Runners questionnaire!

jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
This has been done before.. I've just added a couple of questions.. just a bit of fun :)


***20-30 miles

What's your favorite distance?

***10-12 miles

Brand of shoes?


Indoor or outdoors?


Music or no music?

***Music, always!

Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)


Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

***Nike running app for iphone

Next upcoming race?

***Easter 10m 29th March

Running club/partner?

***Occasional running partner once a week


  • MartinaNYC
    MartinaNYC Posts: 190 Member

    ***20 miles (training for a 5k at the end of the month- going to add miles afterwards)

    What's your favorite distance?


    Brand of shoes?


    Indoor or outdoors?

    ***Outdoors ALWAYS!

    Music or no music?

    ***Music- although I recently found out that it doesn't really make a difference on my pace anymore. I use it to entertain myself!

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)

    ***Intervals (it's love and hate- it's tough but you know deep inside it's so good for you and you feel so rewarded afterwards)

    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***Garmin Forerunner 10

    Next upcoming race?

    *** 5k NYCRUNS Spring Fling on March 30th

    Running club/partner?

    ***No but I'd love to have a running partner for my long runs. Also thinking about joining a club!
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member

    ***30 - 35 miles

    What's your favorite distance?

    *** Hlaf Marathon

    Brand of shoes?

    ***Brooks or Asics

    Indoor or outdoors?

    ***Outdoors, Outdoors, Outdoors, indoor track, dreadmill

    Music or no music?

    ***Not usually

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)

    ***None really, but if I had to hills (since we have very few)

    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)


    Next upcoming race?

    ***Blackberry Farms 5k

    Running club/partner?

    ***Usually get out with the club once a week when the weater is decent, otherwise almost always solo
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member

    ***60 - 70

    What's your favorite distance?

    ***won or placed in overall female for 5k events... trying to conquer the half now. But fav would be between 10 - 15 miles

    Brand of shoes?

    ***New Balance since I'm flat footed

    Indoor or outdoors?


    Music or no music?

    ***Music, always!

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)

    *** love all of em

    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***motorola hrm/gps tracker

    Next upcoming race?

    ***ORRC half or full marathon depending on how I feel.

    Running club/partner?

    *** rarely but have ran with the Jamaican pacers, toledo road runners and the Baltimore pacers.
  • Melissa26point2
    Melissa26point2 Posts: 177 Member

    ***20ish miles

    What's your favorite distance?

    ***8-10 miles

    Brand of shoes?


    Indoor or outdoors?


    Music or no music?

    ***Music, always!

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)


    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***Garmin watch

    Next upcoming race?

    ***June 1 Fontana Fun Run half Marathon

    Running club/partner?

    ***nope....just me and myself
  • goalie35
    goalie35 Posts: 245 Member

    ***30+ miles

    What's your favorite distance?

    ***so far 4-5 miles

    Brand of shoes?


    Indoor or outdoors?


    Music or no music?

    ***Music, always!

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)


    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***Smart phone & Polar watch

    Next upcoming race?

    ***May 19 Cellcom GB half Marathon (my first)

    Running club/partner?

    ***haven't found one yet.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member

    ***30ish and climbing

    What's your favorite distance?

    ***13-15 miles

    Brand of shoes?

    ***No favorite. My road shoes are Mizuno, my trail are Brooks. But they could change next time I buy new ones.

    Indoor or outdoors?


    Music or no music?

    ***No music

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)

    ***Haven't found one yet

    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***Timex. It's the greatest, it tells time, and has the date, and has the chrono...tells me how long I have run, and has an alarm :)

    Next upcoming race?

    ***Not sure yet

    Running club/partner?

    ***No club. Either by myself or I have a running partner.
  • jjhenry5
    jjhenry5 Posts: 80 Member


    What's your favorite distance?

    ***No favorite.

    Brand of shoes?

    ***No shoes; barefoot.

    Indoor or outdoors?


    Music or no music?

    ***No music. I like to focus on what my body is telling me.

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)


    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***Garmin 305

    Next upcoming race?

    ***April 7. San Francisco Rock N Roll Half.

    Running club/partner?

    ***Generally solo, but occasional runs with friends.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member

    ***45-55 miles

    What's your favorite distance?

    *** half marathon!

    Brand of shoes?

    *** Brooks

    Indoor or outdoors?

    ***Outdoors ONLY! I never set foot on the dreadmill!

    Music or no music?

    *** No music, I run on the streets, need to hear the cars before they run me over...

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)

    ***Intervals are painful, but it is satisfying when I nail them!

    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    *** Garmin 610

    Next upcoming race?

    *** LA Marathon - this Sunday!

    Running club/partner?

    *** I have a club I never run with and a weekend long run partner (who has been injured for the last 2 months)
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member

    ***70 - 85

    What's your favorite distance?

    ***10-12 miles

    Brand of shoes?

    ***the past few years i'd been using adidas, but my newest pair are New Balances.

    Indoor or outdoors?

    ***Outdoors preferably. i do the treadmill too. equal opportunity

    Music or no music?

    ***Music, unless it's a race - races are so exciting music is unnecessary! :D

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)

    ***um. i dunno. i don't think i do any of that. i just run. and keep running. for awhile.

    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***runtastic app for my iphone to clock my runs

    Next upcoming race?

    ***haven't signed up for anything upcoming

    Running club/partner?

    ***does a Running for Brews club count?
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member


    What's your favorite distance?

    *** Favorite is a 10k, its easy (for me). But I run at least one full and one half marathon each year

    Brand of shoes?

    *** New Ballance

    Indoor or outdoors?

