WE ARE F-A-M-I-L-Y...I got all my__with me! 3/9

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
I was listening to a radio news program on way to work a week or two ago and this psychologist said that technology has gotten folks so out of touch with how to socialize.
Humans were made to socialize and have fun together. We need actual FACE time! She said the newer generations are not showing skills on how to deal with communication and people skill and conflict resolution like generations past. She recommended people have 2 hours a week of actual talking with someone face to face!
I thought how sad...tech is good by all means but there is always a price we pay!

So challenge yourself today or this weekend to eat dinner, lunch or breakfast with family and friends (esp you single folks) make an effort! Ask someone to workout with you....go grocery shopping together...play board games but make sure you get some face time...humans need contact! We were meant to be together! Not isolation! Try hard!
Even taking a exercise class is good.

PS I sometimes like to go to Starbucks and just watch folks...or the library and see the tutors with kids and parents with children...fun.


  • sunnyheart100
    sunnyheart100 Posts: 13 Member
    good idea:)
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I am not lacking here. I could use more adult interaction. I will try to be more deliberate thank you.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    It's so true these days, I'm the old fashioned type that still writes thank you cards, I prefer face to face time to emails and talking on the phone. That being said, being single it's tough to get that face time with friends, my work friends live over an hour away from me (the job is in a major city and it's common for everyone to live in different cities and counties in different directions from each other) my local friends tend to be married, married with kids, or divorced with kids so finding the friends that I can say "Hey let's go do..." doesn't work that well. During the week I get more face time with people at work, gym classes, dance classes, time with my friend/trainer, I'll post stuff on facebook saying I want to do something does anybody want to join me and never hear anything back. But, I keep trying and that's all I can do
  • MommyLovesHerFurBabies
    For me this is but it isn't too hard. My hubby and I always eat at least 1 meal a day together. We go for walks with our dogs at least once a day. We do the grocery shopping together. Sometimes we play board games. But he's all I've got out here so that makes it easy. But for interaction with other people outside of my husband is difficult because I don't have friends out here or anything. So I do keep to myself or I use my computer for face time with family back home. My 4 year old nephew and I LOVE to skype :bigsmile: :heart: He's my little buddy and I can't imagine not having Skype to see or talk to him.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    my friends tend to be married, married with kids, or divorced with kids so finding the friends that I can say "Hey let's go do..." doesn't work that well. During the week I get more face time with people at work, gym classes, dance classes, time with my friend/trainer, I want to do something does anybody want to join me and never hear anything back. But, I keep trying and that's all I can do

    This is me too but like you I keep trying! I think it is so easy for our children especially to get so hooked on electronics we have to make them invite friends over or go to the movies etc....I too understand being single and for some reason as we age no one wants to do the same thing...I can be a recluse but I fight to stay with folks...I keep asking and trying to do stuff...I think that is why I love exercise classes too.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    It is easy to be isolated today. My husband think's that a good thing. But I don't. So I gave him the first two years in our new location without being invovled in groups. But that's slowly changed. Now I'm head of the Cub Scout Pack Committee, joined the Gardner's Club which give's me a different group to interact with and then there is karate. I now have a new girl friend. We did karate together but she recently quit and now we are doing Tabata together as that's the type of class she would rather do. But we were talking teh other day - that oh so important face time, and we decided we need t otake a few walks together so we can talk too. Hubby gets hi sinteractions in different ways than that. But we are different people. Thanks for reminding me that my kid needs this too. Some times he wuld rather be doing a game then going for some where with Mom.
  • janmarti
    janmarti Posts: 1
    This was a great idea !!! I think meaningful face time with people is what in lacking many of our lives, especially single older folks. I believe that getting face time is doable, but making it meaningful is what's going to be important. By the way I'm a new member to the group and I'm really excited about the idea of "a challenge a day"