Tall Ladies! I need suggestions!



  • Wezlfuss
    Wezlfuss Posts: 122 Member
    Props for being able to be a blogger in the first -place.
    I'll usually start one, then realize three days into it that I have nothing significant enough in my life to write about. :p
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    I second the problem with skirts and dresses. I've got a lot of leg to show. I'm tall with big boobs so 9 times out of 10, I will look like a ho in a dress.

    And the one that I haven't heard is that your plus size = my slightly chubby size. I wear a size 12 and I'm not really overweight. Perhaps 5 lbs above a BMI of 25, but it's pretty minimal considering that's a very small percentage of my body weight. I don't think I could ever get into high fashion sizes. In a size 4 I think I would be on my deathbed. In a size 0, I would be in the ground for sure.

    When people tell me I could be a model, I always joke that yes, if I ate only toilet paper for a few months and got a double mastectomy then I would surely make a great runway model.
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member
    mostly i love being tall...BUT

    1) Hearing "we can order that in talls"
    2) Did you play basketball...um no...did you play miniature golf?
    3) Short women that date men over 6'0...I'd like to submit a formal protest
    4) the eternal struggle for leg room....theaters, planes, cars, desks, etc...etc...etc....

    On the Upside....
    1) being able to reach things on the top shelf for the little old ladies in the grocery store and watching their eyes light up when i come around the corner to save the day
    2) Legs for miles :P
    3) Being able to gain the attention of everyone in the room with a single pair of great heels (heads turn)
    4) confidence to carry it off - being a tall woman isn't for everyone - we are blessed breed!

    Yes to all of the above! Add #5 on the downside side; big feet!
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    Another thing about the bathroom is when the stalls are TOO SHORT and you can see over the door to people washing their hands, the mirror, etc.

    Pretty awkward when you make eye contact with someone as you are unbuttoning your pants to do your business...

    ^^ This! I always avoided the bathrooms in one of the buildings on campus because I hated how I could easily see over the stall without even trying.

    Another pet peeve I have is that my twin sister (who is 5'6") always takes the taller water fountain, so I either have to wait or just suffer and stoop way over to use the lower one (I'm just shy of 6'). Her excuse is that just because she is shorter doesn't mean that she's short enough to have to use the lower one. :/
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    1.Wearing heels and having people call you an Amazon
    2. Taking pics next to short friends, they look like your children
    3. Seeing a lot of dandruff on top of peoples heads
    4. "You're not fat, you're just really tall!"
    5. Having your hoo-hah showing on every short dress ever made
    6. Short shower heads
    7. Finally having head room in a convertible
    8. Ground is farther away, so the fall hurts more
    9. How the shortest girls find the tallest guys...
    10. You're screwed for hide and seek
    11. "I'd date you if you were shorter"
    12. Are you a model? Or a basketball player? I know I've seen you before
    13. Every single tall sexual innuendo pick up line

    I totally agree about the shower head. I almost always have to stoop down whenever I use a shower head. Specially in hotels.
  • katepsher
    katepsher Posts: 10 Member
    Some stores' change room doors are so low I can watch people shop as I try on clothes (and they can watch me pull shirts over my head).

    Darn-near impossible to get in & out of the Space Mountain ride at Disney.

    Friends always telling me that some store or other carries long pants, they're sure of it, only to find out that their longest inseam is a 32 or, at best, a 34, which just won't do. Or they'll show me how long the pants they bought are on THEM, so SURELY they must be long enough for me. Thanks, friends, but I've played this game before.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Not being able to buy regular pants. I always have to buy Long and only certain stores carry longs. Although stores have come a long way. It was a time NO stores carried Longs and the Tall girl stores were too long for me.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    My main complaint is pants. When you have to take down a "Tall" pair of pants because even they are too short, it's really annoying. I bought 2 nice pairs of Banana Republic dress pants at their outlet store for $18/piece. They were long enough in with flats in the store, they were a good price, so I bought them (it's horribly hard to find pants that even fit right, let alone are long enough). Washed them, they shrunk enough that I couldn't even wear them with flats any more - thank god they had a cuff that could get let down - my tailor loved me that day.

