebuilding a 1967 Mustang that I bought about a month ago. This will be my 3rd rebuild, maybe I wont sell this one!

    I'm aweful about working out (I consider the few times I walk my dogs as 'working out'). I work full time 45hours a week and just don't feel like it after running my kids around to all their activities and cleaning and cooking around the house.

    I'm Celiac, which gives me severe reactions to wheat and wheat products. Even the coatings on 'crisp rice' in health bars upset my stomach. I finally decided enough was enough after spending months in and out of specialists with ulcers, acute gastritis, and palyps. I wasn't able to digest normal food for almost 3 months and lived on rice, crackers, and water for 3 months. Occasionally I would brave tuna on my crackers. After all that, I wasn't losing weight but I lost so much energy it would take me 30 minutes to get out of bed (and I'm a morning person).

    I finally talked to a friend of mine who was seeing a nutritionist and now I'm on track. I have a lot more energy and am losing weight fairly steadily.

    I can't wait to fit into another pants size by the end of summer!

    Age: 38
    Height: 5'6"
    My current weight: 208.4 lbs.
    Pants size: US 16
    Shirt size: US XL
  • kodijhill
    kodijhill Posts: 116 Member
    HI my name is kodi andd im from wiggins colorado and i want to lose 50 pounds by the end of summer i know thats a little much but thats my goal. If i make it i will be so excited since i struggle really hard day to day. i suffer from binge eating its a pain in the *kitten*. Any way my hobbys are animals lol my favorite color is lime green. I want to be a barrel racer and being big thats really difficult i can ride well but not enough to go fast enough. I want to visit kentucky i know souds lame but theres something about that place that draws me there . I am a stay at home wife i manage the farm and bills etc while my husband works. Theres 3 of us me my husband and my dad and i couldnt ask for any one better to live with. My life has been rough my mom doesnt like me cause im big and mostly the whole family on both sides dont like me cuase im big. I care but then again i dont but it does suck cause i never go to family stuff. Im the biggest out of all relatives and i dont like being talked about. I dont have many friends cause they either get jealous that im losing wieght and sabatage me or they just dont think im worth their time cause i dont have kids and i dont drink and party so thats fine with me. I wish to be someone that can walk into a room and get stared at for not being huge i want my beautiful face to have a healthy and fit body to go with it. Its really hard the most ive lost was 12 lbs and i think half of it was water wieght i dont know. Ive been recently diagnosed with a kidney issue and the doctor said its cause im fat literally and my liver is fatty. So i either need to lose wieght or im going to DIE so i guess i better buckle down then and get this wiehgt off. My goals are to wear clothes comfortably, able to run and move around without getting winded or really sweaty, ride my mare better and save her back. Oh favorite tv show is nashville!!! feel free to add me
  • emilypink573
    emilypink573 Posts: 133 Member
    Im Emily, Im finally in the 180s. Id like to be 175 by the end of this challenge.

    Im 29

    add me as a friend!
  • bethieb
    bethieb Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone

    My name is Beth. I am 28 years old and I have just had a baby 5 months ago and my main reason for joining my fitness pal was to loose my baby weight. I was 189lbs after having my baby I am now down to 139lbs. I want to get down to 120lbs and get more toned and shredded. So basically I've 19lbs to get off. So I am going to use these 15lbs to get this 19lbs off (or as much as I can) and not only to loose weight but to tone up and get more shredded. So bring it on!! I will post photos once I work out how to! xxx