Week 4 of Combat

cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
This thread is for folks currently in Week 4 of Combat....


  • TexyFit
    TexyFit Posts: 2
    I'm in Week 4 of Combat. I've lost 9lbs as of my last weigh in last week. I'm following the Shakeology meal plan pretty close and getting some great success. Wish more were posting here :)
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Morning TexyFit..
    Yeah, the threads were hopping when we were all doing Combat Dec-Feb, But now everyone is either so wide spread on the weeks, on round two or on to a nother program. But, there are still some folks in here that will post.
    I'm still making the rounds to see how people are doing..
    Congrats on your weight loss. Combat is an outstanding program and I miss doing the routines. Did you get your before pics and measurements?
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I am finishing week 4 and haven't lost any weight, but can tell a difference.......think I need to down size my pants... I love the Combat series.
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Combat is an awesome program. I know a lady that didn't lose any weight during the entire 6o days, but her toning was outstanding. I actually did lose a lot of weight when I did it, but I still had to weight to lose also. Luckily, you are focusing on the results you can see and not just the numbers on the scale. Stick with it and I believe you will be happy with the results you get.