
Hey there I'm jessamyn on here and on MeFi. If people do or don't want to share their MeFi handles or real names that's totally AOK. I've been using MFP to track the food that I've been eating since April of last year and it's been really helpful to me both to understand more about what's in the food I eat [and the food I like to eat] and what sort of offset exercise gives me. I'm happy to be a cheering squad for anyone, I know it's slow going, often tough and annoying and wintertime makes it all worse. Welcome, you're among friends here.


  • hey everyone. i'm taff. well, i'm taff on the grey green and blue. and justtaff on the professional white background.

    i've got a loooooong way to go. but i've come even further. i'm ridiculously slow, but i love to run.

    and eat. whoops.

    and therein lies my problem.

  • brigittejt
    brigittejt Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, I'm gaspode on mefi.

    Combining this with health month for some accountability re. healthy eating.
  • megashark_kill
    megashark_kill Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I'm puppetmcsockerson on mefi. I'm still on my super fun, lasting forever weigh loss journey. I still have around 50lbs I want to lose. Yehaw.
  • tatiana131
    tatiana131 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello! I'm tatiana131 here and there. I've gained about 40 lbs in the last decade, on a 5'1 frame and I'd like to lose 20-30 of them. I spend a whole year lifing heavy weights with a personal trainer 2x/week, and cleaning up my diet (although not portion control), and I lost exactly 0 lbs. Even accounting for muscle weighing more than fat, I still have plenty o'fat to lose.

    My main problem is portion control. I can eat very healthy, but I tend to do 'gourmet' healthy which tastes good and I eat for satiety as much as flavor. I love stuff like buckwheat as it gives a lot of fullness for not too many calories.

    This approach will include adding running to the regimen - starting Couch to 5K tonight, and serious calorie control. I'm pretty good at disciplined eating during the week and really struggle on weekends. So if you have any suggestions to weekend survival, I'm all ears.
  • I weigh myself 1st thing Monday morning, which helps keep the weekend in check, at least on Sunday (when I sometimes feel the need to atone for Saturday and try to salvage the week).
  • hi all- I'm leslies on mefi. Been working with a personal trainer for most of the last year focused on fitness more than weight loss. Decided to try to lose about 20 pounds starting with the new year. I'm also 5'1". My biggest downfall is my sweet tooth but having a starving athletic teenager at home doesn't help either! I'm down 5 lbs since I started using myfitness pal - have never tracked what I ate before using it and it's been eye-opening to really keep track of what I eat and when to stop.

    I do strength training 2-3 times a week, circuit training 2x a week and try to get out and walk/hike the other days.
  • Hi I'm janelikes on Mefi and Heather irl. I have gone up and down with my weight since graduate school. I have been doing a yo-yo thing where I lose 20 pounds and put back on 25. I did this most recently for my wedding (May 2011)...I spent so much time and effort in dropping the weight and then literally the day after until now ate everything all the time. This time around I'm trying to do it the "right way," AKA for good and more moderately. Portion control is hard for me but time to work out is the biggest at the moment. I'm in my last semester of my PhD and I'm exhausted all the time, but I hate the feeling of starving as well. Glad to see this group here as I have not made any connections on this app yet. Glad to meet you all and to see so much progress!
  • kjbarone
    kjbarone Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all. I'm kbar1 on mefi. It's been a good month - I'm down 13 lbs since Jan 11th (yay!) but even with that good news I was feeling frustrated and deprived today. I had pasta salad for lunch - and when I entered it in the tracker, I discovered that 1 cup was a whopping 880 calories! Even though I limited myself to lentil soup and steamed broccoli with a lowfat cheese sauce for dinner, I ended up exceeding my daily goals. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.
  • Hello there! I'm Megan and I've been at this for 45 days. My weight has been variable my whole life. I was quite small until my mid-twenties when I ate All. The. Things. All. The. Time. and then I got pregnant and ate more of the things. I lost about 25kgs/50 pounds through breast feeding, but I've noticed it creeping back again.

