
sunkiss347 Posts: 10 Member
I need to shake it. I need to fit in some type of exercise on a daily basis.......can I kick my own butt??? I don't know how mothers with babies ever exercise.....


  • ajnlee25
    ajnlee25 Posts: 56 Member
    I don't know how old your lo is, but I recommend involving baby. Get creative. My lo makes a great weight, i lift and kiss him various ways. Plus there's tons you can do with the stroller. I also walk/ hike carrying him. He loves it. His favorite is the lift and kiss :-)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I do videos during nap time and go for long walks now that it's getting warmer.
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    Walking with stroller and videos and/or youtube while napping. Take whatever time you can get - 15, 20 or 30 minutes. It's still something.

    Good luck, mama!
  • acraw558
    acraw558 Posts: 23
    i see a lot of mom's that just try to fit a half hour walk into their day. i exercise when my husband gets home from work.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    When my now two-year-old was born, I took lots of walks with him using the Snap 'n Go, then the jogging stroller, but I also found a Groupon for a family yoga place, which included "baby & mama" yoga classes. They were super small - I think the biggest class I attended had 5 mamas and their babies, and two that I took were just me and the instructor. She did some awesome strength moves with me where I used my son as a weight, and I ended up really sore (in a good way) afterwards. I bet there are a lot of moves you could look up online for free without having to find a yoga studio.

    Otherwise I did Couch to 5K with my sister when my son was about 6 months old, and we met up at 6AM. My husband was still asleep but obviously could wake up to handle anything that needed handling while I was out (about 45 minutes, since each workout is roughly 30 minutes). Usually I came home and had to attend to the baby immediately (on the rare occasion I was able to shower right away) and would just shower later. Kind of gross, I know, but you do what you have to do. If something came up or my sister and I both decided to be lazy for a morning, we'd sometimes meet up at like 8:30 at night and do the workouts then - she has two kids, so she had to wait until her kids were in bed or her husband could complete the bedtime routine. We always did C25K outside, since we live where it's relatively warm in the winter. In the summer it's insanely hot and humid, so early mornings worked best for that time of year. I also find that running in the dark is great (just wear proper reflective clothing, etc.). Anytime I ran in the daylight it messed with my head because it felt like I was moving at a snail's pace.

    Later I started Spinning at a Spinning studio and fell in love with it. Although going to a class meant I was gone for 2-2.5 hours due to travel time, etc., my husband saw how happy it made me and was really supportive, never making me feel bad about going. That was his one-on-one time with our son.

    Honestly working out would be really difficult for me if my husband weren't able to stay home or take care of the baby while I did it.

    I lost 82 lbs between my "settled" postpartum weight and getting pregnant a second time (I'm still pregnant, just hanging out here for preparation purposes). Keep in mind that food is going to control the large majority of your weight loss.
  • J3nnyV
    J3nnyV Posts: 114 Member
    I agree with what has been posted about walking, home exercise DVDs, and using baby as weight. I would love to get to the gym to lift weights, but my second baby is colicky and I'm accepting that for right now, I'm not able to work out like I used to.

    I try to get out for a walk at least once a day when I think babe will nap in the carrier. It means I can walk further/longer. You can do this!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    I have a 20 month old and a 12 week old. I rely on my hubby to help me out. I either get up in the morning and go for a jog, do a workout indoors during naptime (if I'm lucky enough to get the both down at the same time), or I have my hubby watch the boys when he gets home from work so I can go for a jog. Sometimes if the weather permits we do family activities outside at night time and on the weekend.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Nap time = mommy freedom.

    Put the little one in a stroller or carrier and get walking, or throw in a DVD. Get someone to watch the baby while you get a quick workout in. Do it for your health and your sanity. You have to make time for it, or it won't happen. You also deserve that time for yourself.

    You can do it, mama! :flowerforyou:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Btw I don't know about anyone else but my LO tends to pass out in the stroller so it's a pretty stress free outing in case you were worried about that.
  • ajbemine4ever27
    ajbemine4ever27 Posts: 75 Member
    nap time i do my video exercises and love walking while carrying him, more calories will be burned:happy:
  • sunkiss347
    sunkiss347 Posts: 10 Member
    I will try to see what I can work in. She is 4 months old and I am back at work. I am home by 6 and spend what time I have with her. It is hard for me to leave her so tjat is an adjustable in itself. Weekend my husband will watch her and I can go to the gym but the week I can't seem to find my mojo.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I have an 8 week old and have been hitting the gym 3x per week since my doctor cleared me to workout on top of being a SAHM until May. You CAN find the time, but you have to want to workout badly. Time seems to be a precious commodity these days. Try to get some help with babysitting on a regular schedule and just go DO IT. No excuses.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Everyone is so right! You have to have the motivation to get out there and do it! My LO is 3.5 months but when I was cleared for working out at 5 weeks, just the thought was exhausting! I started little, only doing 30 minutes per day but as soon as he turned 2 months I bumped it up to an hour. Taking a walk/jog with the stroller is a win-win for me, my son loves it, we get fresh air, and I get exercise!
  • kenlwal
    kenlwal Posts: 13
    It is hard to find the time and I know how you feel about wanting to spend all the time with LO after work. Do you get an hour long lunch break? I workout everyday at lunch. I change at the office and head across town to my gym. I get in a good hard 30 minute workout, change back into my work clothes and have a protein shake at my desk when I get back. Yeah, I'm sweaty and disgusting looking the rest of the day but I think its worth it. Plus, it's nice to get out of the office for awhile and work out some stress :) I agree with everyone else though about taking LO with you walking, jogging, ect. I even try to get some abs workouts in while playing in the floor with LO. Leg lifts, crunches, sit ups,ect. Every little bit helps. Congrats on your LO and good luck with your weight loss. You can do it!!!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I rely on my hubby a lot since I am working full time I have very little time in the day to workout so usually after dinner is finished hubby takes over and I can get the workout in then. On weekends I try to take advantage of naps or my older child will sit with her. Now that it is starting to get a little warmer I am going to take my jogging stroller for a spin. For me its all about time management and there are some days where I do not get a workout in and I am ok with that, but I shoot for at least 4x a week if not more.
  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    I need to shake it. I need to fit in some type of exercise on a daily basis.......can I kick my own butt??? I don't know how mothers with babies ever exercise.....

    it is hard. i have the same issue. sometimes i feel like it and sometimes i don't. i am finding it hard to stay focused on working out.