DB vs BB and Lifting at Home

As I mentioned in my intro post, I started SL last week, and had made up a spreadsheet to get my weak self from 10lbs to 50lbs in the next six weeks. I'm lifting at home, so I don't have anything to work with but a barbell and weights. No squat rack or bench, etc.

Today, after I 'masterfully' squatted all of 15lbs, I began to wonder...how in the heck am I going to get this bar over my head and into squat position once I get to a higher weight? In addition to my barbell, I also have empty dumbbells I can put my weights on, and was wondering if it would work, once I got to a higher weight, if I did the DB versions of the lifts, at least until I managed to get to a real gym?

Also, I've been doing my bench presses using a stability ball, is that going to continue to be an option? I'm trying to get as far as I can before I go attempt the 45lb bar at the gym, and I am hoping y'all can help me figure out how to do that!



  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    My ability to lift the bar into squat position failed at 35-40lbs. I used dumbbells for a while (wide stance, drop them inside my knees) and goblet squats until the weights got too big/heavy for those to work. Then I switched to hack squats (bar on the floor behind you) but it doesn't activate the glutes/hams the same way as barbell squats, and seems to tire my arms for OHPs on workout B. Really, you need some way of supporting the bar at shoulder height or thereabouts. Have you got anything you could use to securely rest if there? Or could you get yourself a squat stand?

    (I'm actually going to take out a second gym membership to one with a proper powerlifting area because I'm so frustrated at not being able to squat properly at my current one.)
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Do you have 2 tables that you can push somewhat together and then get under? Might be an option.

    You can use DBs and do goblet squats instead but if you can do BB squats it would probably be better off in the long run. Maybe some of the women can maybe advise hack squats.( I dont know anything about them so someone with some more knowledge when it comes to this should step in)

    As for the bench I would kill myself trying to do them on a stability ball. Though I can barely keep myself on it without any weight. I would say if it works for you be careful though. Seems dangerous but the weights may still be light enough to not matter too much. Thinking about it though I don't know what piece of furniture I would actually use if I didn't have a bench so I don't know what to offer as an alternative.

    Just please dont try this :)

  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Just please dont try this :)


    W. T. Everloving. F.?!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I don't mean to be a negative nelly, but in order to to do this program properly you will need access to a power rack or squat rack (or at a minimum, squat stands and a spotter), and an actual flat bench.

    That said, there are alternatives... like pistol squats with dumbbells.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    A lot of the women have started off with lower weights and so started with dumbbells. Since you indicated that you're looking for something to tide you over until you can join a gym, you might be able to start off with dumbbell variations and then switch over when you have access to the gym. As someone else mentioned, dumbbells can be kind of self limiting, so if you're looking to join a gym next year, that might be a problem. But, if you're joining a gym in a month or two, it may not be much of a problem.

    Also, if money is the issue, look around for some independent gyms. Some of them are a lot cheaper than the big box gyms, and the gym I'm at doesn't have a contract, so I can stop at any time. Just be sure you inspect the free weight area first. Or, set aside money every month into a "gym" account, and use the money to buy some more weights and gear for your house. A lot of the ladies workout at home.
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,044 Member
    I don't mean to be a negative nelly, but in order to to do this program properly you will need access to a power rack or squat rack (or at a minimum, squat stands and a spotter), and an actual flat bench.

    That said, there are alternatives... like pistol squats with dumbbells.

    There is truth in what he says here. Without a squat or power rack, in addition to a proper bench, you will be limited in what you can do once your weights increase.

    I was also doing SL's at home with a bar and plates. At 80lbs, I could no longer lift the bar up and over in order to do my squats for each set, so I switched to Zercher Squats (using my washer and dryer of all things, as my "rack"). :laugh: A Zercher squat is a front squat where you cradle the bar in the crook of your arms in front of you and squat down (check YouTube for a vid). They worked great until I started squatting 140lbs, but after that, my arms and shoulders could no longer handle the weight, even though my legs could handle so much more.

    With the weight you are lifting now, you'll be fine for a while. Just be prepared for the day you reach your limits and there are no other work arounds cause it's a sad day indeed, trust me. :frown:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Start browsing craigslist for a bench. It's a little harder to find a squat rack on there. The idea of someone doing barbell bench on a stability ball sounds terrifying to me. It has so much danger written all over it. At least on a flat bench the bar would just be on top of your chest if you failed on your lift. On the ball if you dropped the bar it would probably nail you in the face as the ball started rolling beneath you. I am shuddering just thinking about it! I am so sorry to be a downer. I did stronglifts at home without a squat rack. I just did a clean & jerk then lowered the bar down to my shoulders. Similar to you, once I would get to a certain weight on squats and overhead press, I never would have been able to do this anymore. I had to take a break from exercise due to illness, but will be starting again soon. It's going to be a while before I feel ready to do barbell work again, but I hope to get there. Good luck!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I've done db bench presses on a ball but its kind of tough to get set up - with higher weigt or a barbell I can't even imagine.

