How many calories?!?

smewoo Posts: 28 Member
So I just found out I am pregnant about a week and a half ago. I have changed my settings to maintaining my current weight, it was to loose 2 pounds a week before. But that puts me up to over 2,000 calories a day, I feel like this is a crazy amount of calories to be eating every day. Does this seem high to anyone? I haven't had my first appointment yet so I will talk to my doctor about it when I do. I am just really not wanting to end up gaining 65lbs like I did with my first. The weight that I have been trying to loose is still from my first son as it is. I weighed 140 when I got pregnant the first time and lost almost 50lbs the first week he was born, then gained some back before I started here, I put a bit back on since then though due to stress from my house burning down. So as it stands now I am at 187 as of 2 days ago, I think I am bloated right now too though so I would safely say 184.


  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    It's a lot to go from -2 pounds a week to maintaining. Maybe step it up gradually over the first trimester? I personally kept it at loose 1/2 pound through the first trimester (plus eating excercise calories) and stepped up to maintainence at 2nd trimester. Now at 22 weeks I'm starting to get hungry enough that I sometimes need my extra 300 calories you get for being pregnant. I guess the most important thing is to eat if you are hungry but stop if you are full. You don't need to stuff yourself to reach 2,000 if you don't feel hungry, there will be plenty of time for that later! Hopefully your doctor will be able to guide you a bit. You will find a lot of us are here to avoid a repeat of a first pregnancy weight gain. I gained 40 with my first, and would like to keep it between 25-30 this time. Congratulations!
  • Reen1234
    Reen1234 Posts: 6
    I think 2,000 seems about right for your weight, although, I don't know how tall you are. There are calculators you can find online that have you imput your weight, height and number of weeks you are prego and it'll tell you how many calories you should be eating. I'm further along (16 weeks) but my doc tried to tell me I should be eating 2,500-3,000 a day. I told him I ate 1,500 pre-pregnancy (I'm only 5'1") and he told me to eat at least 2,000. Hope this helps.
    Here's a link to a calorie calculator
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    This is me only, I did talk with my dr when I found out I was pregnant, he was not concerned with me continuing to eat a base line of 1500 and go up second trimester, I have just passed 13 weeks I found the last 2 weeks-ish I was hungry so I uped up calories by 200. I eat over for calories burned if I'm hungry, my first tri I was not much hungry.
  • sseratt
    sseratt Posts: 20 Member
    I eat 2100/day for maintenace. I am 5"7' with medium build. I was eating way less before pregnancy. I workout out on avg 5 days/week. I make sure to eat back my exercise calories, so I would add another 200-400 (normally) during the week. Weekends, I have long runs and I have to eat back a lot and that is hard to do on healthy food! lol Just monitor your weight. If you feel you are gaining to fast, feel bloated, terrible, etc.,just cut back 100-200 calories and then try that. Calories are suggestions and you may need to adjust to your personal needs. You are unique to me and everyone else and you can't always compare! I noticed that I was starving all the time and couldn't figure out why! I upped my calories to 2100 and wow what a difference. Some days I am under, some I am over.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I am 5'4" and was maintaining 138 prior to pregnancy on about 2150 per day, so I am continuing this amount for the first trimester. I lost over 35 pounds eating at 1500, plus workout calories, so for me that would be far too low. I am nine weeks and have not gained yet. I will be adding 300 additional calories per day after 12 weeks and even more the third trimester. I am also monitoring my nutrient and protien intake to meet all the requirements. I would say the calorie goal you have does sound about right, just shocking to see a number like that after restricting calories.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I am 5'4" and was maintaining 138 prior to pregnancy on about 2150 per day, so I am continuing this amount for the first trimester. I lost over 35 pounds eating at 1500, plus workout calories, so for me that would be far too low. I am nine weeks and have not gained yet. I will be adding 300 additional calories per day after 12 weeks and even more the third trimester. I am also monitoring my nutrient and protien intake to meet all the requirements. I would say the calorie goal you have does sound about right, just shocking to see a number like that after restricting calories.

    Also, I do NOT eat exercize calories back with this calorie goal as it already includes my activity level. I do make sure NEVER to net close to BMR though. I think it is very important to eat enough calories, especially to maintain my workouts.
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    I am 5'3" (started at 115 lbs) and eating 1850 plus exercise calories b/c my activity level is set to sedentary (so usually close to 2,000). I am 26 weeks and up 13 lbs. I don't think I will increase anymore for 3rd trimester b/c I think I'm already about 300 above maintenance (not sure, as I had never used MFP before getting pregnant). I don't think you need to increase really until the 2nd trimester (I didn't and I'm glad b/c I still gained 4 lbs in the first 12 weeks without increasing calories)