


  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    Smashed it! just shy of 4.6k in 28 minutes! though I'm going to ease up again on Friday, it was a hard slog at that pace!

    So it took you the same amount of time to do 4.6km as it did when you did 4.4km, awesomeeeee stuff

    yeah on Monday I was unsure of what pace I could manage for 28 minutes as it was snowing and high wind, but by the final 5 minutes I stepped it up and realised I could have pushed more.

    so today, less snow and less wind I knew I could push myself that little bit harder from the start, and I made it to the end but it was probably a slight push too far as I was exhausted!
  • twoboysnmygirl
    twoboysnmygirl Posts: 161 Member
    Love reading everyone's stories! Mine is long and I don't have time, but I may come back and fill it in. Or copy and paste it from my blog! If you don't mind clicking on a link, then I don't even have to copy it! LOL
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Love reading everyone's stories! Mine is long and I don't have time, but I may come back and fill it in. Or copy and paste it from my blog! If you don't mind clicking on a link, then I don't even have to copy it! LOL

    Briefly read your blog, you sure you haven't mixed up the 20s and 40s picture lol.
  • twoboysnmygirl
    twoboysnmygirl Posts: 161 Member
    Love reading everyone's stories! Mine is long and I don't have time, but I may come back and fill it in. Or copy and paste it from my blog! If you don't mind clicking on a link, then I don't even have to copy it! LOL

    Briefly read your blog, you sure you haven't mixed up the 20s and 40s picture lol.

    Nope! Hee! Thanks, I have gotten a lot of compliments on how I don't look 40, I thought everyone was just trying to make me feel better though! ;) I'm definitely FEELING better at 40 than I did at 20 and I certainly could not run when I was younger!
  • rayvynn5374
    rayvynn5374 Posts: 272 Member
    Hi all! I am Amy and live near Washington DC. Married with 2 teenage (1 is an adult and in USMC Basic training) boys and 2 Australian Cattle dogs. I started running in August of 2012 after getting motivated by my husband's running. I still cry every time he crosses a finish line. 6 years ago I didn't know if he was going to survive and to see him succeeding just makes me emotional. Anyways...back to me! I did my first 5k on 10/14/12 in 29 minutes. Second 5k was 10/28 and finished in 27:52. I am now training with my husband for a 1/2 on May 5. At this point I am getting nervous.
    Thanks for creating this group and hopefully you don't mind an intruder.
  • Dwoshea
    Dwoshea Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. I have never joined a group online before but I liked the stories everyone had posted about their running and weight loss efforts. My story is that I have always wanted to run and it has always eluded me! Last year in February, I was having coffee with two friends from work and one said she was doing the 5 k Race for Life. Myself and my other friend both said we would love to do that at the same time! Of course, there was no reason not to do it. We entered, trained in the gym on treadmills for a few months but then completed the race. I was amazed with myself. I did about 90% of it running. This year we begun a beginners running club at work with our gym manager leading it for us and I really enjoy it. Yesterday I did a cross country with the gym manager and a proper runner! I kept up and felt amazing afterwards! Today, it is bitterly cold, grey and wet underfoot. I did another cross country with my dog but it didn't feel so good today. I think I will try to get on the cross trainer tomorrow to make up for it. We are all booked on The race for life this June and I am enjoying the training. I feel so much fitter and if I could only crack the overeating, I think that I would be able to lose more weight. Ho hum!
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    "Denver-ite" here. I am just starting my run training. I have been doing the Couch to 5K. Does it get easier? On top of my run training i do about an hour toning with resistance bands and an hour kickboxing class. My legs and back are more sore from the running than from the band or KB.
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    I ran my first 5K at 240#s in 2007. I managed to put on an additonal 111#s after that, due to giving up on exercise and not eating well at all.

    September 2011, I began my 6 month wating period for gastric bypass surgery. I was barely able to walk 1/3 of the way around our block and was in tears because of lower back pain and embarrassment. It was heart wrenching, considering I ran this block so many times before while training for my previous 5K.

