What is your goal, when is the wedding?



  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    Well ladies, I am wondering if I need to leave the group now???
    My sons engagement last Saturday turned out to also be his wedding. They let me and his brother and sisters know on Friday morning to come to the engagement an hour early to be part of a small family wedding.. Needless to say, it has caused some ill feeling between his siblings as he did not even invite his brother to the secret bucks night, and the bride did not invite my daughter to the secret hens night (and they used to be very good friends)... :(
    I do have one more child (a son) unmarried who has a fantastic girlfriend... and I keep hinting ... lol

    Well let me know, Freya, as technically I am now not a Mother of the Groom anylonger..
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    Dreamermoth congratulations. Do carry on if you want the more we can support each other the better and as you say one more to go......
    One daughter had a very formal wedding, very traditional. My son had his wedding in his old school, build 1300s so beautiful buildings and a family friend did the church service. Next one will not be traditional at all...........
  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    As you know Freya, any support we can get to help us reach our goals is support worth having.

    It is my partners' 70th birthday this weekend and I am busy repotting little pot plants into decent pots, tidying up the back verandah, and generally being busy.. It was so hot, I had to leave some of the repotting to late this afternoon when the sun had lost some of its bite. At one of the verandah now, I have all my pots grouped together and it looks like a mini garden, I put up a few wooden butterflies my father made me (he is now deceased so they are a precious memory trigger) and hung a little native violet in a cage that my future daughter-in-law gave me.. It looks so nice. And the verandah can be used to cook the BBQ that he wants... and be able to put up extra tables etc. The weather forcast looks good for the day although it could be a few degrees cooler. :glasses:

    Thank you Freya.. looking forward to getting to know the lovely people here in this group. :flowerforyou:
  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    How are everyone doing?

    I fought the 'good fight' this week and logged a loss. I am happy with that.. Now to fight on for the next week.. and beyond.. My journey continues..
  • toremiles
    toremiles Posts: 21 Member
    I haven't chosen a dress, just a style. I won't get to try it on until I return to the states from this deployment.
  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    toremiles, A style is always the best way to go.. You know what suits your body and what you feel happiest in. Then comes the choice of material - silk, or satin etc, and colour and accessories... It all adds up to be one of the most exciting times of your life.
    I hope the time does not go too fast for you to enjoy and the stress is minimal. How long is the deployment?

  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    My journey is continuing, but a little harder to do at the moment. I have a broken toe and have orders from Dr to stay off foot. No unnecessary walking or standing... but I am doing well - found some seated exercises and a few less cals to compensate.

    How is everyone else doing? Am I alone in here?
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    Dreamermoth-- Hope your toe heals fast. I have had another loss this week:) 1 pound at a time right now:) My daughter and her Matron of Honor went dress shopping last week and found the dress for the Bridesmaids:) Soooo pretty! This is getting exciting:) Keep at it everyone:)
  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    motherofthebride - great loss. slow and steady is sustainable.. Picking out the bridesmaid dresses would be a buzz and so exciting for your daughter.. What colour theme is she having? So many here are having pink/shades of or pinkish apricot colours...

    I went walking a couple of times yesterday and my toe is aching today.. but I need to go out again today to put some posters in a few shop windows - my husbands little dog went missing from our yard late yesterday afternoon and we want her back ASAP.

    Your journey and a loss of 61 lb is fantastic. It is the people like yourself you give inspiration and motivation to us others just beginning. I just want to say 'thank you' for being there.

    Have a super day :flowerforyou:
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    Dreamermoth- Thank you! Coming to MFP everyday and logging and reading has been very helpful to me!
    :) My daughter has picked the blue shade called aqua! It will be beautiful:) The dress is soooo pretty. I can't wait to help her with her dress shopping;) This summer:)
    I hope your toe heals fast that must really hurt!!!! I hate pain:) I hope you find your little dog very soon. Poor little thing!
    Have a wonderful day:)
  • toremiles
    toremiles Posts: 21 Member
    Well ladies sorry I have been absent. Just found out I have 2 months left here =) and I'm 9 months away from my wedding. I currently ust finished the Shakeology Cleanse and dropped 5lbs in 3 days. I think I would have lost more if i would have done some working out. I will be doing it again in about 2 months. Once I am off work I will post some pics of my new weightloss and my style for a wedding dress =)
  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    Motherof the bride,
    We found our little dog the following evening. A farmer noticed the flyers I had put up in the shop windows and phoned us.. and eventually we were able to coax her into coming for a chicken neck.. She is so timid and there were lots of banging noises dur to high winds and loose objects on his farm. She is home and was happy to see my little dog and visa versa.

    Aqua - love aqua - it is usually a beautiful shade of blue with green tones behind it..

    What colour are you planning on wearing? and style?

    I find logging on MFP daily a bonus in keeping myself on track for the long term and I find I am setting myself little goals - like logging on for 20 days etc... silly but still motivating.

    Toremiles: the 9 months will go fast, especially if you are still away for 2 of them. I do hope everything comes together for you without stress.
    Looking forward to seeing your pics and the style of gown you have chosen. :) Will it be a white, cream or ivory or another colour all together? I had a friend whose wedding dress was Red - a colour she believed to be lucky and fortuous.

  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    So glad you found your dog! I am sure you were so worried!
    The color aqua is so pretty! It will look great on the girls:) I haven't started looking for myself yet We will start this summer:) Not sure about a color. Something that will look good on me but, also match in with her colors for pictures;)
    Have a wonderful day!!
  • toremiles
    toremiles Posts: 21 Member
    How do I upload pictures?
  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member

    I wish I knew. I don't know how to upload pics.... I wish I did, then I would help.

    Hope all is well, and you are having a good Easter.

  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    Toremiles: I am leaving this group. I am de-cluttering my computer and things I need to check. I often check and there is nothing added. I would love to hear how your wedding goes, about the dress and just be supportive to you if needed although you seem to have your plan and are motivated. If you would like to add me as a friend later on, please do so.

    Bye everyone else in this thread. I hope the forth coming weddings are awesome times of family unity and fun. Blessings to you all.
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    How are things going for everyone? We don't seem to update here much!
  • toremiles
    toremiles Posts: 21 Member
    things are going great for me. I'm doing the ultimate cleanse from team beach body as soon as I return to the states.
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    Having started the group with the best intentions I have learnt one golden rule. Do not start a new job when trying to lose weight. I retired and then started a bit of tutoring; this has taken off and now working 7 days a week. However the exams start in may and it will all be finished in mid June then a bit of exam marking and all over in July. Then I can get down to the serious job of losing weight and getting fitter. So I have not logged in for ages and I am not the size I hoped to be by now as I have not lost an ounce mainly because I am sitting down teaching all day and live on quick snacks between students.
    I stood on the scales on Saturday, not a good idea, and have treated myself to a fitbit to add more encouragement.
    Everyone else seems to be doing so well, congratulations all
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    Hello everyone! It is summer here in Minnesota and I am loving walking outside:) How is everyone doing? I am looking forward to dress shopping with my daughter this summer. She has made quite a few of fun wedding plans and the dress shopping is what I am looking forward to the most:) Hope everyone is well and having fun with the wedding planning!