    Also, for dumb bell bench presses its a) MUCH more strenuous on the joints and way easier to tweak something b) much harder to progress

    Sooo it sounds like a gym IS an option for you? Or equipment either way? If you have access right now - just go. You can do the 45lb bar, I promise. You're probably stronger than you think you are.

    if equipment isn't an option yet, then, do what you can do at home for now, which can include dumbbell versions. But no, that's not a viable long term option.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I got an entire olympic set plus bench and squat rack and plate stand at Play It Again Sports for less than many pay for an annual gym membership. Added some padded floor tiles, and le voila, gym in my garage.

    Used equipment is always an option as long as it's in good shape. And, this is the perfect time of year to be looking for it, with people's New Year's resolutions starting to collect dust and/or going up for sale. :smile:
  • velocirobot
    Joining a gym is an option, and was my plan once I got my lifts up to 45lbs. There is also a tiny, rusty gym at my workplace. However, both of these places only have standard Olympic barbells, and I genuinely CAN NOT lift them for five sets of five. I have been going to the work gym to make attempts at the bar, and I can do about 5 squats, 2 bench press, and the ohp...I can't pick up the bar off the rack.

    I would love to build a home gym, but I still live with my parents, and there is no where to put it :ohwell: Even having an inflated exercise ball has been pushing it, ha
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I do SL at home and the first items I bought were a 300lb Olympic barbell set and bench. I knew that a couple of months down the road I was going to be purchasing a power rack so I improvised. I used 3 rubbermaid storage containers stacked on each side as my "squat rack" :ohwell: So I'm not saying this is the greatest idea....but it worked for me until I got to about 100lbs for squat and that's when it got really shady :laugh: Luckily that is when I got my power rack, so all was good. When it was time to bench, I removed one container on each side and slid the bench in between.

    If you can't get more equipment for home then I strongly suggest the gym :smile: oh and stability ball bench :noway: :laugh:
  • velocirobot
    Would joining the gym now, and using their dumbbells to build my weights up be a better idea? That way I'd at least have access to a bench...

    Sorry if my original question sounds ridiculous! I genuinely don't know a lot about this stuff yet.

    Edit: apparently I say 'genuinely' a lot, haha
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Joining a gym is an option, and was my plan once I got my lifts up to 45lbs. There is also a tiny, rusty gym at my workplace. However, both of these places only have standard Olympic barbells, and I genuinely CAN NOT lift them for five sets of five. I have been going to the work gym to make attempts at the bar, and I can do about 5 squats, 2 bench press, and the ohp...I can't pick up the bar off the rack.

    There's never any shame in working up to 5x5 and making do with lighter weights and less reps until you get to the "correct" starting weights for all lifts and "officially" start Stronglifts. I started OHP and bench presses on dumbbells (you have to really pay attention to stability and lifting them up evenly) and dinkered around with the 45 lbs bar on other lifts for what seemed like forever (it was really only about a week or so) until I felt brave enough to put actual weights on it or do more than 1 or 2 sets of anything.

    We all start where we start and progress how we progress.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Would joining the gym now, and using their dumbbells to build my weights up be a better idea? That way I'd at least have access to a bench...

    Sorry if my original question sounds ridiculous! I genuinely don't know a lot about this stuff yet.

    Edit: apparently I say 'genuinely' a lot, haha

    Absolutely! The access to equipment to keep you safe and not injured will make this SO much more enjoyable for you :happy:
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Would joining the gym now, and using their dumbbells to build my weights up be a better idea? That way I'd at least have access to a bench...

    Sorry if my original question sounds ridiculous! I genuinely don't know a lot about this stuff yet.

    Edit: apparently I say 'genuinely' a lot, haha

    This sounds like a much better idea. and a safer one.
  • velocirobot
    Alright, I'm convinced! I will be joining the gym on Monday.

    Thanks for all your advice, and for saving me from (probably) breaking my face on the ball :laugh:
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Hack squats are working for me. I'm only up to 85 pounds but I'll be okay for a while yet I think. At some point I'll need a plan b.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Alright, I'm convinced! I will be joining the gym on Monday.

    Thanks for all your advice, and for saving me from (probably) breaking my face on the ball :laugh:

    Ohhh goddd, please no face breaking!

    I thumped my head on the bar the other day by not ducking far enough under my squat rack. We don't need any more injuries than necessary. Be safe out there!

    Good luck at the gym! Keep us posted!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Alright, I'm convinced! I will be joining the gym on Monday.

    Thanks for all your advice, and for saving me from (probably) breaking my face on the ball :laugh:

    Thank you!!! The mom in me was seriously freaking out! Start with their dumbbells or see if they have any lighter barbells. Good luck!