excited for this group:)

first group i've ever joined... i don't exactly know how this works, but lets see how it goes! :happy:


  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    I share in your excitement. I am starting on the healthy eating on Wednesday 3/13/13 . tomorrow I shop for the healthy food. i am also working on doing 5K walks for a work out and joined the challenge group to do so. I have 40 more pounds till my goal weight. I am doing all it takes to get there.
  • AliceCan
    AliceCan Posts: 2
    Yay, I'm excited to find a group of women on MFP! I'm trying to kickstart again during the last semester of school, and it's nice to have an online support system. :)
  • Netwalks
    Netwalks Posts: 36 Member
    I have been 'healthy eating' for a week so far so good! I try to log on each day lets really help each other.????
  • carrss
    carrss Posts: 6 Member
    Also excited to see this group. I'm back on MFP after detouring and gaining back some of the weight. I want to find some positive women to help motivate and support one another. Friend me if you want!
  • Netwalks
    Netwalks Posts: 36 Member
    Just joined healthy gals group . Lets be friends!
  • pinksarahjane
    pinksarahjane Posts: 73 Member
    hi i just joined this group im sarah im from england :)
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    yes lets all be friends. I am two days on eating healthy
  • Netwalks
    Netwalks Posts: 36 Member
    Weekends are harder for me as my routine is different and I have more time to snack!
  • garnet116
    garnet116 Posts: 144 Member
    Yeah! Friend me, too.. I need friends!
  • pinksarahjane
    pinksarahjane Posts: 73 Member
    feel free to add me