    Had my surgery on March 13,2012 and began the Couch 2 5K program on Memorial Day 2012. Got through every day of the program, sometimes just barely, but I did it! (Hubby did it along with me.)

    We ran in the Mayor's Cup 5K on August 19, 2012 and I also ran in the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day 2012.

    I run about 4 days a week. I'm not fast, but my endurance is through the roof compared to where I started. I've begun HIIT (High Impact Interval Training) once a week while running as well. I'm stuck inside on the treadmill while we await spring to really happen here in NW PA, but I really love to run outside.

    Thanks for reading if you got this far and I'm glad to be a part of the group!

    Also, I'd like to add that I sprained both knees and both ankles at different times during my teenage years and have ZERO problems when running, so no excuses!!! :happy:
  • trees525
    trees525 Posts: 3
    well, i didnt know this was for runners, but i try at it. i am now 57, overweight by 100 lbs and tonight i am starting a zumba gold class. i have been struggling with my weight since menopause and it just gets worse. never was heavy till the 46 mark and it just creeped up. i can ride a bike 10+ miles and walk, but the weight wont come off. i decided to try this and some different exercise. i would LOVE to be able to run, i did it for a little while 10 yrs ago and loved it. now bad knees and feet, taking meds for that now so i can start to work out. i dont mean to sound like a sob story. i just am today starting this journey and i hope i find my nitch and can get some of this stupid weight off.
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    "Denver-ite" here. I am just starting my run training. I have been doing the Couch to 5K. Does it get easier? On top of my run training i do about an hour toning with resistance bands and an hour kickboxing class. My legs and back are more sore from the running than from the band or KB.

    I restarted couch to 5k several times before I stuck at it, it's a hard first 3 weeks, but at the end of the 4th week you are a million times more motivated and will want to see it through to the end!
  • twoboysnmygirl
    twoboysnmygirl Posts: 161 Member
    "Denver-ite" here. I am just starting my run training. I have been doing the Couch to 5K. Does it get easier? On top of my run training i do about an hour toning with resistance bands and an hour kickboxing class. My legs and back are more sore from the running than from the band or KB.

    YES! It gets easier! I remember the first time I did C25K, I thought I would DIE after just 60 seconds of running! The best thing you can do is SLOW DOWN.
  • trees525
    trees525 Posts: 3
    well just for info, i did the zumba gold class and i am hooked! was a lot of fun and i think this will really help with different exercises besides my bike.
  • MichelleADB
    MichelleADB Posts: 45 Member
    My name is Michelle and I live in the D.C. area too. I was very reluctant runner. I never had any desire to run until my husband started taking up running marathons and my kids started getting involved in the kid's races. It didn't take long before the kids were wanting to run longer distances. Two of the kids even branched out into triathlons. We couldn't seem to plan a vacation without it revolving around a run. So, eventually I decided to join in instead of just sitting along the sidelines. So far, I've run several 5ks, 8ks and a couple of 10ks.

