Noobie, old, heavy, new hip and out of shape.

Hello, I am new to your board and happy to find it!

As an incentive to get myself back into shape I have signed up, and convinced 8 of my friends and family to join me, in the September Minnesota Warrior Dash.

I have never run a race in my life, but a close friend loves the mud races and thought I would like it. I have to admit I am just stoked to go and give it a shot!

Okay, I am looking for some practical advice for a non-race big guy.

About me:

Age 51
Weight 325
New hip 1 year ago (concerned about too much running on the joint)
Troublesome lower back

Currently working regularly since December with good results. Now consider I had a tough time doing two sets of stairs when I started.

- MFP tracking since 1/1/13
- Water aerobics 3 times/week
- Climbing my office tower 2-3 times/week (currently to 20 floors)
- Just starting outside walking because it is about 30 degrees now. Specifically Nordic walking.
- Random lifting

This program over the past 3 months has helped the back tremendously and the hip feels great. Of course my overlying goal is to loose all the excess weight and feel great!

Now as I continue to feel better, what can you recommend I do to prepare for the Dash? Remember it is in September.

And advice would be fantastic!


  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    For inspiration, check out Project Chris Davis. He was, I believe, in excess of 600 pounds, but has now finished dozens of Spartan Races, and has dropped about 300 pounds in the process. Very impressive!!

    The Warrior has what I consider to be average difficulty obstacles, in comparison to some of the other races. Remember, you don't have to run between obstacles. Not sure about your course, but if it's on a very hilly spot, you may not be able to run, and walking will expected from many racers.

    My real suggestion is to not worry about time. Sure, there's some people who are going to finish in less than 25 minutes. But there's some that will finish in over three hours too. The accomplishment is in finishing to the best of YOUR ability, not beating someone else, in my opinion.

    I'd suggest proper gear, no cotton (gets wet and cold, doesn't dry). Go with wicking compression gear. Shoes are important too. I like the Inov-8 Bare Grips, but they are minimalist, and you may prefer a bit more support. But get shoes with traction. There's a bunch that are geared towards OCRs, that wash perfectly clean. I learned the hard way in my first race that you don't want to wear a crummy old pair of shoes that you plan to toss after. No traction!

    As far as how to prepare exercise-wise, Spartan Race has a workout that they send daily with exercises geared toward OCRs. It's pretty grueling, but start with one round, and build up to where you can go further.

    Trail running/walking on uneven terrain will help as well.
  • danlarson
    danlarson Posts: 27
    Great info, thanks! I will check out the Chris Davis stuff. Sound like great inspiration.

    No, I'm not concerned with time but finishing and have a good time. We have a group going of all different abilities. I think we may have to break apart into smaller groups. With that in mind is there a ideal number of runners to have in a group?
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Not really, it just depends on your individual abilities, and if you want to stay together. For most races, I go at my own pace, which is faster than some friends and slower than others. For one race, there was four of us that were pretty much the same pace, and we stayed together and crossed the finish within a minute or two of each other.

    For Tough Mudder, it's not timed, and it's a team-building event, so we'll all stay together, even though there will be different abilities there.

    Have fun :)
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Don't worry, you're not the only "old", out of shape, newbie planning on doing a race this year. I actually just committed to the Tough Mudder Seattle in October. It's going to be ~12 miles (TWELVE MILES!!!!!!!) long. I know that to many people on these boards, that may just be a warm up run - I have several friends like of which will be doing the 200 (TWO FREAKING HUNDRED!!!!) mile Ragnar relay race in July - but to me, 12 miles is a really, really, really long way, lol.

    I am super excited though. Excited to fall, and slip, and slide, and get shocked, and probably cry my eyes out in pain, rage, disappointment, or panic....but feeling super alive because I'm DOING it!!!! I have already signed up and I'm recruiting my team. :)
  • danlarson
    danlarson Posts: 27
    Spiderella, great to have some company. I too am excited for the race. Completed my first fitness goal of this year today! I climbed to the top of my 27 floor office tower today, starting working up to it the first of the year. Goal #!1Check. Good luck on your race!
  • danlarson
    Yippie! I made my goal of finishing. And I wasn't the slowest in my age group either.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
  • sparky00721
    sparky00721 Posts: 113 Member

    I find this very inspiring. I am hoping to get in shape for a Spartan or Tough Mudder or (if they bring it to my area) a Warrior Dash next year and am already running negative scripts through my head telling me it just won't happen given my excess weight and deconditioning, so your experience is very helpful. Well done!