Astrology in dating

pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
I've never been the type to do more than look at a horoscope and be amused. But I happened across these 3 short summaries about each sign in the dating world and I have to admit they are all pretty accurate both for myself and some people I know. Thoughts?

Reason to date each sign:

Reason to dump each sign:

How to keep a sign happy in a relationship:


  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I am an Aries, and, in genera, don't think I fit the descrption of an Aries, but this one I did fit a bit better. And, though I don't put much stock in astrology in general, I have been told that Aries should date other Aries, or Sagitarius, and my best relationships were an Aries and a Sagitarium so that was accurate........interesting to say the least...........
  • fullofwhimsy
    It is funny.. I don't believe in astrology at all.. and yet I find my sign to correlate quite strongly to my personality and/or any personality testing I have done. I guess it can be argued that anyone can find themselves in any sign..but.. the following is true!

    How to keep me happy
    1. Shower them with love, affection, and praise on a daily basis.
    2. Support and encourage their passions and creative ideas.
    3. Let them take the lead whenever possible.
  • wharmychippy
    I would not take this too seriously. It is up there with taking sex tips from cosmo. Fun to read yeah, but no.
  • grum84
    grum84 Posts: 428 Member
    While I think astrology is fun to think about, I don't put any weight into it when looking for relationships.

    I fit the Capricorn model very closely in most of the descriptions I have seen.

    Now, interestingly enough, I have an Indian friend and in her culture, they put a TON of weight on Horoscopes. She is looking for someone who has to have a matching horoscope or a neutralizing one, due to something she has in hers.
    Out of curiosity, I took the online test to determine my Indian horoscope, and I have the same negative overshadowing in mine as well. And it isn't just when you are born on the day, but also to the minute and the lat/long of the place you were born.

    So she told me, if I were Indian, we would be a perfect match. But I am not, so...
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I don't put much stock in it, but I'm a Virgo, and the descriptions on those pages are pretty much dead-on for me.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I am an Aries and I tend to fit it to a T. These included even though these barely touch on it.
  • fullofwhimsy
  • fullofwhimsy
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    While I think astrology is fun to think about, I don't put any weight into it when looking for relationships.

    I fit the Capricorn model very closely in most of the descriptions I have seen.

    Now, interestingly enough, I have an Indian friend and in her culture, they put a TON of weight on Horoscopes. She is looking for someone who has to have a matching horoscope or a neutralizing one, due to something she has in hers.
    Out of curiosity, I took the online test to determine my Indian horoscope, and I have the same negative overshadowing in mine as well. And it isn't just when you are born on the day, but also to the minute and the lat/long of the place you were born.

    So she told me, if I were Indian, we would be a perfect match. But I am not, so...

    Does she have to marry another Indian?
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Astrology is fun, but I don't put any weight in it.

    So what do you think guys, does it suit me?
    1. Geminis are genuinely interested in many topics, so they will love to learn about whatever interests you.
    2. Their quick wits will keep you laughing.
    3. You will never have to worry about a lack of communication because they always want to talk everything through.
    4. Geminis are so social that they like to be friends first and lovers second. Your relationship will be fun and flirty for years to come.
    5. Adept at sexy talk, Geminis have the unique ability to turn you on even before you get into bed with them.
    1. They are completely unreliable.
    2. Each day you never know which personality you will be waking up next to. Yikes!
    3. They love to charm you with their beautiful words but they rarely live up to their big promises.
    4. Geminis get bored easily which means they'll get bored with you. In no time you'll feel like yesterday's news.
    5. Living with a Gemini is like living in a graveyard of half-finished projects and abandoned ideas.
    1. Keep the lines of communication flowing at all times.
    2. Find a way to keep things light and playful in the relationship, even during tough times.
    3. Love their friends and support their active social life.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I can kind of get the negatives too. This might be an example of twisting things to fit a horoscope. I dunno.

    1) I can kind of be unreliable. If you coerce me into doing something I don't want to do I might spend a lot of time having anxiety over it until finally I panic and cancel. For example my friend used to host these HUGE club parties and kept inviting me. I would say no because that stuff makes me itch. Finally he guilt tripped me into agreeing and by the time the party rolled around I was having such bad anxiety about it that I didn't even tell him I wasn't coming I just turned off my phone and hid in my room reading pretending like I had forgotten.

    2)I don't have a split personality but my life exists in extremes. I can be stupid happy, completely disinterested or rage angry and that can vacillate at the drop of a hat depending on external factors.

