Why does everyone scatter at 'Spring Cleaning'? 3/26

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Okay todays challenge comes from something I read in a blog. Now we all know last Wednesday was the first of spring. So, folks have already started prunning their gardens, garages will be cleaned with sales, and homes will be scrubbed from top to bottom!
HOWEVER, what about your pantry and refrigerator and workout room? What foods are still holding you back and you have not pitched it yet from cabinent?!?! What temptation lurks in the refrigerator? Spring is about starting fresh! Fill the cabinents with fresh and power filled foods that will make you a warrior ready for battle not a sloth ready for bed!

What about your workout room that needs to be refreshed? (yes clean it but bc germs lurk everywhere but not the issue)
Do you need to buy some heavier weights? Buy new videos? Get rid of what you have not used or use it and see if it benefits you anymore. If not give away! Is a machine broken? Well, see if it can be fixed! If not then send it to bulk trash. It is taking up precious space in your home! Get new music...helps you move! Make your workout room pleasant...give a paint job. Nice posters of atheltes!

Guys it is time we rejuvenate our homes and our workout routine! Spring clean it. Keep and clean up what is useful and get rid of what is taking up space and holding you back!



  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I have a big family, nothing to clean out in fridge or pantry but I did restock the vegetables. My fitness room stay s fairly clean. The other stuff is on the itinerary but will have to wait for the funds.

    Michigan is not showing very many signs of spring. Come soon please!
  • tessavonhagen
    tessavonhagen Posts: 108 Member
    just did that with my workout stuff need to with my pantry though.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Cleaned out my cabinets a few weeks ago.....remember when you do this don't just throw out the bad for you stuff, CHECK YOUR EXPIRATION DATES I do not want to hear about any of you getting botulism!!!!
    I still need to scrub down my fridge, though.
    Started the self process, have been to foot/ankle doc today, know where that is going and what I can do, have appt with RD tomorrow to work on the food and have some great supportive friends here on MFP that are cheering me on (and one standing on my path holding the flashlight so I can start finding my way back to the path)
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I was just thinking about how I need to clean out my shelf of the pantry and fridge. There are definitely some things in there that I do not need to have around to tempt me! Thanks for the reminder. :)
  • dawnhart77
    dawnhart77 Posts: 52 Member
    So weird but an addition. I cleaned out my work out clothes. After wearing the sames ones aLLLLL winter long, it's nice to find some newer (smaller) ones in some bright colors. It also helped motivate me to try some new classes (well, I will next week when the doc approves me to start working out again).

    It's great to start thinking about spring cleaning both nutrition and workouts. Spring is here and we manage to do it for our houses, why not ourselves as well!!

    Great topic WW!!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    So weird but an addition. I cleaned out my work out clothes. After wearing the sames ones aLLLLL winter long, it's nice to find some newer (smaller) ones in some bright colors. It also helped motivate me to try some new classes (well, I will next week when the doc approves me to start working out again).

    Oh yeah! That was so great and true! When you look good in workout clothes and they look great it brings renewed energy! Great post my friend!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I cleaned my cabinets and it let me know what I need to get!

    I post some of these ideas past couple weeks so we can start thinking of new fresh ways to get excited about our workout! Our eating habits....
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    So weird but an addition. I cleaned out my work out clothes. After wearing the sames ones aLLLLL winter long, it's nice to find some newer (smaller) ones in some bright colors. It also helped motivate me to try some new classes (well, I will next week when the doc approves me to start working out again).

    It's great to start thinking about spring cleaning both nutrition and workouts. Spring is here and we manage to do it for our houses, why not ourselves as well!!

    Great topic WW!!

    I definitely need to do some spring cleaning in my closet! I think there's some clothes that can come out of hiding as well as some that can be put into it, hopefully forever! Haha
  • Erin959
    Erin959 Posts: 83 Member
    These days I don't really keep junk food in the house any more. I find it way too tempting to chow down when I'm bored. On my way home I ended up buying some strawberries, apples and grapes to take to work with me, as well as some low fat chocolate mousse to treat myself. I'm trying to take healthier snacks to work with me so I don't raid the vending machine at work.

    I also cleaned out some things out of the fridge to make a little more room, not that I really needed to lol.
  • jennialvarenga
    jennialvarenga Posts: 2 Member
    I just moved about a month ago, so my spring cleaning was pretty much done for me. I just stocked up again on fruits and veggies. Hardest thing is staying away from prepackaged kid friendly snacks that I usually eat most of! Hoping this long Wisconsin winter is coming to an end so I can get outside to exercise! I don't have an exercise room or anything like that, maybe once taxes come I'll start thinking about adding...until then it's X-box and workouts I can do on my own. Oh, and my good ole Tae-Bo dvd :)