week one of group

amymlott Posts: 27 Member
ok ladies we are starting off this week with drink plenty of water and find some kind of exercise to do i am starting off small im gonna do as many jumping jacks as i can also gonna start walking this week. i was thinking we could take begining pictures, weight and measurments if yall want. and we could come up with some weekly challanges to do to keep every one motivated what ya think???


  • MGiardini71884
    MGiardini71884 Posts: 47 Member
    I just started taking ACE and so far I like it. I feel like it gives me more energy for my runs. I'm def trying to up my water intake! I had my husband wake me up at 4:30 this am (I usually get up at 5) so I can get a little workout in before work. I'm up for challenges! I am 5'7" and currentlly weigh 156. I think I have my measurements posted on my profile thing. I'll use those because I really havent changed much since those. How often should we weigh and measure?
  • amymlott
    amymlott Posts: 27 Member
    i was thinking weigh in once a week i was thinking on tuesday just because that when i stated taking ace my starting weight was 183 i am now 179 i am 5'4 i would think you would want to measure your waist, hip, neck every week cause sometimes you dont loose weight which will frustrate you but you loose inches
  • What is ACE?
  • ACE is an all natural supplement that gives you a clean smooth energy without the jittery feeling or crash. It curbs your appetite. It is awesome! If anyone here in this group would like to try some, let me know!! :)
  • Maybe measure once a week
  • Ive been taking Ace for 4 months and have lost 20 lbs. Just started selling it myself to friends. I would be interested in keeping track on here to see if can lose even more weight. That weight loss was without much exercise but I have recently added more exercise
  • amymlott
    amymlott Posts: 27 Member
    good morning ladies hope everyone had a good monday!!! so what yall think of doing a little challange on here ??? if anyone is interested lets get weights and measurments turned in you can post on here or private message me we will do weigh in on tuesday we will do a sheet with everyones starting weight and update each week and have a weekly challange of like exercises to do so what yall think and maybe a prize at the end if anyone is interested!!!! i am doing this cause i really need people to hold me accountable and i love challanges gives me a goal if i dont i will just be lazy lol
  • Count me in!!! :)
  • amymlott
    amymlott Posts: 27 Member
    ok ladies hope everyones day started off good!!! i have most of everyones weights if you still want to just send me your weight and i will add you, today i am going to add walking to my routine at lunch... remember to try and add water and exercise to your day!!!
  • Is this group still active? Tuesday will be my first official week with ACE, however 4 days after I started taking ACE I was already down 4 pounds and completely astonished! Will update again on Tuesday with my first full week weight loss!