Hello... & Anyone here hoping to lose 100+ pounds?



  • hikezilla
    hikezilla Posts: 174 Member
    I just need to lose a half pound....200 times.

    100 lbs is just over 4 ounces a day for a year.

    Mamma always said, when you eat an elephant, you have to eat it one bite at a time.

    It sounds so easy...why is it so hard?
  • hikezilla
    hikezilla Posts: 174 Member
    fallbrawl...you have the right idea...break it down into smaller tasks...we all have to have some positive results to keep us motivated. Some days my singular goal is to simply not eat any cookies. Steady progress.

    Best of luck to you!
  • queenvenus71
    queenvenus71 Posts: 10 Member
    Good morning and congratulations to all for beginning a healthy journey. I know I want to lose at least 80lbs - 100 lbs but I am taking it in 40lb increments. I don't want to lose too much because I have a big head and am not trying to become a real life bobble head doll! I've been there before, not a cute look for me. Lol So, I am eating soooooo much more healthy than I've ever eaten in life and working out regularly and consistantly. this group is an inspiration and I thank you all!
  • booksey
    booksey Posts: 11 Member
    I'm looking to lose 130+...good luck to us all :-)
  • justagrrl898
    I am looking to lose Ideally 125 lbs. Gonna be a journey. I lost 80+ lbs a year and a half ago.....so I know its possible. Just need to keep it off this time. gonna be hard but at least we have each other!
  • Shari_A_Turpen
    I have to lose about 180 pounds. That sounds like an enormous task, but eventually I will get there.
  • wailingsage
    My goal is to lose 123 lbs. I have already lost almost 75 lbs over the past few years, eating healthy and exercising. I got married 13 years ago and gained about 100lbs. I have since divorced and found that I eat healthier on my own. I have always been overwieght my entire life. Like some of the others, I am trying to set small goals to achieve. My best friend and his boyfriend are getting married in May and I'm standing up with him, so I would like to lose 30 lbs by then. Then another best friend's daughter is getting married in Florida on the beach in July and I would like to lose another 20 by then. Wish me luck!!
  • elizashopsalot
    elizashopsalot Posts: 5 Member
    I'm looking for MFP friends to support my 100+ journey as well. 12 down... 138 more to go (according to my doctor). But I'd be happy with another 90 or so. My son just turned one and I want to keep up with him!
  • branditurner13
    branditurner13 Posts: 6 Member
    I am trying to lose 80-100 lbs. I have lost about 10 so far. I think once I hit 80lbs lost I will probably want to keep going but it's just going to depend on how I look and feel. I definitely don't want to be stick skinny but it would be nice to not have to buy the biggest size available at stores that I like :)
    Most of all I am really just trying to change the way I eat and not worry so much about how much I weigh.
    What is everyone doing to lose the weight? I have a hard time finding time in my day to exercise. So Im only eating about 1200 calories a day. I have cut out soda, red meat, white carbs, and sweets. So far I'm doing good but I'm worried about slipping back into old habits.
  • adevonw
    adevonw Posts: 2
    Hi, I started at 315 lbs and am down to 205. That has taken me 3 years of exercise and calorie counting. It can definitely be done but it is a process and it helps if you give yourself some time and set small reasonable goals for yourself. I live Northeast but I work on the southeast side. (Emerson and Washington) I see some of us are around the same area. Maybe as the weather gets warmer we can meet up for walks and such. You can do it!
  • adevonw
    adevonw Posts: 2
    I cut out soda, red meat, and some processed food too. I run a daycare so I try to run after the kids as much as possible to stay active. If anyone has any diet tips or recipes they'd like to pass on I'd appreciate it.
  • dwntwnpengrl
    dwntwnpengrl Posts: 49 Member
    I've lost 13 and have 114 to go. My first goal is to get to below the "more than 100 to go" threshold. I'm working on small goals this time. Small goals, tracking my food and exercise, and MFP will help me make it work.
  • Cloverdoll
    Cloverdoll Posts: 27 Member
    Name is Sarah, new to this group... joined MFP at the first of the year at 300lbs, didn't use the website or anything until about a week ago. I sit at 294 right now and I'm looking to drop 160 at the most but my first goal is to drop 30lbs (roughly 10%).
  • lacysmith219
    I'm looking to lose about 90-110lbs (Depending on how I feel when I am in that range). I'm using my FitBit, with this website ... Also I'm working out 4-6 times a week at the YMCA in Hendricks Co as well as watching calories and carbs (I'm a diabetic) and working with Drs and what not...

    Hey, there is a program at the YMCA starting I think today called Compete to Lose... it's 14 weeks with a personal trainer and a group... like a local biggest loser with prizes and everything. Check it out with me?
  • tonyhunterajh918

    I am on a path to lose 115 lbs. I have lost a lot already, but I have a long way to go to reach my goal weight. I am Juice-Fasting for 60-days, and I am 17 days into it. I have been almost vegetarian for about a year, only eating occasional seafood and fish, but when the juice fast is done, I will be completely vegetarian. Yes, its hard, but it is so worth it. I want to live as long as I can, I am starting do what it takes to make that happen. Peace and blessings to you all. Stay strong and KNOW you can do it! :)

  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    Hello. I am on the Southside. I can literally see LA Fitness on 135 from my kitchen...lol. Guess I have no excuse?

    I am looking to lose about 100. I am not 100% sure where I am right now. I have a scale that should drop this week. This all kind of started because I got the flu, lost a ton of weight and my stomach shrunk. It seemed like a good time to take advantage of the the shrunk stomach and cut my calorie intake back.
  • Zepplipop
    Zepplipop Posts: 33
    Hi there!! I have 103 lbs total to lose altogether. My first goal is to get into the 100's, second getting to the "normal range" for my height and weight
  • Medallion02288
    Medallion02288 Posts: 6 Member
    I have 100+ pounds to loose!!! I weigh 264 and I live in the Southport area. I would love to come walk Garfield with you! I have a 12 year old who will be comming with me, too.
  • ninilynn70
    ninilynn70 Posts: 20 Member
    I am looking to lose about 185 pounds. About two and a half years ago I started a weight loss journey that led to a 50 pound loss. Unfortunately, I got ill, bed ridden, lazy and depressed and ended up putting back on the 50 plus 10 of their friends. My health is somewhat improved, I'm no longer bed ridden and am working on the rest! I joined MPF quite a while ago and didn't stick with it. I started back March 11 with a new attitude and am ready to make the changes needed to be healthy. I live on the near east side and work out at Gold's on East Washington.
  • Hippieissmiling
    Hi! My initial goal was to lose 120lbs. I started at 275 and am down to 228 so far and feel amazing!! I have been using the 90 Day Challenge with Body By Vi and it has given me the energy to start working out now. I never liked exercise before, but now I'm in the gym 4-5 days a week!!! Building muscle has slowed the actual numbers on the scale, but my body is getting definition that I have never seen before and I LOVE it :) Any other challengers on here?