


  • OMGG i neva new there were groups on MFP! this really nice old lady told me to check it out to help me out :)

    i feel sooo much better now that im not going through this alonee i thought i was the only one that dat has these habits.. like binging then purging i think its more bulimia but yeh i joined a bulimic group too so all good

    i will support anyone feel free to message me :)

    i have been binging since start of the year its all got to do with depression and relationship problems ive been having :( i use food to comfort myself but i have to stop!
  • So glad you started this thread!
  • Hi, my name's Brandi. I'm a 24 year old mother of one awesome little dude. I work from home on a computer. I first noticed I had a serious problem with food when I used to work in an office and I would go to the vending machine, buy Hostess cupcakes, then go in the bathroom and hide to eat them. That was roughly 3 years ago. I've always been heavy so I just chalked it up to that. But, it's gotten worse since starting to work from home. I'll go out after having just ate dinner an hour or two ago and eat my son's sugary cereal. That makes me feel really awful. I always say "This is the last day", but it never is. I'm glad this group is here to help. This is my first time really checking out the groups and I'm glad I found this one:flowerforyou:
  • Hi Ashley, your story sounded somewhat similar to mine so I thought I would reply. My nae is Rachel and I am 33. Ten years ago I weighed 270 and managed to get my weight down to 160 I have since climbed back up to 170 and feel like things are spiraling quickly. I never binged when I was heavy but holy cow now. It's a mess. I can eat. 4,000 calories in a stting. Just looking for some advice on how you control your binge eating, I need help. Thanks. I love Alberta by the way!
  • RavenBeauty87
    RavenBeauty87 Posts: 83 Member
    Name: Desarae age: 25 Height: 5'1" Children: 1 daughter (almost 7 months old but I do not blame my weight on the pregnancy it was binge eating) I've been with my husband for 3 years (he is supportive in his own way but he is skinny and has never had to struggle with weight gain or trying to lose it).
    My triggers are stress (which has gotten better) and depression (which I have a steady mild case of) I'm a social worker at a nursing home and I feel like I don't do a good job so I'll eat because of my low self esteem. My heaviest weight was 190 (before I got pregnant) and then I got back down to 145 and found out I was having my girl (was excited but knew that was going to happen haha) after I had her I was 170 (after healing from the C-Section) and now I'm 159. I feel like if I don't get this under control I'll never achieve what I want. I need to get back down to 130 to be healthy again and if that is where I stay I'm just fine with that but my ultimate goal is to be 120 because that was a perfect weight for me, since I'm so freakin' short.
    I need a group like this because I'm the only 'big' person on my dads side and they are always telling me about new diets and I'm sick of hearing it, I don't want to be on a diet I just need to learn to stop binge eating. My mother is 20lbs heavier than me but she is so depressed about her weight she doesn't want to talk about it. I wish she would do what I'm doing so we can lose weight together. I don't see that happening so that puts me in the position all by myself. I need support and this site is great but I just need more people that have a binging problem so they know what I'm talking about. I would love to find someone I can text (not a lot just when I have that urge to binge) and they can text me when they need help. I feel like this is my last hope and I'm so close to my mini goal 30lbs (I know it is a lot but from what I was I feel so much closer). The funny and sad part is I can lose weight and I can lose it fast but the BINGING!!!!!
  • kelsgosse
    kelsgosse Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Kelly. And I am into my second moth of recovery from binge eating. I was on the Dr. Oz show in September and they sent me to an amazing place called Wellspring at Structure House in NC. I am feeling really great about my recovery and weight loss but it has only been just over a month. I love that there is a group to get some support from. I have suffered my first slip yesterday but am back on track with my structured eating today. I find it really hard to raise 2 small children, work full time, attend College, exercise and cook healthy meals!
  • Hi y'all. My name is Andi and I'm trying to get my life back on track. I'm 26 and was a collage athlete. When I was 20 I was in the best shape of my life. I weighed 203 lbs, which is a high number but I wore a medium shirt and size 14 pants that I often had trouble keeping them up lol. I had gone thru a lot after my sophmore year emotionally. I had gotten depressed and turned to food for comfort. All my life growing up I had always eatten more than I needed but never had a serious problem until these past few years when I really started putting the weight on and eattin like crazy. I do it in private and lie about it. I want to change so bad. I have started back to the gym but it's hard to get really motivated while I'm there. My husband is helping with meals at home. But I am also so stubborn that sometimes what he says doesn't matter. I look at old photos of myself and remember how good I felt, how in shape I was, how happy I was and how confident I was. My self esteem was so high back then. I'm just unhappy with myself and that I let my self get this far with my issues. Any and all support I can get/read/give would be great!
  • Hi, my name is Dani and I'm 24 years old.