    That said, I had great news at the gym the other day - I've gone from 37% body fat to 25% body fat in the last 6 weeks. Awesome! Crikey it's been hard work though and I've not lost a great deal of weight (about 3kgs/6 pounds). I comfort myself with the thought that my (enormous! Ever-growing!) muscles are just very, very heavy.
  • Howdy all! I'm Roommate over on mefi (mostly a lurker). Been on mfp for about a month but just learned of this group today. I had some success with Weight Watchers online several years ago, but the weight has slowly been creeping back in. This time I'm just counting calories on mfp and trying to exercise at home (dvds... right now a mix of Power 90 and, um, Hip Hop Abs). Also using a fitbit to try to spur myself into more general movement throughout the day - it was kind of shocking to discover how little I move, having a desk job. So far, so good - my eating habits have definitely improved, my downfall will be all the great craft beers brewed around Asheville...
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Hi all! brianogilvie on MeFi (the name was taken on MFP). I was a fat kid and college student, then lost lots of weight in grad school due to walking everywhere and exercising. Then I got a job and slowly gained dozens of pounds (0.51 pounds per month from 1994 through 2008). I took some of them off by exercising more, but eventually my eating caught up with my metabolism. So I've decided that counting calories is the way to go. I have a number of motivations -- including lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol intake, and frankly, looking better -- but my #1 motivation is to get faster on my bike. I live in a hilly part of Massachusetts, and the best way to improve climbing time is to take off excess weight! I started on Jan. 7 and have lost about 7 lbs. since then (using an exponentially weighted average with 0.1 smoothing to even out the daily fluctuations). I'm currently cycling 4-6 hours a week, doing core exercises 5-6 times a week to control back pain, and lifting weights 2-3 times a week to help ensure that I don't lose much muscle as the fat comes off.
  • DMStevens71
    DMStevens71 Posts: 2 Member
    Howdy, I'm smuna on MeFi; I'm pretty new here and over there as well. I want to use this application to keep track of my nutrition and to motivate me to exercise. I maintain a vegan diet for cholesterol lowering purposes, so MFP has been useful already in determining where my nutrition could improve. I am a sporadic cyclist and yoga practitioner, but I enjoy myself the most when working out with weights in the gym. I lost my routine when I moved across the country a few years ago, and never re-established it. Yesterday I signed up to the gym in my neighborhood, and today I went, so that's progress at least!
  • lianaleslie
    lianaleslie Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm Liana, shirobara on metafilter. I read about this site on metafilter, I think from one of Jessamyn's comments, and I decided I'd use it to try to improve my health post-baby. So far it's really helped me think about what I eat and make food choices that help my health, without running into all my issues with food and obsessive tendencies. I hope to get back into the swing of exercising, too, I go to the Y a lot with my son but it is all for his benefit so far! I've done a run-walk program in the past and would like to continue that.
  • trail_seeker
    trail_seeker Posts: 11 Member
    Hey y'all! I've been a long time lurker of MeFi (sans account) and I love the culture there. I mostly read AskMeFi and MetaTalk.

    I started out getting by going from a sedentary lifestyle to become active after joining a running club. In Florida. In August. It wasn't the easiest thing but somehow fate gave me a freebie because our first run was in the cool rain. It was hard, but I was hooked. I'm now training for a 10k in April to meet one of my resolutions for the year.

    I set weight goals for myself in January and due to progress last Fall, I'm halfway to my goal weight.

    Look forward to seeing everyones progress!
  • thereemix
    thereemix Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm thereemix on Metafilter (well, mostly AskMe). I'm trying to lose weight and I'm sick of doing it alone. I completed Couch to 5K last year and managed to keep up the habit once I was done, ultimately running in five 5K races and one 5-mile race (oh, that one hurt) last year. So I guess I'm a runner? I'm terribly slow - like, 15-minute-mile slow. Hopefully I can get faster this year. All that running last year helped me shed 10 pounds of the 70 I am hoping to get rid of. I've decided that now that I've gotten a handle on the exercise thing now I'm going to start scrutinizing my eating habits. Anyway...very glad to be here among some familiar names. :)
  • trail_seeker
    trail_seeker Posts: 11 Member
    kjbarone - I feel your pain about eating something, then tracking it in MFP and getting a shock, Sometimes if I am faced with a challenging day, like going out to eat at a restaurant with co-workers I'll pre-track my meal by researching what the restaurant has and plugging in different options until I find a meal that isn't too high in calories or sodium (I'm looking at you, Olive Garden soup and salad!)
  • jessamynwest
    jessamynwest Posts: 14 Member
    So I guess I'm a runner? I'm terribly slow - like, 15-minute-mile slow. Hopefully I can get faster this year.