    I am training to run my first 1/2. I would like to get it in before I turn 40 in September. I just have to get up the courage to sign up for a race. I follow the run/walk method but hope to one day be able to run the complete distance.
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    Hi everyone! I started running back in July I guess. I have birth as a surrogate for a friend in May of 2012 and decided that I wanted to get back into shape. So, I started a boot camp as soon as the doctor cleared me. It was HARD, but I managed to keep up as best as I could and it motivated me to do more. So, I signed up for my first 5K in Sept 2012 and ran the whole thing. I've done a few other 5Ks, but not more than that. I recently came across a race that sounded fun, but the 5K and 10K distance options were already sold out. So, I either had to sign up for the 15K or wait until next year (race is 5/18). So, I set it as a goal and signed up! I love having it as a goal now and my motivation is high. I'm not very fast or anything, but love the way I feel after I run especially after I run farther than I have before. My next race is a 5K mud run on 4/13 and then the 15K after that in May almost exactly a year after I gave birth to my surrokid :-)
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    My story is in my profile and I'm too lazy to type it here. I wrote that about a year ago. My profile pic is race photos from last year and this year. I'm still slow as molasses, but getting a teensy bit faster with time.
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! I joined MFP at the first of the year to keep me honest in my eating habits after a bit of holiday over-indulgence got the best of me :-) (Have to say, I love the site and the holiday weight is gone.) I lost 50+ lbs nearly 12 years ago and took up running in 2009 after a year or so of boot camp-type classes. After the timed one mile runs of that boot camp, I started to realize that maybe I actually could run. For some reason, I jumped right in and signed up for a half having never run a race before in my life - and I've been hooked ever since. Fast forward to today, and I've done countless 5k's, halfs, and am currently training for my 6th marathon. I'm not the speediest of people - that's something I've been focusing on as of late, but I do my best and each time I race, my time is a little faster than the time before.
    I've made so many friends running, and I have to say that it's been a huge part of how I've kept the weight off over the years. I love talking to people who are just starting out - I remember my first 5k (34 minutes) and I love talking to people who are training for their first races.
    To the triathletes out there - more power to you. I've always wanted to do one, but need to get over an intense fear of drowning :smile:

    I am a new runner... trianing for my first 5k... I just want to finish thats really the goal for me... I dont really care how long it takes... but i want to run the whole thing... I am using c25K and working my way up... made a point to run everyday this week even if was only for a 20 min run/walk session. I have lost 4# this week... i cant believe it.. I think I will stick to this running thing :wink:
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    well just for info, i did the zumba gold class and i am hooked! was a lot of fun and i think this will really help with different exercises besides my bike.
    Awesome!!! My mother just started a Zumba class at her Gym.. and she too LOVES it. I really want to try a class with her.. just havent been able to work out the scheduling. Keep it up!!! I'm proud of you!!!!
  • roverdisc98
    roverdisc98 Posts: 78 Member

    I've ran my whole life, cross country in HS, could run a sub 18 5K. Offered to run in college but I chose to party instead. Now I run because I enjoy it, but use the excuse "to stay healthy"

    Now I run a 23 minute 5K with a goal of sub 21 just because I'm still competetive, lol!

    My 2013 goal is to run at least 2 miles every single day. Not sure why, just thought it'd be cool to tell my little girl "in 2013 I ran every single day". I'm on day 93 so far
  • bryionak
    bryionak Posts: 110 Member
    Over 40, Fredericksburg, VA area

    Been pretty sedentary with a few fits and stops trying to get on the wagon of being healthy again. Got a goal to lose 40 lbs this year.

    Just into my 5th week of trying to get healthy. Been doing a modified P90X plan and have Week 3 Day 1 of C25K tonight. Have used knee pain as an excuse for a long time, but my knee is feeling better than it has in a long time.

    not signed up for any race yet, but want to do a 5k before too long. My sister in law wants me to join her for a 1/2 next spring. My goal is to do the Tower of Terror 10 miler in Oct 2014.
  • mjculbertson4512
    mjculbertson4512 Posts: 157 Member
    Reporting in from Bellevue, NE here. Used to walk bunches when our girls were small. Got way off track.

    Last September, a dear collegue wanted 50 of us to do the Omaha Corporate Cup with him one last time before his retirement. There is a 10K and a Two Mile option. I registered for the two. Did not prep. Walked, made it thru, 43 minutes. Yikes! Encouraged, started walking at home and did a 5K at the end of October in 58 minutes. I gave into stress at work and drifted thru Christmas. Got hubby to walk with me during halftime on New Years Day. Started walking a couple of times a week. Joined MFP in January too.

    Looked for a way to challenge myself walking. The Omaha Running Club has a couple of winter activities. I participated in a two mile to keep myself challenged. I did the last one 3/16 in 32:27. I was the only walker with a pack of runners. I even had a bald eagle following me!

    I am registered for several 5K in April and the Berkshire Inagural 5K in May.