    I started binge eating after getting out of a pretty unhealthy relationship. Now I tend to overeat whenever I feel an abundance of any single emotion. Seriously, I eat when I'm sad, when I'm happy, when I'm nervous. And once I start I find it insanely hard to stop. I will literally eat until I've made myself sick.

    I haven't really figured out a great way to help myself, but this seemed like a good start. To anyone with any usable tips out there, any and all are welcome.

  • Hello. My name is Crystal. I've been using MFP on and off for a couple of years, but never got into the group thing. I've been a binge eater since I was a kid. I was always pretty thin, and my family would joke about how much I was able to eat. I think maybe that attention helped feed my desire to stuff myself. Then as a teen I started to gain weight and gained & lost the same 10 lbs every year with attempting to diet. After college and some guy issues, I dropped a ton of weight. I was too skinny, but I loved it. Although when I started dating my husband I started gaining. It was probably a normal weight and diet for me, but at that time I felt fat, so the binges started again. My husband doesn't understand the inability to stop eating when I'm full. I eat until I (sorry to be gross) "vurp", finally stop because I can't breathe anymore, and as soon as I can breathe I go back for more. I get crabby when I eat right AKA diet, and so when I say I'm craving ice cream, my hubby goes and buys 2 half gallon tubs. I finish mine in 1 or 2 sittings and his lasts 2 weeks. I can finish a box of swiss cake rolls in 1 day! I get mad at him, I beg for his support and for him not to bring junk into the house, but every time he is at the store he gets something bad... he thinks it will make me happy for that moment. Which it does, but then I hate myself and him! I actually find that I can control my binges when he's away for work more than when he's home. I think its because when he's here and I say "lets go get ice cream", I know he will say yes, and him saying yes is him (as my support system) allowing me to have this cheat. I have no one to let me down when he's gone. so I do my hardest to stick with the program.
    Anyway, I did well last year and almost made it to my goal weight. I was on the treadmill daily and somehow I had been repeatedly tearing a ligament in my foot. I just figured it was "growing (old) pains" and ignored it until I could barely walk. So I was put on strict rest, NO exercising for 2 months, and that did it. I figured if I couldn't be healthy and do the whole package, what was the point in eating right??? I gained 25 pounds this year and as of 5 weeks ago at my max (non pregnant) weight.
    Now I have been back at this for a little over a month and dropped a few pounds, but I already injured myself again. I have an ultrasound tomorrow to see whats wrong with my foot now, but I'm to rest until its better. So far I have made it 3 days eating well and not binging without exercising. I'm hoping to stick with it and not cave with last years "why bother" mentality. Overall, I've gone close to 5 weeks without a full out binge, but only 4 days without cheating and eating junk food that I'm not suppose to be eating.
    Sorry this was so long. I have more issues too, but I'm thinking this is a good start.
    Thank you.
  • jillebee44
    jillebee44 Posts: 64 Member
    My name is Jill. I am a mother of one beautiful 6yr old girl, a wife, and full-time 911/police dispatcher. I recently hit my "rock bottom" so to speak. While watching Biggest Loser this week "face your fears week" I began looking within myself for reasons to why this has become such an issue lately (I have gained 15lbs in 2-3 weeks due to binge eating, I am not a purger so it all stays in). I did some searching, digging, crying, and sobbing. I have found some of the reason I do what I do. I have told family and friends in the past I (5'2") can keep up sometimes, plate for plate with my husband (6'1" 250LBS) eating. Jokingly they would say "no way". Well I can, and sometimes I bet I can eat him under the table too. I do this while I am alone mostly, stuff and gorge myself until I am uncomfortable and can barely breath. I will buy cookies or something I am craving and eat it on the way home, if there is some left I will throw it out the window so no one ever knew I had it.

    So I have made the step in telling people what is going on. Get it out there so they know how I am feeling, what is going on. it is something I am ashamed of, scared to tell people, embarassed even. But I told myself, it's not like I am using a "REAL" drug i.e. heroine, crack, pills, etc. But I am using food like a drug. So I NEED to tell someone, at least one person, what I have been doing, down to the last little thing. I NEED HELP! I started by tetlling my mother-in-law (she called me for help with something) and she didn't realize any of that. ("because I hid it" I told her.)

    Today I told one of the girls I work with. I am going to start the gym back up with another friend at work, and she asked if we still have that plan (which we do), but I work with this woman evey day, and she said that no matter what she will help me. I am not alone and never have to be. (which is how I feel most of the time). I am VERY grateful for these to ladies to be in my life.

