How long do you plan to BF?



  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Mine is 8 months and planning going for a year or so. My baby still loves to nurse and she eats in about 10 minutes. With my last, we stopped at 4 months because he didn't do well with it. I still love to nurse her and the thought of stopping makes me sad. So considering doing baby led weaning. Plus, its helping me loose weight still! :))
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    she eats in about 10 minutes.

    I do love the cuddle time with my son, but man I am looking forward to a time when he is that efficient. He can totally take 45 minutes to eat. I'm wondering if it's because right now, 90% of the time, I'm doing side-lying position...
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I plan to BF for 2yrs, because that is the WHO recommendation. Last time I weaned my son at 23 months, and I will try the same for my daughter unless she self -wean herself earlier.

    Also I want to mention that just because a mom is going back to work, it does n't necessarily has to end BFing. In Canada maternity leave is one year, but lots of mom including myself BF their child after they return to work/school.
    My son went to daycare when he was 10 months old, and I kept Bfing him just fine. First he went to the daycare from 8 am to 2 pm, and BF him right after waking up at the morning, right after I picked him up from daycare, and right before bedtime. After a few months he was in daycare full time, 8 am to 4:30 pm, and I just BF him twice a day: morning and before bedtime.
    I think it made the transition to the daycare easier for both of us.

    I never gave him formula or the bottle, but after he turned one year old I gave him full fat cow milk from a regular cup and he was doing great. This way I never had to wean him from the bottle.
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    My twins are 13 1/2 months old and are still going strong. I need them to be done by 18 months for our anniversary trip. Most of my children have nursed till around a year or 2-3 months into the next pregnancy.
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I am nursing my 4th son who is 17 months old. I had a hard time nursing my first (he would just scream and scream and not latch) so I pumped exclusively for 9 months. With my second, I nursed until he turned three. At that time I was pregnant with my third and it was a good time to stop. I nursed my third son until he was about 2 1/2. Again, I was pregnant and nursing was painful due to breast tenderness and hormones. When I had my first I never imagined that I would nurse that long, but once it was going well and I knew the benefits, I was not in a hurry to stop. Sure, there are days when it seems like too much but the next day is better and life goes on. :) I will most likely let my son nurse as long as he wants, but probably not after age 3 if we get to that point.

    To the OP--I don't know how old your child is now but in my experience, my sons did not drink much, if any, less as they got older. However, my ability to keep up with pumping was not the same. I did squeak by without giving any of them formula but it was difficult with the ones who were breastfed (I had a much larger stash when I was only pumping). So, keep pumping and stashing as much as you can now! I usually stopped pumping at work shortly after their first birthday and they were eating solids well and adjusting to the whole milk.
  • ThisIsCharity
    ThisIsCharity Posts: 19 Member
    (I'm new here but I figured I'd jump in on this)

    With my first I pumped exclusively for 4.5 months, she was born with issues that left her with a really weak suckling motion and even through 4 lactation consultants and multiple pediatricians we couldn't get her to latch on :( However my second was a champ. She latched on within the first 45 minutes and has been going strong ever since. Nearly 2 years later I've just decided to let her self-wean. She's down to 2 nursing sessions a day max but still needs that morning one. I don't really mind it but if we decide to have another one I'll be sure to set more limits because weaning her down to the 2 sessions a day was awful.
  • ajnlee25
    ajnlee25 Posts: 56 Member
    My sole plan is to wean my lo before he can say "I want boobies" I'm guessing this will be around a year. His newest trick is to attempt to undress me in public to nurse. I personally wish for a bit more modesty. He used to try to nurse through the shirt, awkward if i didn't catch him in time... Especially when he left wet spots.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I'm just curious. When you are down to just two nursing sessions a day, are you still pumping at all? Or does your body just get accustomed to your child's nursing habits?
    JENNIENS Posts: 81 Member
    My milk supply is really low so i started taking supplements 2 days ago to help increase it. He's only 8 weeks and a preemie and i'm not ready to stop yet.

    With my others:
    1~ 6 months
    2~ year
    3~18 months she's allergic to cows milk and hates soy. I would of went longer for her but i was pregnant and it was causing contractions
    4~ 3 months and i wasn't producing milk.
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    I'm just curious. When you are down to just two nursing sessions a day, are you still pumping at all? Or does your body just get accustomed to your child's nursing habits?

    Your body should regulate to what is needed... so at first you may be a bit engorged... but your supply will diminish as you express less. I feel like 72 hours is the magic number for your supply to adjust to demand... but it's been a while since I've taken a class so I could be wrong. BUT, if you'd like to build up a frozen supply (like if you're going back to work) you should pump and bag... but your supply will stay up until you stop.
  • ThisIsCharity
    ThisIsCharity Posts: 19 Member
    I didn't pump or anything just some light hand expression when I got too full as I weaned her down. The first week was pretty rough but soon my body adjusted. I had problems with chronic mastitis every time I would pump so I really had to wean her down slowly.