I didn't realize how badly I was doing :(

I started Keto almost a week ago... I appear to have lost almost 3kg and I understand this is "water weight" etc. etc. I was finding it incredibly difficult to use MFP because the foods aren't entered in correctly and it takes a lot of time to manually enter all the foods I eat into it. It makes it even more difficult because I live in Israel and half of the foods are a) not there b) I need to translate the nutrition tables... I've learned a few new words this week to say the least!

So, here are my problems:

1) Focusing on eating HFLC I started eating too many calories. I am now being really strict about what I put in MFP - EVERYTHING and seeing where the problems are lying. I'm going to just cut down on portions basically. (1 egg instead of 2 or 3 lol) This is easy to fix on my own I believe.

2) I have input the last two days of my diet in and I am SHOCKED at how much protein I am eating. How on earth do I get this down below fat and how important is it for KETO?

3) I don't have keto-stix yet. Pharmacy had to order some, but I my pee-pee does smell and I have an almost gross metal taste in my mouth all day. I guess this means I'm in ketosis despite the higher protein levels?

Thoughts, advice, criticism, motivation all welcome and needed desperately!


  • MomtoPug
    MomtoPug Posts: 3 Member
    To combat problem number 2 I consciously add fat to every meal. I cook meats and pan fry veggies in coconut oil or butter. I use full fat salad dressings, add cheese or mayo. Drinking some tea? Add a splash of cream!

    Since fat is more energy dense than protein you'll be pretty close to your macros as long as the grams of fat and protein you take in are equal. Ideally you'll want fat to be a smidge higher.

    I find that if I have a gross taste in my mouth it means I'm dehydrated. I typically drink 3.5-4 liters of water each day, and I rarely have that keto taste. Nor do I have keto breath.

    Good luck finding a routine that works for you!!!
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    lots of protein isn't necessarily bad. open up your diary so we can see it!