    My hubby has never had issues with food like this, yes he over eats on occassion, but never to this extreme. He is not an emotional eater, he has never been dependant on it as a crutch. So there for he does not realize what I am going through, so he isn't as sensitive to it as I would like him to be. (but I am working on that.)

    So for now here I am at the beginning of what I hope to be the end of this "addiction"
  • Hi everyone, my name is Brenda and I have been a binge eater for well over twenty years. I am a mother of four, two boys and two girls. All who have grown up and left the nest. I have re-entered college and am half way through graduate school. I use to go to the gym and had a personal trainer and was fit and trim but i had major foot surgery and four years late I am at 191 pounds and hate myself for allowing myself to get this heavy. (This is my heavyist). I have tried and tried to no avail to curb my eating, promising myself that I would not eat sugar and turn around and buy a box of brownies and have them gone in half an hour or sooner. I have lost weight just to gain it back and then some, then I look in the mirror and berate myself for being so fat. So its a vicous cycle, I feel like a junkie and food is my drug and I hate it. I want to be free and not have food rule my life, I have decided to go back to the gym and hired another personal trainer.
  • Desarae,
    Hi my name is Brenda an after reading so many post of others who suffer from binge eating, I no longer feel so alone, it brought tears to my eyes to think that there is so many women out there that are suffering just like me. I am older than you but I can relate to what you are going through. I have been binge eating for well over 20 yrs. I will sneak food and have it eaten within 15 minutes, the funny thing is i am divorced have been for over 10 yrs so I live alone. I still feel ashamed of the way I eat and will hid it from my friends and then I will yell at myself in the mirror for allowing myself to get so fat. I have been in and out of counceling for years have been put on pills to help with my eating, all to no advail. I suffer from depression and low self esteem due to my binging. I think anyone of us will and can be there for you if you need it, we all are in the same boat
  • SarahRea32
    SarahRea32 Posts: 167 Member
    I get mad at him, I beg for his support and for him not to bring junk into the house, but every time he is at the store he gets something bad... he thinks it will make me happy for that moment. Which it does, but then I hate myself and him! I actually find that I can control my binges when he's away for work more than when he's home. I think its because when he's here and I say "lets go get ice cream", I know he will say yes, and him saying yes is him (as my support system) allowing me to have this cheat. I have no one to let me down when he's gone. so I do my hardest to stick with the program.

    Hi Cyrstal, you can't put the control for what you eat in someone else hands. When I was really suffering with binges badly (I have them mostly under control now) I would talk to my husband about my goals, about my issues with binge-eating and while he doesn't understand it at all - he is one of those infuriating people that still has easter eggs from last year, when this Easter comes around (how do people do that?!!!) - he is very supportive. He knows that if my trigger foods are in the house I'm in trouble, so I make him stash anything he may want or any treats we may have for our two girls (3 and 6) away where I can't find them. Most of time I am fine, but when a really strong urge comes on and I actually go to search for them it pulls me out of the urgency to really ask myself what am I doing? and why?? If the food was just there, it would already have been eaten. With regards the ice-cream, I think you need to be honest with yourself and your partner, if you are serious about losing weight and controlling your binging, you just can not eat that type of food until you get control over the binging. So tell him, no matter how much I say I want to eat ice-cream or any other food like that that is not consistent with my goals, don't let me do it, remind me that it will trigger a binge and that I will feel terrible afterwards. Its the best support he can give you.

    For anyone here I would highly recommend the book Overcoming bulimia nervosa and binge eating by Professor Peter Cooper. It is a fabulous self help book based on cognitive behaviour therapy - I've done CBT with a therapist and that was good too, but having the book really shows you how binge eating can start for people, what it feels like (yes its the same for most of us) and a step by step guide to stopping. I can never praise it enough for the help I've had from it. I won't say I'm cured - I recently had a spate of binges that lasted about 5 days, but I have the tools in place to get myself back on track, to learn from that experience and most importantly binging for me is now rare. That 5 days of binging was triggered by lots of highly stressful and emotional events happening all at once, which isn't usual for many people, coupled with PMS. A recipe for disaster!!

    Hope you are all doing ok. There is a Me against the binge challenge this march where we are all logging in to keep accountable if anyone finds that accountability helps. its a very supportive group.