    3)I wouldn't call them promises, but I love to dream about huge events taking place and even go so far as to make plans for something to happen before I realize it's impractical and give up. Like this past year I was thinking I wanted to do a weeklong stay in Catalina for my birthday and mentioned it to all my friends and said if I do XYZ I think I can make it happen and then by the next week I realized it wasn't likely with all my other budget issues and never mentioned it again. So yeah, if you take improbably dreaming too literally then it could come across as breaking promises.

    4) I do get bored easily. And if you don't humor me in some way I will get bored with you and find someone that will play. Life is an adventure.

    5) Hmmm.... I don't know. Sometimes I take on more than I can chew and I have to pick and choose. Sometimes things need to just go on pause. I am always doing something though.
  • grum84
    grum84 Posts: 428 Member
    While I think astrology is fun to think about, I don't put any weight into it when looking for relationships.

    I fit the Capricorn model very closely in most of the descriptions I have seen.

    Now, interestingly enough, I have an Indian friend and in her culture, they put a TON of weight on Horoscopes. She is looking for someone who has to have a matching horoscope or a neutralizing one, due to something she has in hers.
    Out of curiosity, I took the online test to determine my Indian horoscope, and I have the same negative overshadowing in mine as well. And it isn't just when you are born on the day, but also to the minute and the lat/long of the place you were born.

    So she told me, if I were Indian, we would be a perfect match. But I am not, so...

    Does she have to marry another Indian?

    Yes, that is a cultural thing. Her parents would kill her if she thought about being with someone not from her region of India. There are actually a lot of different criteria that a potential guy has to meet in her parents eyes.

    So glad my parents have nothing to do with who I date or have fun with.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I'm a Taurus
    1. Taureans are the most loyal people you will ever meet. Once they're committed to you they won't ever stray.
    2. Their deeply sensual nature will pay off in the bedroom. They'll take their time and make sure you are pleased.:blushing:
    3. A Taurus will spoil you with extravagant dinners and fine wine. I will? -_-a
    4. You will never have to question the motives or intentions of your Taurus because they are straightforward and true to themselves.
    5. In times of stress, a Taurus will always be there to comfort and take care of you.

    1. Taurus is so stubborn. Don't expect to ever win an argument with them--even if they're wrong they won't give an inch.
    (It's rare when I feel this way.)
    2. Good luck trying to get them to do their share of the housework. They'll be parked on the couch while you're folding the laundry. (In the past, I agree whole heartedly. I was very lazy, avoided almost all physical activity. Which is one of many reasons I ballooned up to nearly 500 lbs.)

    3. Their needs will always take precedent over yours. (ha ha ha ha, no)

    4. God, they're boring. ( I was told by an ex I can come off as boring at times. Her idea of having fun was doing drugs. Since I didn't want to, I was boring)

    5. Taureans won't open up emotionally. Even when you know there's a lot going on with them, they'll just say, "What? I'm fine."
    (Takes me a long time to open up to people.)

    How to keep happy

    1. Pamper them with massages and plenty of physical affection. (yes please.)
    2. Make them feel safe, secure, and comfortable. (Safe? I guess, like in a "trust me" kind of vibe)
    3. Allow them to maintain a level of independence within the relationship--don't ever make them feel trapped!
    (I feel this is important too)
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    My brain tells me that astrology, especially horoscopes, is a bunch of junk.


    Most Capricorn descriptions describe me perfectly. (Especially when it comes to relationships/sex.)

    My last boyfriend was a Gemini. I did an astrological compatibility test and it fit us (and our problems!) exactly. He was the world's worst flirt.

    The guy I am currently interested in is a Scorpio. He has that Scorpio stare that I could not resist - long before I knew he was a Scorpio,

    Just weird.
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member

    So what do you think guys, does it suit me?

    I should have KNOWN you were a Gemini! :wink:
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member

    So what do you think guys, does it suit me?

    I should have KNOWN you were a Gemini! :wink:

    Bahahaha, I'll take that as a compliment XD
  • DonnaNCgirl
    DonnaNCgirl Posts: 372
    Astrology (IMO of course) and other interesting things like Chinese fortune cookies, palm readers, horoscopes, and magic eight balls: random miscellaneous traits and/or statements that are quite easily attributable to the masses in general.
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    I would not take this too seriously. It is up there with taking sex tips from cosmo. Fun to read yeah, but no.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Astrology (IMO of course) and other interesting things like Chinese fortune cookies, palm readers, horoscopes, and magic eight balls: random miscellaneous traits and/or statements that are quite easily attributable to the masses in general.

    Exactly - and still fun :3
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Astrology (IMO of course) and other interesting things like Chinese fortune cookies, palm readers, horoscopes, and magic eight balls: random miscellaneous traits and/or statements that are quite easily attributable to the masses in general.

    Agreed. :)

    Although...the Gemini fit my ex perfectly. LOL