What's your favorite meal this early out?

AlaskaSusan Posts: 35 Member
Hi! I have a diff name here than on the FBook page ~ I'll be one month out next Monday the 11th.
I've had a hard time getting liquids, much less protein shakes or purees down until the past two days. It's like something's finally fallen into place and I can get close to 40 oz. water per day now, and this morning I think I'll be able to actually finish this 7 oz shake, yahoo!

So I'm looking ahead to more 'meal-like' times ahead but don't want to run away with myself either. I'm going to use this tool for all it's worth. It was a long road to get here and I want to take advantage of every minute while I"m in the honeymoon phase. I don't easily get bored (yet) with food; I still enjoy the hot broth I started with (with a scoop of protein added), and I'm still liking my homemade chicken broth pureed with a bit of the chicken.

What all do you like to eat now we are at or nearing a month out? I understand sleeved folks can eat a bit differently than RNY such as I, but all ideas are good. And yes, I get tons of ideas at Eggface and Bariatric Foodie, but they are much further along and I'd like to know what my fellow Febbies are eating these days!

Thanks for making the group! :)


  • debiosbo
    debiosbo Posts: 3
    I like chilli ,scrambled egg,cheese n crackers,real chicken and turkey
  • MoeRice
    MoeRice Posts: 2
    I have been doing really well with food and protein. From the day after I got home (surgery on the 15th), there hasn't been a single day that i didn't get at least 64 oz fluids and 65 grams protein. I have been on pureed/soft foods for one week and my favourites are: refried beans, chili, eggs, ham flakes, hummus and crackers
  • I will be 5 weeks out on Monday and I am on solids. My fav's are chili and fajitas. I try my best to make everything from scratch so I know exactly what is in there and try to add some extra protein in anywhere I can. I am starting to record my recipes on here and hopefully they will be helpful to others too. Everything seems to be sitting well as long as I listen to my fullness signals. I have yet to try pasta, rice or soups with chunks but so far whole wheat tortillas sit well, even raw veggies are going well. My new food for today will be corn that I have put in my chili. Hopefully that goes well.......
  • debiosbo
    debiosbo Posts: 3
    OMG you get your water and protein everyday I'am so impressed I;m haveing problems with water I dont like to count my protein shakes as water I add 1/2 banana and 1 tsp peanut butter just to get them down so i think of them more as food... keep up the good work and pass on any tips you mite have