What do you find the best exercises for Fibro?



  • luckylei
    luckylei Posts: 19 Member
    The most important thing is getting your heart rate up. My mom is one of the toughest women I have ever met. She is a nurse and works out doing hard cardio 5-6 days a week. On Saturdays she can be at the gym for 2-3 hours. She also has fibro.

    Needless to say, when I was first diagnosed she didn't have it in her to feel sorry for me. Instead, she stuck me on the elliptical (lowest level). I was crying from pain. She kept telling me to give it a couple more minutes... what do you know, about 12-15 minutes in, I felt the pain start to melt out of my body. That was actually a pretty depressing moment, because I loathe exercise and whaddayaknow, I get the one disease that forces you to do it!!

    It's not always magical like it was that first time, and if you overdo it, you might end up paying for it. But I think low-impact cardio combined with stretching is so important. My pain is at its worst when I spend a few days sitting around on the couch. I also highly recommend using a Rumble Roller, especially if you have trigger points. That thing has been a lifesaver for me.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I've got to say, find something you can get excited about and enjoy! Of course, there are the standards many talk about such as yoga, swimming, or low impact aerobics. But, if you don't enjoy them, you won't be as motivated to do them. If there is something else that your body can handle that you really enjoy, go for it in moderation. :)

    The major point is that you need to be active when you can! Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your body. Besides mood boosting chemicals you get from working out, you get the added benefits of healthier muscles, more flexibility, and decreased symptoms.

    Happy exercising! <3

    This one million times! Find something you enjoy and keep at it. Can't find anything? Keep at it until you do. Your health will suffer and your pain will likely be much worse if you are inactive.

    For me it's the elliptical and outdoor walking once weather permits. Find what works for you!
  • ValkyrieWrath
    Everything that everyone has mentioned is def. a good way to start exercising on Fibro!

    For sure do stretching daily, it helps in small ways and maybe then work into a low impact exercise you can handle and enjoy. Liking what you're doing is a key element!

    I'm currently doing hula hooping and it has done wonders for my weightloss journey, mood, and my fibro/RA.

    You still will have those days as everyone knows with CPD, but you're building better core muscles, back muscles even legs are stronger.

    My shoulders/blades and lower back and hips have been my problem areas for as long as I can remember....
    But with hooping I have gotten past that, am more flexable and I have fun doing hooping so I have a more positive attitude about "I can do this! And I'm getting thin, and I'm flexable OMG! Love hooping!"

    I was diagnosed last year, (hit my yr with fibro challenges this feb.) so I did some heavy research on everything I could find. Foods, inflammation triggers, fibro groups, blogs, medications, low impact exercise, even homeopathic approaches, I mean seriously really know your stuff.

    Plus only YOU know what works for you but there's no harm in trying what you think really will help. If not, hey at least you tried! :)