Working out with a foot injury. Ideas?

SallyJoT Posts: 29 Member
Good morning all!
Today is the first day of the challenge and I am ready to get myself back on track. About two weeks ago I sustained a foot injury ( I think a stress fracture according to Web MD) and I have successfully let the injury derail both my exercise AND nutrition. Why I let it affect my eating??? Who knows? Excuses... anyway, I am looking for ideas on cardio that I can do with minimal impact to my foot. Not sure what to do. I usually row but that won't be good right now. I will finally be heading to the doctor this afternoon but I am pretty sure they are going to say rest. Thoughts?

Thanks so much and best wishes on your journey!


  • landyardsale
    Perhaps swimming? It doesn't really get lower impact than that. Most pools where people train have these little devices called "pull buoys" which you stick between your legs just above your knees. They keep you from kicking and put the emphasis on the arm motions. That might be an option. Or maybe biking?
  • SallyJoT
    SallyJoT Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for the idea. My gym has a number of pieces of equipment in the pool. I will check it out. Thanks so much and best of luck in your journey!
  • fearlesskcl
    fearlesskcl Posts: 159 Member
    I have had plantar fasciitis (foot injury) for over a year now!! Foot injuries take forever to heel! When it was at its worse I had to stop all high impact sports that I love and switch to much more low impact things! As sad as it is to admit there is not much you can do apart from swim. Depending on if it aggravates your injury you could consider the elliptical machine! But I think the best approach will be to focus on eating well and doing whatever exercise is possible for you! Weight loss is about 70% what you eat anyways!! Good Luck!
  • SallyJoT
    SallyJoT Posts: 29 Member
    Good point about nutrition! Sadly I let the injury be an excuse for some terrible eating which truly makes no sense at all. Thanks so much for your input!!!