    I also get annoyed when you walk into a shop with the cutest clothes, go to the section, find your size and realize they only carry regular and petite length. You ask if they carry talls and you are told that you can order them online. If I wanted to order a pair of pants online I wouldn't have come to the darn store in the first place. I also get looks from the store staff like "you don't need a long, what in the world are you talking about?", then when I try on a regular and they are up to my knees and show them they are amazed, like my legs grew 5 inches in the dressing room.
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    I once was in a changing room where the doors were at my shoulder...very awkward haha
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I've seen some shower heads so low, I've opted just to take a bath.

    I'm 5'9" (which isn't that tall) but people ask me all the time why I wear high heels. I don't care, I'll rock 6 inch stilettos any day!
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    My main complaint is pants. When you have to take down a "Tall" pair of pants because even they are too short, it's really annoying. I bought 2 nice pairs of Banana Republic dress pants at their outlet store for $18/piece. They were long enough in with flats in the store, they were a good price, so I bought them (it's horribly hard to find pants that even fit right, let alone are long enough). Washed them, they shrunk enough that I couldn't even wear them with flats any more - thank god they had a cuff that could get let down - my tailor loved me that day.

    I also get annoyed when you walk into a shop with the cutest clothes, go to the section, find your size and realize they only carry regular and petite length. You ask if they carry talls and you are told that you can order them online. If I wanted to order a pair of pants online I wouldn't have come to the darn store in the first place. I also get looks from the store staff like "you don't need a long, what in the world are you talking about?", then when I try on a regular and they are up to my knees and show them they are amazed, like my legs grew 5 inches in the dressing room.

    I love the new "ankle" length pant and I'll wear some skinny jeans/pants as ankle pants and it works out. Having a great tailor is a must if you're tall!
  • majoki
    majoki Posts: 151 Member
    1. Low bathroom sinks.
    2. Low shower heads (so uncomfortable to contort your body!)
    3. Dresses that are too short (I have a large collection of Ann Taylor dresses, but I have to wear them all with dark tights because they are a bit shorter than I'd like for work).
    4. Knowing that if the pants don't come in "talls" then it's probably a waste of time to bother trying them on - and in many stores pants still don't come in talls.
    5. Bathing suits that are too short for my torso.
    6. Shirts that expose my stomach (so I wear long camisoles under almost everything just in case).
    7. Not fitting fully into regular-sized bathtubs (I just want to get most of my body under the warm water, dang it!)
    8. Definitely agree with that awkward seeing over the tops of stalls in some bathrooms and changing rooms - I try to avoid eye contact =)
    9. Having to be wary of ceiling heights in older houses! I hit my head on the ceiling coming down the stairs in this one house I rented. I think I hit my head on it about 3 separate times while I was heading down at full speed. Ouch!!
    10. I've always liked being taller than all/most of the other girls, but there were periods of time when being proportionately larger than all of the other girls made me think I looked less feminine. I don't think that at all now! =)
  • ajh1014
    ajh1014 Posts: 80 Member
    Back pain from having to bend over to wash hands/dishes/etc since most sinks aren't very high off the ground!

    I agree! I dream of building my own home someday to have all counters, sinks, appliances, cupboards, and bathroom mirrors at least one foot taller.
    I saw this one too! I just finished remodeling my kitchen . . . from the ground up . . . my new island is 3" taller than "normal". You can't have the counters by your appliances higher due to logistics - stove & dishwasher. You would have to have them mounted on platforms - I tried! My island is simply AWESOME!
  • Brie4me
    Brie4me Posts: 238
    Most things have already been mentioned. I'll add:
    Sleeves almost always being too short. It's become a habit of mine to push my shirt sleeves up to disguise the fact they don't quite reach my wrists. But, cannot do that with coats. Which brings me to gloves ~ gloves are never long enough. I see them in different widths, but not different lengths. I'd like all of my fingers to fit in, and I'd really like to not have cold wrists!
  • CoCoRedRider
    CoCoRedRider Posts: 47 Member
    Back pain from having to bend over to wash hands/dishes/etc since most sinks aren't very high off the ground!

    I agree! I dream of building my own home someday to have all counters, sinks, appliances, cupboards, and bathroom mirrors at least one foot taller.
    I saw this one too! I just finished remodeling my kitchen . . . from the ground up . . . my new island is 3" taller than "normal". You can't have the counters by your appliances higher due to logistics - stove & dishwasher. You would have to have them mounted on platforms - I tried! My island is simply AWESOME!

