New member

Hello all,

I am a 29 year old, first time mom to a beautiful 6 month old baby girl. Prior to concieving I had lost about 40lbs and had just about reached my goal weight. Now, 6 months pp I am right back where I started before. Dealing with all the things included in being a first time mom and trying to get my weight in check has proven to be a huge challenge for me. I admit that lately I've been feeling a little discouraged. I'm looking forward to hearing any tips, ideas and suggestions you all might have to help!



  • ChristoleJay
    ChristoleJay Posts: 14 Member
    My name is Crystal as well. Don't be discouraged, I am having a hard time losing weight. I just have my 2nd baby 4 months ago, and throughout the whole pregnancy I lost weight. In fact I lost to much weight and I was trying to. Thinking that since everything turn out right with the pregnancy I would keep that weight off. Instead it came back faster. So I could definitely use some help as well. :-)
  • jsmith30030
    jsmith30030 Posts: 9 Member
    That's great that you were able to lose so much weight prior to getting pregnant. I think the hardest thing about losing post partum weight is just that it's impossible for that to be your main focus. I think we are all in this for the long haul!
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    Hi and welcome!
    Congrats on the new addition to your family and great job on your pre-pregnancy weight loss. Don't feel discouraged. Being a first time mom is hard and the last thing you remember to do is think of yourself just up until your baby hits 6 months. You've done it before, you can do it again!

    Friend me if you need the support - you can do this! Think of how much energy you will have chasing your future 1 year old (and trust me, you will need the energy!).
  • bonkers4mydogs
    bonkers4mydogs Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the kind words from all of you. It has been a few months since my last post. I havent lost, but at least I havent gained either. The good thing is my daughter is growing more active, I think she's about ready to start walking, so that should help me be more active also.

    I do need to find the will power to control my eating habits. Sometimes it's just faster and easier to grab the "junk" than it is to stop and take the time to prpare the fresh fruits and veggies I should be eating. I do want to set a good example for my girl so I need to make the changes now.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for easy grab and go good-for-you snacks?