Hi! I'm new.....

cjojmom Posts: 3 Member
and I'm looking for fellow sisters in Christ for accountability and encouragement in weight loss and health. I look forward to connecting with you ladies and supporting one another in this journey. Here's to honoring God!


  • Catwoman1037
    Catwoman1037 Posts: 102 Member
    Hello and welcome. Please feel free to add me. I am a christian/wife/mother working on becoming and staying healthy. :smile:
  • cjojmom
    cjojmom Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! Sounds like we have a lot in common. i sent a friend request. look forward to getting healthy! :)
  • poolermom
    poolermom Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am new to this group. I have 2 kids age 19 months and 5 months. After being pregnant for so long I am finally ready to take on the challenge of losing weight. I have struggled my whole life with weight issues and need to get healthy for myself, my husband and kids. Hope to meet some like minded christian wife and mom to encourage each other on this journey.
  • Kathymomof4
    You can add me!! We got this!!! :wink:
  • pictures2cherish
    Adding all of you ladies! I agree we got this!!!