newbie-not yet started

cocolicious2 Posts: 72 Member
Hi all, I have just joined the group. I have not started the program as of yet. I have really just started researching the stronglifts program and I was led to this group. I am currently reading the e-book that you get and I have just been also looking for other research regarding this program to see if it is for me. It looks like it will be a while before I am actually ready to start because I do not have a power rack, bench or plates and I also do not have a gym membership. I am in the process of building a home gym in my garage and a power rack is the number one thing on my list. It is a little pricey tho, so it may take me awhile to save up the money for it.

My question for now is, is there any exercises that I can do now in prepartion for the exercises that this program uses? I mean exercises that do not require the equipment since I dont have it yet, or am I kinda out of luck until I save up enough money for the equipment? A gym membership is out of the question for me right now because of my wonky schedule.

This looks like a great group and I hope to really be able to jump into it soon!


  • cocolicious2
    cocolicious2 Posts: 72 Member
    ok one more thing. Here is a link to the power rack I was looking into. What do you all think?

    also looking at maybe this one:

    Which on is best? are either of these good?

    Thanks again

  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    Hello! If you have dumbbells at home you can sub some of the exercises with those until you get your equipment. A member on MFP typed up a summary of stronglifts with dumbbells - i'll see if I can find that for you!

    As for the power racks - I am not an expert on this so keep that in mind, but I have the one you posted in your first link and it works great for me. It seems the "marcy" one has a bench built in and I am not sure how that works. I had to purchase a bench with mine. Maybe some one else here can help you with that!!

    Good luck to you!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member

    My question for now is, is there any exercises that I can do now in prepartion for the exercises that this program uses? I mean exercises that do not require the equipment since I dont have it yet, or am I kinda out of luck until I save up enough money for the equipment? A gym membership is out of the question for me right now because of my wonky schedule.

    Hi Coco, welcome! I am new to this group too.

    I would think that you could do bodyweight squats right now (yes, while you're reading this post LOL). Follow the links in the stickies and look at the form recommendations and work with them. I did body weight squats for about three-four weeks before I 'started'.

    And check craigslist for a squat rack to save some $$$
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Hi Coco, welcome!

    I have the powerline rack you linked to and it works great for me. I actually got it because Mehdi suggested it as a good option in a stronglifts post. I got it for $350 new, though, so maybe shop around a little to see if you can get a better price. My husband put it together in just over an hour, and he's not particularly handy, so assembly is not too complicated. We already had a bench.

    As to what you can do for now, I agree with the suggestions made by others. Do body weight exercises. Also look around at Craigslist or a similar site for some dumbells, which you can go a long way with. And maybe pick up the book New Rules of Lifting for Women. I did most of the routine in that with just dumbbells and it was kind of my introduction to lifting.

    Once you are ready for stronglifts, I highly recommend reading the book Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. It is full of information and diagrams about the proper form to use for all the lifts.

    Good luck!
  • cocolicious2
    cocolicious2 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks all, I do have dumbells already so I will see what I can do with them for now and I will do body weight squats also. Also I will definately shop around for the best price on a power rack. Thanks again.