Shoveling snow in march

bjswifty Posts: 5 Member
Should I really count shoveling snow as a cardiovascular exercise in the my fitness pal counter? Not sure how accurate it is, it's saying like over 200 cals burned for roughly 25 mins. Maybe I shouldn't count it so I won't be tempted to eat the difference? Lol, what do you guys do for things like that? I guess maybe I'm getting desperate to eat, or only cheating myself.


  • booksey
    booksey Posts: 11 Member
    Did you exert effort? Did you sweat? Did your heart rate accelerate? If so, then it was exercise. :)
  • bjswifty
    bjswifty Posts: 5 Member
    Haha yeah just feels like I'm cheating. Oh well I won't log it and pretend it never happened.
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    shoveling snow is an awesome calorie burn....
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Hmm...I was wondering how to get a little extra exercise in today, since I've decided not to drive all the way downtown for my training group run tonight. Snow shoveling it is!
  • npeery
    npeery Posts: 29 Member
    If I have to put up with this crap I'm definitely logging it as exercise
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Took me 80 minutes to clear my driveway and the street around my mailbox, and I worked up a good sweat. You bet I logged it! Cut the time by 20% when I entered it because I suspect MFP overestimates, but the rest is going towards some nice rewards.
  • jenellis77
    jenellis77 Posts: 13 Member
    If I have to put up with this crap I'm definitely logging it as exercise

    My thoughts exactly - I logged it! :)
  • desertcrafty
    desertcrafty Posts: 50 Member
    Weather guys call this "heart attack snow" careful everyone! :)

    Hopefully this is the last time for a few months.
  • Jillybean9501
    Jillybean9501 Posts: 2 Member
    So I counted it...and then ate for the difference..still finshed out at 200 calories below what I could have! Guess that's the positive side to snow in March! Everyone have a healthy and safe day!
  • aeverton
    aeverton Posts: 359
    I wore my hrm- burned 206 cals in 33 minutes!