    Oh, there will be platforms for the appliances then. Dreaming big here...:bigsmile:
  • jadelyndsey
    jadelyndsey Posts: 150 Member
    So I'm a blogger, and I was going to write a blog about being a tall gal. So far I've only got 2 things about being tall that people of other stature and gender won't know the pain of.

    1. Public restroom toilets being so small you have to pop-a-squat to "go".
    2. You will never find jeans that are the right length without having to get them tailored.

    So if you'd like to help me out, (and be featured in my blog) add your own. I'm going to need at least 10. If you want me to include your name and your blog, post that as well, otherwise I'll just use your MFP name.

    Weight loss quips are fine too, as long as it's about being a TALL GIRL! (woman, gal, lady whatever you prefer)

    I live in the north east of England (UK) and most of the ladies changing rooms here like in sports direct, H&M etc are ridiculous. They have designed them with the idea of being able to see the tops of peoples heads in mind, so that if anyone is in there it will prevent the embarrassment of opening a curtain on someone mid-dressing, but I have to try things on bent down so that no one sees me in my bra!

    My bath at home is tiny, I am always incredibly uncomfortable when bathing.

    I hate people asking to take pictures of me when I am on a night out too. When I wear 3-4" heels, I can reach heights up to 6'5/6'6" and so many men and women come over and ask if they can have a photo with me like I'm some kind of freak show - highly annoying. Alongside that is the stupid jokes that people find appropriate to say "Oh wow, how's the weather up there?! LOL?!" Nope, wasn't funny when I was 13, still not funny now.

    I love it when "tall" sections stipulate "Suitable for persons with height of 5'5"-5'8"" And how EXCACTLY does anyone else who is taller than this factor into the equation? Left a lot of clothing companies lengthy emails about their ridiculous definition of what tall is.

    Plenty more I suppose, but I just hate the expense in being tall. My friend can go to primark and get a pair of jeans for £6, I have to pay £75 (and that's for jeans with no make!) for just a few more inches. With society growing taller as a whole, I would have thought clothing companies would have began to cater for this change and make tall clothes more accessible for those of us who can't afford £100 for a pair of black smart trousers for a job interview of whatever! Such a niche in the market right now!
  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    being taller than bathroom stalls
    the low shower heads
    no leg room on planes or buses
    looking in a mirror and only seeing your boobs
    skirts and dresses being too short
    hard to find pants that are long enough
    cute tops that are too short and you have to constantly pull them down
    shirt and jacket sleeves being too dang short
    cute shoes are a little harder to find in a size 11
    computer monitors that aren't up high enough so you get a headache from looking down
    dancing with your shorter friends at the bar and you stick out like a sore thumb in the group and feel like everyones watching lol
    hugging shorter guys and their face goes in your boobs....not always cool
    pictures with shorter friends and you look awkwardly tall

    BUT....I love being tall, I think it's damn sexy, especially how long and hot my legs and butt look in heels :blushing: :wink:
  • CatherineAnneP
    People assuming that being tall means you can't date a man shorter or that there is something weird about it.

    it just shows a huge amount of superficial ignorance. It's not like how tall you are or who you fall in love with can be controlled

    Would it be acceptable I wonder to tell someone, "urgh, why are you with someone taller than you, how weird, I'd never date someone that tall" yet seems to be ok to make comments the other way around.

    I wouldn't judge anyone else who wanted to date someone shorter, I just am not attracted to shorter men. It's a personal preference.

    No, actually you are judging but you just can't see it. Using words like "Weird" is just rude. I would hope that you just HAPPENED to have fallen for someone taller than you but if someone had come along shorter, one would hope you wouldn't have been so superficial to have denied him based solely on that single, uncontrolable factor.
    Oh wow, you are out of line.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    am I? then it must be the day for it. I'd suggest getting over it.
  • xandra
    xandra Posts: 101 Member
    I agree with all of the above. Try finding plus size pants in a tall. UUGGHH! My other pet peeve is big feet. It's hard to find fashionable shoes at a decent price in a size 12.