    There's a discussion on the main forums about fast-walking (I am a fast walker usually) versus running but it seems from what I can gather that they're both good for weight loss, it's just that the calories are more or less for distance not time if that makes sense. So I think for a lot of people the amount of time it takes to burn the same calories makes walking a snore.

    I too wind up with the "That food has WHAT??" for calories but after six months or so, you get a handle on where things will fall on the spectrum. I also spend a lot of time entering recipes for baked things I like so I can say "Okay, one cookie is 100 cal" and know for sure and not just that I'm kidding myself because YUM COOKIES. It's painstaking for a while but it gets easier.
  • GenXTomboy
    GenXTomboy Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All, I'm cocoagirl on AskMe and this is one of many things I'm doing and have done to manage my weight before it gets beyond my ability to deal with it rationally. I'm 45 and notice that my early, athletic frame just doesn't deal with weight the way it used to. I'm pretty active when I stick to it, but often life throws me for a loop and I get out of the habit and then, BAM, it's 8 months later. So my strategy needs to encompass ways to deal with the loops. Often I can predict them: For instance, I know that the end of my kids' school year, and the end of the summer, when they're home full time for a few weeks before or after camp starts, is one of those times. I have them 24hrs/day and can't work out, and spend more time out and about at novel activities with hectic food choices in front of me. But sometimes I can't predict the loops (divorce & injury seem to be my refrains!). Anyway, having more awareness and choice over my food is something that I can depend on throughout those loops, so it seems like a good habit to get into.

    Oh, I also have a massive chocolate addiction and two voracious boys in the house, so, yeah, not the greatest combination. Recently I gave myself permission to have a different dinner than them--it felt like sacrilege but I think it will make a difference. Not every body at the table needs that food or that much of it.
  • themirandarin
    themirandarin Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I'm nohaybanda on metafilter. My name is Miranda. I joined up on MFP a few months back, tracked stuff for a week or so, then completely quit. I'm having a horrible time getting inspired. My picture on here is of me on my wedding day (last year). I was way, way heavier on my wedding day than I ever anticipated being. I guess I put it up to somehow guilt trip myself into being serious about everything this time.

    I've been too big since I was about six years old. In 2006, I managed to lose a lot of weight (about 50 lbs) and be pretty happy about the way I looked and felt. I maintained that weight until 2010, after which point I steadily accrued loads of chunkpounds. My highest adult weight was about 240 lbs and the highest size was a 20; the lowest has been about 170 and a size 10/12. Currently, I'm around 215-220 depending on the day (yes, I'm one of those crazy folks that can't stay off the scale) and struggling to stay a size 16.

    It is hard to be objective about weight loss and my weight, because people constantly tell me I do not look "that big" and to cut myself some slack. I never wanted to get up to a 16 again, and the thought of getting back into an 18 or 20 mortifies me.

    Anyway, that's my rambling introduction. I'll cheer you guys on if you'll do the same for me. :) (Oh, and I sought this group out after seeing jessamyn's comment in a MeTa thread today! I had no idea there was a board here for MeFites.)
  • kjbarone
    kjbarone Posts: 12 Member
    It's been pretty quiet here over the past month, so It's great to see another mefite joining the group.

    I started MFP and Weight Watchers in mid January, weighing 209. I've been sticking with both programs and I'm down to 175 - woohoo! I'm hoping to eventually transition to just MFP but for now, the weekly weigh in at WW is helping me.

    I really started to feel and see the difference when I hit the 10% weight loss point in March. Now my size 18 clothes are all too big on me. My ultimate goal is to fit comfortably into a size 10, but I'll be thrilled to wear size 12!

    Best of luck to you Miranda - Cheers!