Medicine causing weight issues, what do you do?

dwebbqt Posts: 20 Member
About a year ago I started getting weaker and weaker. I had started a new med and just didn't connect the two for a while. The doctor even thought it was just an adjustment period. All the sudden (well it seemed like it anyway) I could hardly move. I was having a reaction to the new med, and it started me down the path of sinus tachycardia. Of coarse went off the first med, but had to go on verapamil to get my heart rate down. During this time I decided it was time to lose weight. Doc warned me that it would be hard with this new med. Every time he adjusted it, my weight loss would stop. I have had the same dose now for quit a while, but my weight goes down so slow its very frustrating! I did look it up online and most people gain weight with this medicine, I just have problems losing it. According to the math (calories in vs calories out) I should lose 1 pound a week and sometimes more. I'm careful to get my bmr calories in for sure. (i use the suggested calories from fat2fit) I am a healthy eater, not very much processed food at all.

I'm just wondering what anyone else does that has medication issues with weight loss to offset problems losing.


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,006 Member
    ask your doctor if there is an alternative med you can take that doesnt have the weight gain side effect. This is what i did the dr changed my meds and i quit gaining but it took alot of time and hard work for the weight to come off. Just keep at it dont give up also try shaking things up this has helped me in the past, our bodies sometimes get used to what we are doing. I hope this helps
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Question.....have all your meds reviewed by your pharmacist? Are you still on the verapamil? What other meds are you taking? Gotta make sure your heart is doing what it is supposed to be doing and that the weight isn't caused by fluid accumulating in your body because your heart isn't pumping like it should. I am not a pharmacist, but work in pharmacy and I listen a lot. There are some meds with some negative side effects, and those side effects need to be reported immediately so the medicaton can be evaluated and stopped if necessary. Some side effects can cause permanent harm if not addressed quickly.
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    I am on long term steroids (prednisone) for lupus and have been on it for 10 years and this is partly how I got so big in the first place. I cant stop it, it has just meant I have had to be stricter to get this weight off. If you cant lose the verapamil just be kind to yourself. You can still lose weight, it just wont be as easy.