    ***Outdoors for the long runs when the weather is warm, most of my running in on a treadmill unfortunitly.

    Music or no music?

    *** Always music, I will listing to audio books during runs too.

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)

    ***The 20 mile training runs durning marathon training

    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    *** Garmin 610

    Next upcoming race?

    *** Fargo St Patty's 5k this Satuday, then the Fargo Marathon in May

    Running club/partner?

    *** I have a running buddy, Josh, who runs most of the same races as me, but he's faster then me so we don't run together often. My wife has recently started running again though so I hope to run m ore with her
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member

    ***20-30 miles

    What's your favorite distance?


    Brand of shoes?


    Indoor or outdoors?

    ***Outdoors, intervals on Treadmill

    Music or no music?

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)


    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***Garmin 910xt

    Next upcoming race?

    ***April 14 - Big D Half Marathon

    Running club/partner?

    ***Me, Myself, and I
  • MartinaNYC
    MartinaNYC Posts: 190 Member

    ***45-55 miles

    What's your favorite distance?

    *** half marathon!

    Brand of shoes?

    *** Brooks

    Indoor or outdoors?

    ***Outdoors ONLY! I never set foot on the dreadmill!

    Music or no music?

    *** No music, I run on the streets, need to hear the cars before they run me over...

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)

    ***Intervals are painful, but it is satisfying when I nail them!

    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    *** Garmin 610

    Next upcoming race?

    *** LA Marathon - this Sunday!

    Running club/partner?

    *** I have a club I never run with and a weekend long run partner (who has been injured for the last 2 months)

    Good luck on your upcoming Marathon!
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member

    ***25-35 miles

    What's your favorite distance?

    ***6 miles (so far!)

    Brand of shoes?


    Indoor or outdoors?

    ***Outdoors! (Speedwork on the TM)

    Music or no music?


    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)


    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***Just MapMyRun or Endomondo for now, definitely want a Garmin though!

    Next upcoming race?

    ***March 16th - Canyonlands Half Marathon (My first HM - this Saturday!!!)

    Running club/partner?

    ***Myself (for now)
  • danimal5867
    danimal5867 Posts: 390

    ***20-30 miles

    What's your favorite distance?

    ***8-10 miles

    Brand of shoes?


    Indoor or outdoors?


    Music or no music?

    ***I almost always have my music, but I don't use earbuds anymore.

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)


    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***endomondo app on my Android

    Next upcoming race?

    ***April 13, 2013, Iowa Speedway 8k: Where the Rubber Meets the Road (However, I might enter a race on March 23)

    Running club/partner?

    ***I have joined a local club but I still haven't ran with them
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member


    What's your favorite distance?

    ***race? or just in general? 50k I guess

    Brand of shoes?

    ***road: Brooks, trail: montrail

    Indoor or outdoors?


    Music or no music?

    ***no music usually

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)

    ***hmm, love all the training, hate treadmill.

    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)


    Next upcoming race?

    ***Grasslands Trail Run, 26.2 (in 10 days)

    Running club/partner?

    ***almost always train with a friend or a group, race alone.
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member

    ***15-25 miles

    What's your favorite distance?

    ***6-10 miles

    Brand of shoes?


    Indoor or outdoors?

    ***Outdoors ONLY! I very rarely get on the dreadmill!

    Music or no music?

    ***Music sometimes. I'm perfectly able to knock out 15 miles without it though. But sometimes it makes it more enjoyable to zone out to some good tunes.

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)


    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***Runkeeper on iPhone, Garmin (although I often run tech-free for the fun of it)

    Next upcoming race?

    ***Atlanta Women's 5K - 3/23/13

    Running club/partner?

    ***My partner fell off the wagon, but fortunately I found two different run clubs that I LOVE! So I attend a group run 1-3 days per week and really enjoy it. :o)
  • cococa
    cococa Posts: 122 Member

    ***10-15 miles

    What's your favorite distance?


    Brand of shoes?


    Indoor or outdoors?

    ***Outdoors only

    Music or no music?


    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)


    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***Fitbit, iRunner, MapMyRun

    Next upcoming race?

    ***Hot Chocolate 5k in San Diego (My boyfriend's first race!)

    Running club/partner?

    ***Nothing regular, but I'm hoping I can join the local running club with my new work schedule.
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member

    ***15-20 miles

    What's your favorite distance?

    ***5 miles

    Brand of shoes?


    Indoor or outdoors?

    ***Outdoors; treadmill running is tortuous

    Music or no music?


    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)


    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***MapMyRun (iPhone)

    Next upcoming race?

    ***For sure-> Half Marathon in October. Hope for more throughout the year

    Running club/partner?

    ***I run with a group twice a week; run by myself the other day(s)
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member

    ***15-20 miles

    What's your favorite distance?

    ***8 miles

    Brand of shoes?


    Indoor or outdoors?

    ***Outdoors only

    Music or no music?

    ***Music is a must

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)

    ***Hills. Especially the ones you can see coming in the distance

    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)


    Next upcoming race?

    ***Dublin Dash on 16 Mar (local St Paddy's 5k)

    Running club/partner?

    ***Black Hills Running Club, but go with a friend and a coworker
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member

    ***25-30ish miles

    What's your favorite distance?

    ***6 - 10 miles

    Brand of shoes?


    Indoor or outdoors?


    Music or no music?

    ***Audiobooks - I can be entertained, and still hear cars, etc, as I run on streets.

    Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc)


    Gadgets? (Garmin, polar watch)

    ***iSmoothRun for iphone, plus Wahoo BlueHR HRM strap

    Next upcoming race?

    ***Half-Marathon, April 6th

    Running club/partner?
