hip hop abs

Trying to get excited about hip hop abs. hardly breaking a sweat and seriously uncorrdinated!! Anyone seen results worth sticking to? Its easy but maybe to easy


  • sarahcsmaller
    sarahcsmaller Posts: 68 Member
    I take that back. total body burn had me dripping sweat:)
  • katrusse
    katrusse Posts: 9 Member
    That's good to hear - starting it today - let's see how I get on :-)
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    I had great results when I first started Hip Hop Abs. I had lost 20 or so lbs in about 3 months.. (Roughly 4 years ago, before I hurt my knee and gained most of what I lost back. lol...) I doubled up a lot of the shorter workouts... but yes, Total Body Burn kicks butt!
  • aeg176
    aeg176 Posts: 171 Member
    I originally purchased this workout program back in 2007 and I got the level 1 and 2 and let me tell you Level 1 TBB and level 2 of the cardio, ab sculpt, and total body burn 2 is a different program. The TBB2 is the hardest home workout I've done with Hip Hop abs. Once you get used to the techniques you will begin to get the full effect of all the videos.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I just got Hip Hop Abs and did the Fat Burning Cardio 2 yesterday. I was sweating and panting like a dog! Afterwards, it felt like I had been punched hard in the gut! And my tummy muscles are still sore today!

    Maybe try Level 2 and see if it's more challenging for you!
  • radiantrox
    radiantrox Posts: 34 Member
    This is my third week doing HHA (week 1 I did the six day slimdown). I haven't had any big results yet but I think slow & steady is the best way to go. I'm excited because this week I'll double up on some of the workouts because I don't always feel like doing Fat Burning Cardio 1 is enough. I can't wait to see where I am at the end of 30/60 days and your messages above have given me hope.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Has anyone had a sore back ? A friend of mine sent it back bc it hurt her back ??? Looks like fun to me though...and especially for $20!
  • Kirkpatrick97
    Kirkpatrick97 Posts: 1 Member
    my family and i just started hip hop abs (my husband, oldest daughter, middle daughter, and youngest daughter) so happy we doing this as a family
  • tinajhoward
    This is day 7 on Hip Hop Abs. I did the six day slim down, but have not checked my measurements yet. I feel great though! I think and feel that Hip Hop Abs is working. I switch up between total body burn and ab scupt. I am waiting for the HHA Ultimate package to arrive can't wait to start! I'm going to stick with it and see what kind of results I get. I am continuing a low-carb diet (I hate using that word) so let's just say I'm watching my carb intake which i think is good anyway because of my high blood pressure---so we'll see.
  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    I've done about 8 sessions w/ the Mark, Move and Groove
    from that set. I am highly uncoordinated but my mom bought
    it so I figured I'de give it a try. I am planning to begin the
    actual HHA disc today. the MMG started w/has been very
    effective. My belly is cutting .. the lines are appearing &
    my booty built enough to have my family mention it .. I come
    from the land of no butts, this is a big positive w/ using this
    DVD. I say give these discs a try , stick with it 7 or so days before
    completely giving it up. jmho. :)
  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    Yes, but I have an old back injury so
    just doing my best has worked plus
    I try to do it w/other fitness mixed
    n2 my week so my back isn't as strained.

    [This was meant 2b reply to Debbie]
  • gibbymac
    gibbymac Posts: 7
    Where do you buy the beach body items?
  • EmmaLA16
    EmmaLA16 Posts: 94 Member
    Www.beachbody.com for the USA and Canada, .co.uk for UK
  • Mary9921
    Mary9921 Posts: 100 Member
    I have yet to start Hip Hop Abs as I think it might be to hard....I haven't excercised in a while.
    I have rockin body and plan to start that on Monday, May 13.