    Best wishes
  • 180to140
    180to140 Posts: 1
    17 year old binger here. I think I've had binge eating disorder for 1-2 years but I'm not sure. I know I've had unhealthy eating habits my whole life and learned them from both of my households (my parents are divorced and each has a significant other. All 4 parental figures unknowingly taught me terrible habits that (when trauma and emotions were added) led to my current eating disorder). Please feel free to add me or start a conversation! I'm looking for people who understand what it feels like to have this eating disorder. xx
  • lakerschick275
    lakerschick275 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey Robin! Just wondering what the 30 day detox system is/ what is consists of?
  • lakerschick275
    lakerschick275 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi my name is Ellen. I am 23 years old and have binging for a few years now. I consider myself an emotional eater and based off the criteria for bulimia I believe I have it. The day following a binge I workout excessively to burn a lot of calories or try and cut back on food. I have also been abusing laxatives and diuretics as means to lose weight.
  • Gemp2307
    Gemp2307 Posts: 22 Member
    hi... I'm Gemma, I just frantically ripped open my laptop and began the search for help, after I demolished a pint of ben and jerry's and a large bag of candy... I NEED HELP! I sat on the couch with my empty tub of ice cream and felt like ****. I don't know why i keep going back to this destructive behaviour, i never used to be like this, and im probably on the verge of giving myself diabetes... i need to stop this its taking over my life..... whew...and that was only a small binge, usually i do way more damage! this habit is costing me my self respect, my self confidence and an absolute fortune on junk food... but I really am going to try to stop. I know its an emotional thing but i can't identify the feelings that drive me in this direction... i will try though, i need to get to the bottom of this!
  • meow_meow_meow
    meow_meow_meow Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, my name is Tina and I'm 26. I joined this site just wanting a way to calorie count and lose weight, but was excited to find there are support groups for eating disorders on here, as it's something I've been trying to address for some time. I started binge eating about 5 years ago after a break up when I lost a load of weight, then got into bad habits trying to maintain my new low weight such as just eating a packet of biscuits in a day rather than proper meals. I then started eating normal proper meals again, but still eating bags of cookies, doughnuts or icecream and consequently my weight has been steadily increasing whilst my self esteem has been crashing.

    I've been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully for a long time now; I really need to address my binge eating/comfort eating issues before I can do so. I'm hoping to make some friends on here who understand what I'm going through, and together we can support each other in achieving our goals :) x
  • b7bbs
    b7bbs Posts: 158 Member
    Hello everyone! I just joined this group earlier today, and I thought it would be good to tell my story.

    My name is Beth, and I am 23. I have been binging since I was a child. Since I could remember, I would sneak food from the kitchen at night, and sneak food from the fridge and hide behind the couch and binge. A sleeve of cookies there, a jar of pickles here. All I wanted was to eat. I was always the chubby kid in school/camp, and even chubby kids would pick on me. I always put too much on my plate, and finished every bite...and wanted more.

    I was chubby all throughout school until my senior year of High School. I would hang out with a close group of friends for hours and hours after school. I would have so much fun that I would forget to eat. Eating much less became a habit. I was finally eating healthy portions. Instead of going to and from the kitchen 5 times in an hour to snack, I would go to and from the kitchen 5 times in an hour but not eat anything. Walking in the kitchen was still a habit, but I wasn't as hungry as I once was. I went from 180ish lbs to 145lbs from eating less and walking around town with my friends, at least 2-4 miles a day. Before I knew it, I was the happiest I had ever been with my body. I was at a healthy weight and thought I finally had control and was rid of the binge. Until I went to college, and I became cocky and thought I could eat whatever I wanted. The binge had creeped its way back into my life, and before I knew it, I was 212 lbs. The heaviest I have ever been, and the weight that I still struggle with currently.

    Back then when I lost the weight I was 18-19 years old. Its always easier to lose weight when younger, but after 20 it gets difficult. As I mentioned before, I am 23 and it has been really hard to lose weight and even harder to fight the binge. I try and stick to my calorie budget of 1650 cals/day and try to exercise 5-6 days/week. But the binge is always there, whether I am actually eating or just thinking about food, its there.

    I have taken many "are you a binge eater?" quizzes and have dramatically passed every single one. Although I have not seen a professional so I have not been diagnosed, I know my eating habits are not healthy and have had this condition since I was a kid. I need to have control over my life again, and get my body back, my confidence and my comfort. I am hoping that I will be able to do that by being on MFP, especially a part of this group.

    Feel free to add me : )
  • cristacoyote
    cristacoyote Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone. I am glad to see this Group existed. I think only a binge eater can understand another binge eater. I have always had issues with food. As a teenager I learned I could drop the extra 90 pounds by eating very little and working out for 6 hours a day. Now 10 years later and very overweight I find myself binge eating. I have a successful career and am furthering my education, yet most of my thoughts are consumed with what I am going to eat or not eat next. I went to a counselor and she suggested maybe over eating for me was just a habit. I don't know if I could call being consumed with binge eating a habit. I have read a few binge eating self help books but still don't fully understand the whole binge eating and breaking the addiction. I am looking forward to chatting with all of you and giving support. Together we can overcome the addiction of binge eating.