mom with severe 11 year old

I am going to come out say that I've had 11 years of depression... 11 years of hoping my son , who is basically nonverbal and severe...that he would get better. In those 11 years I've also been diagnosed with a heart condition and been on meds that slow down my body + getting older... And realizing that I need to get healthy for my son...I need to be around for a long time.... So my goals are to 1- lose 10 lbs at a time...I don't want to set myself up for failure... And maybe find some friends... Because being a asd mom, I haven't really been socially accepted into any kind of circles in my neighborhood, work, or even around other asd there are my goals and intro, thanks for having a group here <3


  • Delldgm
    Delldgm Posts: 27 Member
    I'm new here too! Together we will walk this journey and support each other like we support those we care for. It's time we did a little bit of caring for our selves too. Look forward to getting to know you better.
  • asdandme
    asdandme Posts: 72 Member
    Hi! I understand how hard it is to make my old house they referred to me as roadrunners mom(what they called my son because he eloped all the time) They never bothered to learn any of our names:grumble: Wouldn't let my daughter(who is not asd)play with their children.:mad: They would even cross the street before my house so they didn't have to walk infront of it:explode: so stupid really. Glad you are reaching out and starting the journey to better health. I love it here and have never felt better since joining 9 months ago. here for you and good luck:happy:
  • Bola17
    Bola17 Posts: 120 Member
    I am going to come out say that I've had 11 years of depression... 11 years of hoping my son , who is basically nonverbal and severe...that he would get better. In those 11 years I've also been diagnosed with a heart condition and been on meds that slow down my body + getting older... And realizing that I need to get healthy for my son...I need to be around for a long time.... So my goals are to 1- lose 10 lbs at a time...I don't want to set myself up for failure... And maybe find some friends... Because being a asd mom, I haven't really been socially accepted into any kind of circles in my neighborhood, work, or even around other asd there are my goals and intro, thanks for having a group here <3

    Feel free to send a friend request. I started MFP last year trying to get myself in gear because of the same reason. Used so much time on my son that I was only going downhill myself!
  • julielynnbush
    julielynnbush Posts: 6 Member
    I have a 12 year old with autism. I too know the stress and anxiety and depression that go with taking care of a special needs child! I tend to turn to food as a way of coping sometimes, just to get me through it and somehow comfort me! I've learned though, that it is important to be strong for our children, and also strong for ourself, so that we can stay healthy and be around to take care of our precious ones!

    So let's all try and stray strong, and good luck with our weight loss!!
  • gaynorv
    gaynorv Posts: 33 Member
    Hi from the uk, an asd mum and losing weight as I too need to be around for my son - would love to be part f your weight loss journey : ) pls add as m as a friend
  • MissySchwab
    MissySchwab Posts: 529 Member
    hi.I am a mom to 3 boys and 2 are on asd.1 is 14 and the other is 5 feel free to add me.I love to chat and pass messages back and forth. :)
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I have a child somewhere on the autism spectrum. I can sympathize with the worries and weight loss issues. You can add me if you'd like.